Greed is a defense against Scarcity or Not Having Enough, because you're Worth More.
It is about feeling that your value, worth and contribution are not being reflected in what you have, get or take- and that you (or your body, emotions, thoughts, things etc.) are not getting all that is owed/deserved.
So you either fixate on the dwindling source of what you crave, or seek to destroy anyone you feel doesn't deserve to have more of what you crave than you do.
This greed could be for anything material/sensual, emotional, intellectual or spiritual: from food, sex, money, power or love- to kindness, energy, true communication, meaning, security, knowledge etc.
In -Voracity, what you lack consumes you like a black hole and it MUST be filled and satisfied, no matter the cost, and damned be the effects that has on others or you.
There is simply a desperate panic within you to destructively, violently or belligerently take/steal or hold onto/hoard what you deem is yours to have- because you see no other solutions. You feel you'll never have what you crave, never notice when you do have it and even if you do, you crave more.
This means behaviors ruled by villainizing those who don't share, laziness, entitlement, passive or active demand to have your lack satisfied or acknowledged, and chronic fixation+addiction can then ensue. And ultimately, this results in blame, anger, anxiety, extreme agitation and extreme fatigue.
When you fall into -Voracity, you begin to commit some sort of -Suicide- as you feel worthless.
You see yourself as a waste of life who takes and hoards too much and can't do anything to control that urge- so you give up your value to something else.
To move into -Appetite, you'd benefit from the use of -Sacrifice. This can come in the form of finding paths+people to help support your self-control; exchanging your cravings, addictions & demands for something you don't have, with the worth+appreciation of something you do; and understanding what you can share with others or yourself.
Appetite can also arise in pushing through your fears with a -Determination that things can change- shifting away from becoming -Obstinate that you will always have too little, being under-valued and worth more.
In -Appetite, you constantly search for what's perceived to be lacking- and then consume it once found+secured to fill yourself & keep it from being taken, especially by those who shouldn't have it.
In this way, you're in control of what you want/crave.
You may then shift towards sharing and appreciating, but the fuel will run out, it is only temporary.
When Greed protects the GOAL, there is something you must have from the world around in order to feel you've accomplished a simple/grand goal or achievement in life. It occupies your mind at all times and its lack of presence dictates your actions constantly.
When it protects the MODE, then your close relationships are most affected by what you crave/don't have enough of- and what you get/take from those you're intimate with is a measure for your level of intimacy.
Either your relationship prevents you from indulging in what you want- it's only fulfilling when you have what you want-these other people become your fixation- or they're resented for having more of something valuable than you do.
When Greed is ingrained in your BODY, all of your body's attention is fixated on addictions, fetishes and needs that either consume you without your consent- or help you escape into stimulation and false pleasures.
There can be a feeling that so long as you're feeding, accumulating, moving or having something, anything more- at least there is some sense of hope and direction.
When it protects you from the PAST, you remember that you didn't have enough in your history to feel content and fulfilled with your life- or that you didn't get/still haven't gotten enough owed to you from back then. The past is full of lack, scarcity and poor compensation.
Protecting you from the FUTURE, Greed deems you will/may not have enough to feel comfortable, peaceful and happy in the future, so you have to get whatever that is before it's gone & you arrive in that reality.
When Greed protects you from being PRESENT, there's always something elusive that you don't have right now that keeps you from appreciating the moment or what/who's here with you right now.
If Greed is your CORE DEFENSE, then you feel you can't heal, evolve and be whole until you have what you need.
You will not move on until what you lack/need more of is fulfilled & you and/or others know how much worth/value that scarcity has so that they will then find, secure, give or create it for you.
If you catch yourself in the defenses of Greed and wish to change this, the key to healing is always through some form of COMMUNICATION that brings realization/insight.
Remember to NURTURE YOUR CALM, centeredness and clarity. Add moments before making choices so that you can practice mindfulness, create breathing room and be as clear as possible in aiming for solutions. (1)
When you DEMAND from panic, desperation and fear- you push others away, blind yourself to all options/solutions, and diminish others resources/willingness so they can't provide, even if they could have at one time.
Communication is not one-sided, nor an expectation that others will/should provide what you're lacking if you just tell them you don't have enough. It involves networking, learning, clarity and mutuality.
So if you UNDERSTAND if+when others can't provide for you, and FORGIVE those sources for not being able to- you can move on, or work from there to create contexts that fulfill your needs better. (2)
When anxiety over not having enough gets dense, it creates a stifling pressure throughout your whole being that needs to release. So it can help if you allow room in your days for anything that helps ground, soothe, clear or open your heart/mind/body and returns a sense of safety. (3)
Greed often has ties to very legitimate experiences where you truly lacked or lost access, and didn't have time to process these changes in the past. So rather than avoid, distract from or rise above this sadness- process and understand the truths of it. (4)
It's important to know that NEED IS NOT THE SAME AS GREED. Need is a response to the legitimate lack of what's vital to you & what you can access- while greed is based on notions of deserving and violent solutions.
If you need/desire, you navigate life, understand fairness+equality in rights & resources, communicate and explore your options. If you greed/crave, you simply fixate, resent, expect, harm, take and destroy. (5)
Focus on where you and others GIVE & SHARE GENEROUSLY and KINDLY between one another.
Be grateful for what you already have, and let this gratitude reveal new strengths, resources and opportunities that have been hidden all this time, but can now be owned, loved and used appropriately. (6)
Ultimately, one of the hardest lessons for those with Greed is to SNAP OUT OF IT. Often, we can forget that we have a choice, we're not trapped in every situation, and that any moment is merely a phase, life cycle or passing challenge.
When we perceive beyond the moment, we allow for a well-needed REALITY CHECK. (7)