MERCURIAL Bodies have a highly intellectual and restless temperament.
This is because it is a yin (inward-directed), active (interactive/doing-centered) and negative (receptive) type that is geared towards taking in, sorting out & sharing various thoughts, ideas and expressions through one-on-one exchanges.
It resonates with the Ordinal Expression Axis and thus reflects the Innovator Essence, Skeptic Attitude, Caution Mode and Goal to Discriminate through how it looks/behaves/processes in life.
Mercurial Appearance is primarily affected by Mercury- so it is most directly shaped by/seen for the SPEED of its metabolism and brain chemistry (aka. its capacity to process and express life).
Much like your native planet, both your metabolism and motion are quick and efficient- so physically this is reflected by a smaller, trimmer and more compact body shape that is quite warm, perceptive and adaptive.
Mercurial Bodies also tend to move with volcanic force through rapid growth spurts, which then level out in activity early on, while other bodies around are still growing.
Overall, the pure Mercurial tends to have a small but changeable body shape- with thick, dark, full hair- translucent, smooth, olive skin- and sharp, quick, restive eyes, gestures and facial expressions.
When unhealthy, all this energy simply grows -Nervous, restless and over-stimulated on all levels- constantly overcharging and winding up your body, mind and heart.
The contractive/focused nervous body is TENSE. This is when the features, organs and tissues become contracted, pinched and stiff as the body buzzes with fearful but constrained anticipation in a locked position or shape.
While the expansive/freed nervous body is FRENETIC. As such, the body, limbs, organs and features change position, texture, color and form rapidly & without warning- often in reaction to imaginary, intangible situations- expressing a very clumsy and distracting lack of coordination as they move/shift through space-time.
When healthy however, this restless, hyperactive energy is calmed, sorted through and moves back into efficient and +Agile patterns/circuits that are productive for you & your body.
The contractive/focused agile body is SHARP. Which is where the features and organs are compact, precise, trim and angular in shape and position- while the body memory is keen, decisive and incisive.
While the expansive/freed agile body is LIMBER. As such, the body, limbs, organs and features seem to open up, loosen and freely change their position, texture, color and form- in response to actual, tangible situations- expressing a very smooth and flexible coordination as they move/shift through space-time.
For the Mercurial Nature, neural development is radically accelerated, increasing the rate/efficiency at which the body can communicate complex responses through learning, thinking, speaking and listening.
This means your psychology is one that feels struggle and strength over how to form ARGUMENTS and DEBATES within or around- and how conversations help you to process & sort out any conflicting thoughts/ideas.
Very much a QUICK-THINKER and detecting of the details, you're constantly shifting in thoughts, while managing several conversations within even as you talk to others.
There's always this deeper undercurrent to you that is sharp, clever and shrewd- constantly assessing, taking in, processing and sorting out countless thoughts/ideas.
This capacity for quick-thinking means your mind can easily become too -Slippery for you and others to truly grasp- which can go in one of two ways.
The contractive/focused slippery body shows up as DECEITFUL. Thus the psyche invents & presents itself through false, tricky or misleading behaviors in order to disguise its true beliefs/intentions- such as through arrogant, coy or delusional veneers.
While the expansive/freed slippery body becomes INSECURE. As such, the psyche tries to grasp onto ideas and stories to explain/understand things, but can’t find truly secure concepts to rely upon- leading you to break down into frantically agitated, anxious, distracted, paranoid and scattered behavior.
When healthy and clear in your processing of life though, you are quite +Witty in your efforts to understand, empathize and give clearer form to the ideas "flying through you".
Contractive/focused wit is INGENIOUS. Thus, the psyche connects various ideas and behaviors together to intentionally invent funny, lively, playful and snarky sequences of expression that either convey clever revelations or creative amusements.
While expansive/freed wit is more ADAPTABLE. This is where the psyche heightens its awareness of details/discrepancies and how they compare or contrast with each other- moving with the flow of ideas/events in life by problem-solving & piecing together puzzles to make rational sense of perplexing concepts.
Because of all this your nature benefits most from meditation, engaging conversations where viewpoints are always explored and shared one-on-one, and slowing down to concentrate on one thing/idea at a time.
Mercurial Health is most immediately affected by your capacity for EXPRESSING your heart/mind/body/spirit, and the quality of your thoughts/ideas about these.
This then engages the THYROID GLAND, which physically reflects your levels of expression through the quality of your metabolism, brain chemistry and biological feedback loops.
The Thyroid Gland releases:
Triiodothyronine(T3)- Regulates body temperature, metabolism, muscle control, digestion, brain development, bone maintenance and heart rate along with T4.
Thyroxine(T4)- Works with T3, but is less potent and longer-lasting.
Calcitonin- Regulates calcium levels by opposing the Parathyroids: suppressing osteoclasts(which break down bone) and increasing calcium excretion through urine.
As such, the body's speed of cellular respiration- how we get energy; protein synthesis- which helps structure, move and regulate the body; neural development- for sensory, motor and cognitive communication; and heart rate- which circulates nutrients to the cells through the bloodstream- are all affected.
When unhealthy, Mercury starts -Short-circuiting.
Contracted/focused short-circuiting brings SUPPRESSION. This is what happens when the psyche feels like its expression has been blocked, ignored, shamed or distorted (or does this to itself)- feeling a lack of permission for expression, or lack of stimuli for ideas, that shuts down inner/outer communication flow.
The Thyroid will then reflect this by slowing hormone production as well, causing drops into lethargy, listlessness and weight gain. This is known as Hypothyroidism.
Expanded/freed short-circuiting brings PANIC. As such, the psyche desperately tries to correct itself when feeling its ideas/expressions aren’t being properly heard, formed or understood. Which leads the Thyroid to accelerate hormone production as well, causing surges of excitable anxiety, fidgeting, confusing/frustrating restlessness and weight loss. This is known as Hyperthyroidism.
As the Thyroid regulates Catecholamines such as Adrenaline, Epinephrine and Dopamine- when these are imbalanced, Mercurial Types can undergo constant weight alterations that reflect the weight of thoughts, ideas and expressions not moved out of your body.
When healthy however, Mercury is a high energy, clear-thinking and excellent communicator whose energy and sensibility is +Grounded in reality, honesty and healthy circuits of communication.
Contracted/focused grounding brings RATIONALITY. This is where the psyche realizes it must just express itself and get its thoughts/ideas out, while clarifying, articulating and discerning how to do that as needed.
The Thyroid will then reflect this by choosing certain metabolic pathways & chemical processes that can best facilitate such an alert focus on expression.
While expansive/freed grounding brings CIRCULATION. As such, the psyche excitedly forms and freely exchanges a continual flow of various thoughts/ideas/expressions within and without- allowing great debates and stimulating conversations to result.
In any case, Mercury must learn how to EXPRESS YOURSELF clearly and honestly both within and around- sharing, exchanging and moving thoughts and ideas in+out of your body, or into some other form of outlet. Or else there can come to be metabolic issues that push this body into disorder.
Mercury holds a Primary Shame of DESPERATION- of expressing what's important for your healing.
Which would include needing to speak up at all to admit failure or the fear of failing your intentions- surrender to what you've been fighting against- or ask for help, comfort and healing in the first place.
This arises from your strong desire to avoid being desperate; to "keep it together", make sense of everything,
bravely push forward with pride+endurance and know what you're doing. Desperation is also an effort to pretend that what you're doing is healthy, helpful and healing- even when you know on some level it is not and these choices are only driven by your desperation and loneliness.
Rather than speak up about your issues and conditions, you simply diminish or avoid your struggles, devastation, longings and aching emptiness completely- or you over-express these issues in ways that are unclear/restless and never actually bring solutions.
To heal this Shame, you'd benefit from knowing it's OK to express shame and communicate your desperation as a way to work through it- and it's OK to hear your shame, shamelessly own it & find/create solutions by drawing from the resources within/around you to create your desires.
This okay-ness to communicate & own shame is key to soothing your panic & reinvigorating your encouraging and enthusiastic Sense of Aspiration- so that you may better trust your strengths, navigate obstacles, exchange ideas to learn more & actively choose in directions of success that interest you.
If expression is what heals your shame, then your joy and delight in life best comes through DEBATE.
To be able to exchange and discuss with others back-and-forth and get out the ideas and thoughts that have been bubbling inside you, while listening to the same from others and discovering new ways of perceiving life along the way- is immensely freeing for you.
In other words, when you can find or create great conversations in life, your body feels great.
When you do not create circuits you can share yourself through, your sense of desperation rises because you cannot figure out how to live and navigate confidently without a healthy outlet for your expression.
Below are some famous personalities, and the body types I've studied+observe them to have.
I encourage you to look into their stories to determine whether you agree with my theories & what kind of influences you see them having as well.
Jon Stewart (Comedian+Media Critic) has a Mercurial Appearance & Health with
Saturnian Nature.
Others with this mix are:
Bugs Bunny- (Looney Tunes)
Michio Kaku- (Theoretical Physicist+Futurist)
Miley Cyrus (Singer+Actress) has a Mercurial Appearance- Lunar Nature with Saturnian Health and Solar.
Bruno Mars (Singer-Songwriter) has a Mercurial Appearance- Solar Nature
with Saturnian Health.
Prince Rogers Nelson (Musician) had a
Solar Appearance- Mercurial Nature with Martial Health.
Kimberly Kardashian (Socialite, TV Personality & Model) has a
Solar Appearance- Mercurial Nature with Venusian Health.
Shonda Rhimes (Creator+Producer) has a
Jovial Appearance- Saturnian Nature with Mercurial Health.
Daniel Radcliffe (Actor) has a
Solar Appearance- Mercurial Nature with Saturnian Health.
Richard Harmon (Actor) has a
Saturnian Appearance with Mercurial
Ariana Grande (Singer) has
Mercurial Appearance- Saturnian Nature
with Martial Health.
Sean Mcloughlin (Youtube Gamer)
has a Mercurial Appearance- Saturnian Nature with Martial Health+Solar.
Barack Obama (44th US President) has a Saturnian Appearance- Mercurial Nature with Martial Health.
Others with this mix are:
George Takei- (Actor+Activist) **
Jennifer Lawrence (Actress) has a
Martial Appearance- Saturnian Nature with Mercurial Health.