For individuals+civilizations in the Order Awareness, people now come together to seek experiences as a group- so
life is all about creating structure, civilization, authority and order.
This perspective says: "There is us and them."
This is because we now see life as a divide between "me and other me's that work and think alike" and "not me's that work and think unlike me/us." The dichotomy here then turns into a matter of Right and Wrong- as we learn about the dynamics of IMPRINTING through Collective Consensus.
In a way, life is navigated through Balance- a kind of tight-rope walking where you move from+through chaotic extremes, to return back to a sense of regulated structure in all aspects of life.
Considering this then, the Order Awareness sees diet in terms of how it nurtures feelings that are Acceptable and
Familiar- offering comforting comparisons that secure links between your present and past.
Anything of "Spirit" tends to be seen as omens, voices and authoritative instructional guides+gods that supersede individual choice. Thus organized teachings, religions and spirituality will often form in support of these perceptions as well- as a shared order of philosophical awareness for all.
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This Awareness tends to be built around+shaped by your Attitude(Perspectives/Philosophies)- seeking like-mindedness and absolutes that are then supported or challenged by your Mode(Relationships), played out through your Goal(Ambitions/Pursuits), and processed or corrected by changes in your Body Type(Behaviors/Health).
In -Rejection, whatever opposes/threatens your security and confidence in what's acceptable and familiar is excluded, removed, fought against or civilized in any way possible- sometimes even through violence/dominance.
You will never question what's been handed down to you from an authority you trust by default- and will defend and enforce all of your inherited standards and beliefs blindly.
So considering this, you live+eat only to Defend your Traditions.
On a collective level, this shows as "shoring up" confidence by entrenching in & reinforcing -Conformity, rigid morality and dogma when faced with any threat to your central authority or cultural way of life.
A shift into +Reflection means every extreme of experience, or fall from your stability is an opportunity to recollect and process your range of confidence, and sense of self.
This reflection helps you build more confidence then- because you learn when/how to rely on yourself & when/how to rely on others, as a way to move forward into the future with greater structure and self-assurance.
So you always find ways to contribute to your society, institution or family unit knowing who you are- and thus live+eat in ways that greatly Honor your Nostalgia.
On a collective level, this shows as a feeling of shared fulfillment in establishing a sense of +Organization, order and purpose in working as one, often under the guide of a central authority. Everything is working smoothly, and if it isn't the group knows how to acculturate & bring it into that state.
Building upon the paradigm of Survival, Freedom and Securing- this is a time for aiming to CIVILIZE, and contribute to your society/tradition as a person who knows and fulfills your role.
Familiarity suddenly becomes vital and important.
A world in this awareness is much simpler then, as there is a generally accepted way of life or structured mindset
and morality to follow- and an emphasis upon one's position as an empathetic/obedient citizen, empowering authority or an abuser of power.
Now all sorts of socioeconomic structures are created; ranging from cities, villages, community, family, schooling, libraries, trading and production- to law, justice, ritual, festival, art, hygiene, formal language etc.
Depending on collective choices, the Order Awareness will tend to implement Dictatorships where there is a clear, common authority to follow. Or it will create a smooth system of Socialism, where everyone works together because there is an order/tradition to uphold.
This Awareness is also quite comfortable in systems of Capitalism implemented by the Individuality Awareness, whom they will rely on for structures of safety+order. In fact, they'll align with the order of whatever society/awareness is the norm/the way, and deviate from anything unaccepted.
In an Economy based on Normalcy & Refined Social Order, all resources tend to be looked at in terms of how they can civilize, build confidence and feel familiar- and all people tend to be identified by their social roles & positions, as cogs working to smooth the machine of society.
This awareness builds empathy mostly through operant conditioning and in-built trust in an authority guiding you to see others clearer- and love is a matter of knowing your actions led you to specific people, events and parts of self whom you find you share alliances & similarities with, or you exclude for not being equal.
The 7 Levels of the Order Awareness help describe how you learn to DO to BUILD STRUCTURE.
Which includes how you funnel+refine your CHAOTIC COMPULSIONS into fulfilling an ORDERLY ROLE that will serve, build, guard, study, teach, preach and/or rule.
Level 1- Awakening to Structure
A glimpse for the necessity of CIVILITY occurs as you explore the -Simplicity of social structures, realizing their +Purpose and contribution. But you're still focused on tending to & smoothing out any issues affecting your survival, and this glimpse remains a passive observation at most.
On Collective levels, the species and its peoples begin to see themselves as belonging to a family unit or group that can help bring LONGER-TERM stability and security than before.
Level 2- Comparing Structure
As your urge for living in order grows, you feel drawn to ADHERE TO the safety of civil rules, while also needing to -Balance this urge with your more instinctive needs to survive, explore and be free.
A sense of +Stability is established when you reconcile these extremes & see how society can help you do both.
On Collective levels, the species/group having lived through many extremes, now desires to live in world with a heightened sense of structure and order. Self-restraint, control, compliance and concessions are emphasized here to bring balance, as life returns to chaos if people cater to their shorter-term impulses.
The Orderly desire to discipline+structure the Survivors that live in chaotic freedom- and this offers a chance for the Orderly to develop PATIENCE & REFINEMENT in NURTURING, and the Survival to receive that care.
Level 3- Introspection of Structure
Now you know inside that order must be kept, built and created- but feel challenged in actively implementing your VALUES outside, and having them express your conscience better. So you confront a necessity to be
-Versatile- feeling scattered in your efforts to civilize and be civilized.
+Enterprise develops when you feel confident in how your inner desires are realized in the outside world, and your behaviors come to accurately+consistently match your beliefs.
On collective levels, the species/group begins to practice what it has understood is orderly.
Here is where CIVILIZATION is built, resources are allocated, and laws+rules are implemented to see how well they keep all in healthy check. Everything has its place and can be put in its place. The world is ordered in accordance to orderly beliefs.
Level 4- Absolute Expression of Structure
At this stage, you are a fully-functioning member of SOCIETY, working to -Achieve what has been handed down to you from authority & obligation- while blindly defending and enforcing the traditions you stand by to preserve what is good and right against what is bad and evil.
As you gain experience and lessons in achieving over your life, you come to feel you can be your ROLE in the social construct and live by it confidently- fully expressing your place in +Consolidation.
On Collective levels, all individuals involved fully identify with the lifestyle, habits, lessons and challenges of the ORDERLY ECONOMY.
Level 5- Stretching Structure
Now is when you STRETCH the limits and boundaries of your social role, or that of others- to encourage all to become BETTER at and more confident in what they believe they do best.
At first this is done in repulsive, frustrating and pushy ways that ignite -Adventures for your body, heart and mind to endure- as well as cause others to react to these changes in such ways.
But eventually, this transforms into an exciting chance to evolve and +Expand your strengths so you can continually increase your effectiveness, contribution, confidence and lawfulness.
On Collective levels, the species/group begins creating societal structures differently than their elders, and the urge to expand their proclivities beyond what's always been tried+true grows.
This expansion can cause FRICTION with other groups and nations, which can result in oppression, slavery and warring- or social revitalization, change and evolution on all levels.
Level 6- Structural Resolution of Karma
With all this expansion deterring the status quo, confidence and balance start to wane again.
Suddenly, your sense of Spirit & Effectiveness is questioned as you assess how you've AFFECTED, IMPACTED and CONTRIBUTED TO your social order (in good/right or bad/wrong ways) and how you're being unfairly rewarded or punished for that.
The issues explored and processed here relate most to any form of SPIRITUAL DEATH/SUFFERING.
Which would include resolving where you feel overwhelmed by the demands of life, are unable to comprehend beyond your own wants/needs, or extremely displace your identity for the sake of compromise/order.
And this would play out especially through addictions, tunnel-vision and any willingness in you to murder, enslave or oppress to create a false sense of security.
This prompts you then, to explore any times you+others suffer or offer kindness through your actions, musings and philosophies- to uncover and create a sense of +Harmony from these -Connections.
On Collective levels, the species/group returns awareness to its Karmic Choices. So any intense, imbalanced and interfering situations are consciously examined by people as they learn how they affect each other, and how they negatively or positively create their society through their civility.
The messy work of HARMONIZING & HEALING paths and intentions for the sake of creating greater order, or splitting off into greater chaos+disorder then ensues.
In recorded history, this is the oldest stage documented- as represented by numerous Social Contracts between nations aiming to promote civilized ways of resolving conflict. The need for Harmonic Order/Structure arises as Systematic Law & Absolutism reign.
This time reaches far back to the Agricultural Revolutions of 10 000 BC, Establishment of Hunter-Gatherer Settlements, Ancient Sumer+Mesopotamia (which focused on commerce, law and agriculture) and Ancient Egypt (which focused on advanced communications & extra-terrestrial affairs).
It continues through the Bronze Age of Indo-Iranian Migrations that brought new inventions in writing, organization, megalithic architecture, fashion, military, diplomacy and trade. As well as the "Iron Age" that brought a rise of literature, philosophies of social structure, and the Chinese Spring and Autumn Period.
It culminated with Buddha's teaching of Non-attachment that founded Buddhism & Jainism.
Level 7- Exemplifiying Structure
As you wrap up your focus on Social Order, you learn how you can be a GUIDE/AUTHORITY for yourself+others by truly teaching and instilling the benefits of courtesy, order and civility.
At first, this is done -Eclectically; because you constantly change what doctrines you use to be civil or civilize others- and the things you rely on for comfort, convenience and structure always change too. So nothing seems to be a constant, universally applicable method to "do right" that you can adhere by.
But as you grow, this knowing and teaching comes from a place of +Inculcated WISDOM and a sense of wholeness through understanding what you've truly seen again+again to be civil & orderly, and what civility & order actually mean for each part of you or person you encounter.
On collective levels, the species/group learns how to truly master and understand all elements involved in their creation of order and structure. Particularly the RESPONSIBILITY involved in developing CONFIDENCE, and the need to remember what that means+looks like for each person.
In recorded history, this stage began around 400 BC- as headed by the "Classical Period" that brought Alexander's Conquests of Persia, and Ancient Greece's Golden Age of art, education, philosophy & society.
It also included the Warring States Period in China where rebellions ensued, Han Dynasty's resulting Golden Age and the rise of Confucianism & Daoism.