The 2nd Passage of Evolution is the process of establishing our capacity for intimacy, and awakening our sense of autonomy. This is simply part of being able to do things ourselves, but with the guide of our caretakers.
It is resonant to the Higher Moving Center- to our ability to move in unison.
In Biological terms, this is marked by CHILDHOOD.
The Hormonal Wash we undergo here helps emphasize our sense of Balance & Body-Structure, as well as create stability in our Self-acceptance, Self-exploration and Recognition of Social Roles & Structures.
Here our value systems and sense of self grow- and we discover through our Caregivers and Environment what we can and cannot do; all while we explore our body’s Sex, Gender & Sexual Orientation and learn to live in harmony with the people around us.
We develop and live according to our Public Persona now- by the laws/expectations of how others see us.
This is also the first time we stop acting like those who raised us.
So around Age 3 we choose our Centering- by playing with how we want to take in the world.
And around Age 7, we choose our Part of Centering, developing habits and interests to express what's going on inside of us. We then begin our Blooming of Personality, by starting to manifest our basic personality traits and letting the first of those set the stage for how we want to experience our life.
(If our Attitude develops first, life might become more intellectual and philosophical. If our Mode develops first, life may emphasize themes of relationships and intimacy. If our Goal develops first, life can be focused on gaining experiences for the point of that goal.)
(These stages can move from -Pole to -Pole, or -Pole to +Pole.
If one stage is stuck in its -Pole, all taken on after it will default to the -Pole as well: but once that stage moves into its +Pole, the next stage can now move into its +Pole.)
This Passage is kick-started by a sense of -Division from others as we realize we can walk on our own two feet in life & feel surprisingly different or separate as a result. So eventually we come to +Differentiate ourselves from our caretakers as an independently mobile self-governing person/mind.
We move into -Agitation and frustrations about our differences from others- until we shift into a sense of calm, peace and balance by +Observing how the differences in others around us help us understand ourselves.
Now we -Mimic others in authority to entertain ourselves, do things right, figure things out and secure our sense of safety or place in the world. So we come to learn new skills about social agreement, harmony, physical sensation and responsibility through +Consonance.
A wave of mindless/reckless -Activity arises in us to constantly "do do do"- until we see the purpose behind or the benefits created from this +Mobility.
We begin to -Provoke and obnoxiously annoy others, or feel continually provoked+angered by others behaviors- perhaps becoming discouraged from any sense of personal autonomy because of shame or guilt.
But this gradually lightens as we see how our -Curious impulses help us learn and discover more and more about how things work in the wondrous world.
-Demanding occurs. Because either we demand more answers from others and test/demonstrate our range of power, choice and understanding over everything- or others pressure & demand more of us, leading to bouts of shyness and hiding as our sense of self and personal rights/boundaries develops.
Eventually we shift into +Asking all the why's+wants instead, as we come into our own more confidently and harmoniously by understanding the necessity for mutual consent, discussion and operant conditioning.
The answers we get now help us feel more fulfilled and autonomous.
To successfully complete the 2nd Passage, we must move away from any unwarranted -Violence, force and needless destruction against ourselves or others- becoming aware of the value +Coordination has in social and intimate affairs.
As we explore creating a sense of Autonomy & Harmony, we can easily develop states of -Co-Dependency with those who raised us, or strong attachments to authority figures.
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We’re Unable to do anything on our own, or move in any kind of harmony with others.
We can become extremely Entitled, Demanding, Rebellious or Violent, especially in Adolescence.
We begin to feel Sexually Conflicted, and may have sex just to have it or for attention or acceptance; without concern for consent or boundaries.
And we may develop various co-dependent disorders like Autism, and feel debilitated or defined by the Autonomy Issues these can give us.
When this carries further into our Adolescence and Adulthood, this often shows as lingering intimacy issues, bowel problems, a complete lack of social skills and a strong preoccupation with remaining under someone giving parental care.
In extreme cases, psychopathy, sociopathy and psychological disorders of childishness can even develop.
A complete 2nd Passage is marked by an inner +Confidence and willingness to try anything at all that’s unfamiliar, slightly interesting or known to be good for us even if we don't want to do it.
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So upon Adolescence we are able to move harmoniously through Healthy Exchanges, Dating, Consensual Sex, Intimacy and Affection. And we finally consider our caretakers (and everyone else) as people- rather than resources or reasons for who or how we are.
Once this is secured, we are officially "between passages" and can sustain healthy interactions with ourselves and others- while being a part of our society with this mark of confidence.
Even when this Passage is completed however, many do return to its challenges to learn the greatest lesson it gives- returning an understanding that we are responsible for our choices but aren't alone in making them.