There are 7 Major Body Types inherent in the pool of human genetics, with each being active or passive- positive or negative- and yin/feminine, yang/masculine or androgynous/nalanced in quality.
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Active types are inclined towards DOING, interaction and dealing more with the outer world- though they do discover how to be more passive with experience.
While Passive types are inclined towards BEING, introspection and exploring more of the inner world- though they do discover how to be more active with experience.
Positive types are inclined towards bigger bodies, optimism, higher perspectives, strengths, what works, expansion, growth, accepting etc. While Negative types are inclined towards smaller bodies, scrutiny, detailed perspectives, flaws, what doesn't work, contraction, halting, discriminating etc.
Masculine/Yang types are outward-oriented, being hard, ordered, dry and focused in energy. Feminine/Yin types are inward-oriented, being soft, chaotic, wet and creative in energy.
Androgynous/Balanced types are a blend of these.
Each Body processes energy and physicality very differently, to the point that it's taken for granted.
In fact, this is the part of us that takes the lead when we bond, empathize and process experiences while around others in shared physical spaces.
Body Types highlight our way of processing tangible effects- such as the impact of touch, presence and affection on our mind-body harmony; sustaining alliances through mutual interests, consistent relationships & raw emotional honesty; and communicating feedback through conversation, expression and ideation.
There are 3 CONTEXTS body types influence:
APPEARANCE- How you physically take up space, appear and feel in your form. Your Goal hooks into your Appearance, as the way you look visibly shows how you're affected by what environments you're in, and what actions, reactions and interactions you're dealing with outside or generating inside.
NATURE- Your brain's psychology, or processing of energy and experiences through your body- which influences your general character & behavior in space+time. Your Attitude hooks into your Nature, as this shows what kind of perspectives are shaping your behaviors and temperament.
HEALTH- The Endocrine Gland your state of health is most immediately affected by- which, if chronically imbalanced, often is the cause of your "natural" death. Your Mode hooks into your Health, as this shows the state of your relationship with your self, life and body as it reflects/represents you.
The 7 Body Types are named after and reflect the celestial bodies in our solar system.
Each Context for each Body Type has its own polarities- and each of those polarities also have their own molecular polarities or extremes too.
For instance, Mercury's Appearance has a -Pole of "Nervousness", but this can show up in a TENSE contracted way, or a FRENETIC freed way. While its +Pole is "Agility" and this can show up through a contracted SHARP and keen demeanor, or a freed LIMBER and nimble figure.
Lunar is a passive, negative, feminine/yin and instinctive body.
It responds to the energy of Earth's Moon.
Waning <(-PALLID)> Waxen // Appearance of Cool Reflection // Slim <(+LUMINOUS)> Plump
Dependent <(-CHILDISH)> Rebellious // Nature of Resistance // Independent <(+UNATTACHED)> Peaceful
Retirement <(-RESIGNATION)> Overload // Health of Pancreas & Diet // Nourishment <(+SENSITIVITY)> Sensibility
Venusian is a passive, positive, feminine/yin and beautifying body.
It responds to the energy of Venus.
Slovenly <(-SLOPPY)> Obese // Appearance of Warm Beauty // Shapely <(+VOLUPTUOUS)> Lush
Deflective <(-EVASIVE)> Lonely // Nature of Embrace // Inviting <(+SENSUAL)> Intimate
Paralysis <(-WEAK)> Fracture // Health of Parathyroids & Harmony // Grace <(+ELEGANT)> Cohesion
Mercurial is an active, negative, feminine/yin and mentally-restless body.
It responds to the energy of Mercury.
Tense <(-NERVOUS)> Frenetic // Appearance of Speed // Sharp <(+AGILE)> Limber
Deceitful <(-SLIPPERY)> Insecure // Nature of Argument/Debate // Ingenious <(+WITTY)> Adaptable
Suppression <(-SHORT CIRCUITING)> Panic // Health of Thyroid & Expression // Rationality <(+GROUNDED)> Circulation
Saturnine is an active, positive, masculine/yang and visionary body.
It responds to the energy of Saturn.
Distanced <(-GAUNT)> Daunting // Appearance of Length // Sturdy <(+RUGGED)> Prominent
Manipulative <(-PERFECTIONIST)> Domineering // Nature of Vision // Proper <(+JUST)> Guiding
Stunting <(+EXTREMISM)> Escalation // Health of Anterior Pituitary & Growth // Strength <(+DURABILITY)> Generation
Martial is an active, negative, masculine/yang and moving-based body.
It responds to the energy of Mars.
Pressured <(-COMPULSIVE)> Rash // Appearance of Energy // Enduring <(+ALIVE)> Vibrant
Strict <(-IRRATIONAL)> Reckless // Nature of Restriction/What NOT to Do // Disciplined <(+DEDICATED)> Daring
Burnout <(-BURNING)> Inflammation // Health of Adrenals & Stress Management // Sustainability <(+PERPETUAL)> Propulsion
Jovial is a passive, positive, masculine/yang and concentrative body.
It responds to the energy of Jupiter.
Bulky <(-OVERWHELMING)> Swollen // Appearance of Volume/Magnitude // Powerful <(+GRANDEUR)> Bountiful
Ostentatious <(-INDULGENT)> Prodigal // Nature of Consumption // Captivating <(+JOYFUL)> Permissive
Compression <(-ASPHYXIATION)> Inflation // Health of Posterior Pituitary & Homeostasis // Centralization
<(+VITALITY)> Expansion
Solar is an active, positive, androgynous/balanced and experiential body.
It responds to the energy of our Sun.
Fragile <(-ETHEREAL)> Hypercharged // Appearance of Light // Magnetic <(+RADIANT)> Electric
Impressionable <(-CLUELESS)> Volatile // Nature of Transparency // Trusting <(+INNOCENT)> Wonderful
Fainting <(-DISINTEGRATION)> Abrasion // Health of Thymus & Immunity // Revival <(+SPIRITED)> Infusion
In actuality, it's impossible to have a pure type only. Instead, most have a combo of 3 Body Types, each "ruling" one of the 3 Contexts- but some do have 2 Body Types, with one type ruling two contexts and the other ruling one.
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ie: A Venus-Mercury body may have Venus ruling Appearance+Nature, with Mercury ruling Health. But all Types part of one's Genetic Makeup influence all categories. So Venus will also affect Health, and Mercury will also affect the Appearance+Nature- just to a lesser degree.
Regardless of the context each Body Type is in, each individual has a PRIMARY or DOMINANT body type that describes how they tend to think of themselves as & think others see them first as.
Other Body Types part of your biology can appear quieter, because they are either functioning very well or are not being focused on. The Primary Type is simply the Body Type you relate to most in your mix, and focus most of your conscious attention upon- which can change over time.
When this is in Appearance, your Physical Form is the foundation & self-image you think of yourself as- and any transformation in life will be in terms of how you how you figuratively or literally look to you/others.
When in Nature, your Inner Psychology is the foundation & self-image you think of yourself as, and any transformation in life will be in terms of how your psyche processes/responds to experiences.
When in Health, your Medium/State of Health is the foundation & self-image you think of yourself as- and any transformation in life will be in terms of that return to greater health.
Each Body Type holds a particular SHAME that is a blind spot to that type- a literal build up and density of frustrated, agitated and ineffective thoughts, emotions and processes that both eat away at you & your body, as well as lead to Chronic Stress.
On the other hand, each type also has a particular JOY that is dynamically tied to your Shame in that if you block it or choose not to pursue it, your Shame takes over instead, muting your Joy- until you pave a path back to this personal delight by seeking to find or create it again.
It tends to be that whatever one's Primary Type is, that describes what SHAME & JOY one would relate to and be affected by first and foremost, before any others would be felt.
Lunar: Shame of Intelligence, Joy in Usefulness. // Saturnine: Shame of Talents, Joy in Implementation.
Venusian: Shame of Appearances, Joy in Affection. // Martial: Shame of Demands, Joy in Sex.
Mercurial: Shame of Desperation, Joy in Debate. // Jovial: Shame of Indulgences, Joy in Specialization.
Solar: Shame of Needs, Joy in Wanderlust.