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Servers resonate to the Restricted Inspiration axis and the Color Red.

Red sets the foundation of inspiration that's needed for everyone and everything in life to feel effective and meaningful, rather than lonely and meaningless.

Lying on the Restricted Inspiration axis we have: the Instinctive Center, Stoicism, Re-Evaluation, Reserve, Lunar Body Type, Passage of Birth, Survival Awareness and Self-Deprecation.
When these traits are brought together, you have an energy that seeks to provide the most necessary of elements for NOURISHING life, by focusing on what matters most.

The Core Values of Servers are Service, Inspiration, Peace, Intuition, Permission, Vulnerability, and being a living example of Inter-dependence.
This means they hold Nobility in FORGIVENESS or Self-Responsibility.

Servers carry the Power of Nurturing- of encouraging growth, development, strength and care.
When this is dependent upon/extracted from others, all that motivates this nurturing is constant -Guilt

unfulfilled promises+anticipations of reward, anger, strife and even depression. 
While when generated from within, you embrace
 for the gifts, rewards and meanings you already have and can give in return to nurture and sustain yourself+others.

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