Innovators resonate to the Restricted Expression axis and the Colour Orange.
Orange is the creative impulse in us all that seeks to bring the forms of our imagination to life.
Lying on the Restricted Expression axis we have: the Higher Moving Center, Skepticism, Discrimination, Caution, Mercurial Body Type, Passage of Autonomy, Order Awareness and Self-Destruction.
When these traits are brought together, you have an energy that sifts through and rearranges numerous ideas to create a sense of greater STRUCTURE and BEAUTY.
The Core Values of Innovators are Creativity, Expression, Innocence, Depth, Intimacy, Sensuality and being a living example of Uniqueness.
This means they hold Nobility in CREATIVITY or Solvency.
Innovators carry the Power of Specialty- of excelling in a field, skill or talent.
When this is dependent upon/extracted from others, it shows as -Eccentricity- as you emphasize what trait sets you apart from others, or makes you special- or you become dependent upon anything that gives you a sense of specialness because you feel unspecialized.
While when generated from within, you exemplify the +Distinguished refinement of a particular skill, talent or field that matters to you.