Your Higher Emotional Center is your access to Universal, Ultimate Love. Many access Love biologically through the pure Pleasure gained from them/others giving them Permission to BE.
Anything that experiences time has a higher emotion, as time allows us all to include, process and integrate countless experiences into the flow of our life- but anything that dreams, envisions and can see beyond the self & moment has a well-developed use of this energy.
The -Pole here is best described as Intuition, while the +Pole is simply Unconditional Love.
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When your Moving, Emotional & Intellectual Centers are in negative health, your access to Higher Emotion becomes muddled by feelings of FRAGMENTATION, division, separation, rejection, confusion & rigid conditions that restrict and distort what/how love is.
So life and love are not lived in wholeness- but split into parts & pieces that leave you feeling lonely, empty, lost and profoundly unsafe in the fabric of the universe; because of the frustrations, sentiments and reasons you hold onto that keep you locked in this state.
When these Centers move into their +Poles though, you start drawing together all of the data your physical and psychic senses bring you to inform your thoughts, feelings and actions of how to support your aim for higher inspiration, inclusion and vision.
Thus you allow all parts of life (even the most ugly, messy, shameful and guilty parts you resist, shame, reject or fear) to come into being & reveal themselves, and then work to synthesize them into a bigger picture understanding.
This means you use your -Intuition to navigate through all the discordant, divided, contradicting, threatening, confusing, chaotic and separate pieces that make up your self, life, events and relationships- to grasp the entire wholeness those parts make up & allow everything to just exist as a part of the whole.
Intuition is only - because it must practice giving yourself & everyone else the space+time to process all these chaotic variables- but it is never harmful or destructive like other -Poles.
So you use Sensitivity as a way to see all of the parts & remedy/remove any symptoms of discomfort they show by treating them- as well as draw from Sympathy to put yourself in the position of feeling for & including others, even without fully relating to them.
But once that effort to love more occurs, the result becomes a path to profoundly inclusive, +Unconditional Love
that both understands all the parts of the whole & allows room for more.
You then use Compassion to acknowledge any underlying suffering/struggle that symptoms reveal, and accept that will remain until the cause of that is alleviated/healed- while building upon sympathy by deeply resonating with & understanding others as equals from a place of full-blown connection and Empathy.
This path to love could come through many things, such as:
Bhakti (emotional devotionalism). Freeing your sense of Inspiration/Meaning by healing wounds. Biological Sensations of Pleasure. Sustaining Eye Contact with other beings to reveal a depth & essence in them & between you both that goes beyond words.
Giving, receiving and sharing Affection. Embracing the Unapologetic Validity of your and every other being's innocent existence. Developing a state of Total Agape for all.
Ultimately, Love can only be accessed when the Emotional Center is living from +Perception, and you're allowing yourself to feel a spectrum of emotions that cycle, shift and change over time. To the extent that you are happy with the state of your life shows your capacity to see and share love in any moment.
There are 7 Rings of Love, with each encompassing & building upon the last:
NURTURING- sustaining love for you/others/events, despite all blocks to that: this is an unquestioned duty & obligation to care for things even if they're unwanted. ALLIANCE- building love for you/others/events by adjusting to find some form of similarity/equality- even if false or forced.
RECIPROCITY- receiving love and gifts from you/others/events, in ways that help you know you share a strong
connection/strength- whether that's an attractive or repulsive bond.
APPRECIATION- reflecting love for all people/parts/things that are different, foreign, unfamiliar and alien to you- by associating with+learning from them & forgiving or permitting their diversity as acceptable.
COMPREHENSION- seeing the truth that all parts in you/others/events play a part in the larger scheme- and allowing them to be present without needing to change or fully understand them.
ALTRUISM- locating unconditional love, empathy and compassion for the unique experience & understanding
every person/thing in life has. AGAPE- the context of complete acceptance, peace and love reached when you realize all of life is created by or allowed by you & everything is perfect in its own way.
Each Center resonates with a different form of MUSIC.
In this case, we can access our Higher Emotional Center by listening to/creating HEALING music- where certain tones help us REMEMBER and RECOVER our HURTS, WOUNDS & PLEASURES.
We can also access it through LOVING VIBRATIONS that remind us of & align us with a greater sense of AFFECTION, INCLUSION, EQUIVALENCE, WHOLENESS and ALL-ONENESS.
This process manages and monitors your capacity to bring total love and affection into something you can feel in your body- so it's all about experiencing PLEASURE.
Being fully aware of how much you love your physical existence and everything in it, is a concept that this combo enjoys exploring and feeling deep down in your bones.
This process manages and monitors your capacity to totally love your and others wholeness.
It is about aligning your emotions with a vision of greater connectedness, and allowing, trusting and nurturing a path to love that includes all parts of you, others, life etc. within that vision.
Thus it could be said to be where you evolve your AFFINITY for all life forms, cycles and creatures- showing you your similarity to, curiosity about and kindredness with anyone & everyone else.
This process manages and monitors your capacity to bring total love+affection into your thoughts and expressions.
So it's about analyzing, expressing and inviting profound waves of GRATITUDE.
This process navigates life based on TRANS-PERSONAL experiences.
This would include any memories built around seeing how others see, feeling what others feel, exploring higher planes/states of consciousness and unity with others etc.
It's about transcending your ego to see the essence and innocence of every moment, person and thing.
This combo keenly perceives all the patterns in life, and how they line up in tandem.
So it's all about evolving your capacity to see TOTAL SYNCHRONICITY; which is any remarkable coincidence that has no causal link to what's happening now that would indicate why it occurred, but reminds you of your interconnectedness throughout the universe.
This is where we literally weave together our experiences with others and form mosaics and tapestries that span and transcend time and space- bringing all into harmony.
This combo is quite simply about experiencing TOTAL LOVE.
It's our path toward uniting with everyone+everything else in the universe as we learn how to follow our intuition,
live and love unconditionally, and allow others the same opportunity.
So it's like a gravity that brings all souls together, closing every form of division and separation along the way- through an embrace of everything from the worst pains to the best pleasures as being a part of life.
This combo is about seeing the eternal and indestructible truth of love.
Thus this could be said to be your path to TOTAL TRANSCENDENCE- which is a knowing of being more than the sum of your parts, more than where/how/who you are in this moment, and that you're an inherently multidimensional fragment of consciousness amidst countless other conscious fragments in the universe.