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For individuals+civilizations in the Individuality Awareness, people no longer see themselves as only belonging to an order, but as self-directed people in their own right. Thus life starts to become all about striving to achieve, compete and be an individual identity who can do things on your own.

This could all be geared towards being a supreme ruler, having the perfect family, being the best in your league etc. It is all about what you DREAM and DESIRE of becoming or having.

As such, this is the first time we understand the power of having PERSONAL CHOICE.
The dichotomy here is of
Win and Lose.
So this perspective naturally says: "There is you and me, and I’m going to win- or influence/impact you."
In a way then, life is navigated through
Hearing- as you follow a kind of frequency/tone of your greatest idea of you. 

This is also when sound, language and music tend to be used more in all aspects of life- as a way to identify and exert one's self-identity, control, power and culture.
Because of this strong individualism and self-centeredness, the Individuality Awareness sees diet as a means of achieving 
Satisfaction by eating whatever you want as well.



Anything of "Spirit" tends to encourage you to rally others up and listen to what's being shared.

Thus this prompts anxiousness or exciting anticipation about upcoming shifts or looming changes that emphasize urgency in doing, having or preparing for something- which often leads to a strong need for escape or hope.
--- ~~~ ---
This Awareness tends to be built around+shaped by 
Goal(Ambitions/Pursuits)- motivated to achieve, reach and 

have more in ways that are supported or challenged by your Mode(Relationships), played out in your Body Type (Behaviors/Health), and processed or corrected by changes in your Attitude(Perspectives/Philosophies).


When -Entitled, you feel life owes you what you want. So you express, dominate and impose upon your relationships, experiences, world and even parts of you without any concern for others.

Thus you live+eat only to Indulge & Fulfill your addictions, cravings, habits, image issues or sense of specialness- regardless of the greater consequences or impact that has beyond personal satisfaction.
This is an egocentric perspective where you feel you're inherently right in how you view the world.

You smugly conclude that this is "the truth" and it really doesn't matter what anyone else opposing that thinks- unless you want to impact them to believe so for your own gain, or their beliefs tarnish your self-image or public reputation.

You're entitled to how concerned you are with people and events.

On a collective level this shows as power plays, methods of exercising ownership, taking and
-Exploiting to compensate for loss/lack, and in dividing and corrupting others to retain what you have.




A shift into +Accomplished means you live+eat for Pleasure, so you follow your inner desires to realize & materialize whatever you seek from life- which is innovative, progressive and opportunistic.

As such, you boldly pursue your interests and goals in ways that may just happen to benefit those beyond your focus as an added bonus.
There's more concern now for reaching a shared sense of good-will with others- as you realize they also influence your choices as much as you do theirs. So you're concerned with being socially presentable, or are willing to create your own groups/standards where you can be seen as an exemplification of material success.

On a collective level this shows as a consuming & exciting emphasis on people earning what they've "put in worth" and learning to create external forms/medias that express their internal realities, beliefs, dreams etc.

In other words, you make the external world a reflection of your inner self that displays your +Achievements.


Building upon the paradigm of Structured Order, Authority and Civilizing- the idea & use of Capital develops, so life becomes a matter of politics and having/gaining valuable materials.

CONSUMERISM starts to rise as the basis of the economic structure, so everyone aims to Collect things through hard work, exploitation, entitlement, investment and/or inheritance.

 This is a time when tangibility, being special, seeking greater gain/fortune/fame/power and making your mark on

the world are the name of the game. 

Thus this paradigm contains an inherent imbalance as each person tries to take and earn as much as possible.

Which leads to poverty, racism, slavery, theft and violence at the more restrictive end- or meaning, motivation, satisfaction, craving and longing on the more positive side.


Industries here will simply continue to produce products, people & standards that are heavily marketed and unquestionably purchased or bought into for being popular, romanticized and glamorized. And heavy emphasis will always be put on maintaining one's culture, heritage, history and tradition in high esteem.


The two most common forms of government here are Hierarchical and Compatible.
Hierarchical Governments can be seen in forms of Capitalism.
This is where individualism is valued over commonality- so we create structures of uneven equality that breed constant competition, social classes, and rights to claiming our personal possessions, privacy and privileges.

The Motto would be: "From each according to his industry, to each according to his status."


Compatible Governments can be seen in forms of Socialism and Communism.

This is where we must express+sustain our individuality without compromise to harmony- so we funnel ourselves into supporting structures of nationalism, tribalism, communal progress, uniformity, standardization, status quo and sharing resources as the common right of all.

The Motto would be: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his needs."

Monarchies of blood or alliance aiming to retain, seize or progress power can arise as well. 

Republics of specifically chosen electives will transform into Democracies where anyone can be elected as the Relationship Awareness takes root.

In an Economy based on Individuality & Consumerism, all resources tend to be looked at in terms of how they can

be withheld, protect, defend and be used for gain- and all people tend to be identified by a static or dynamic set of two-dimensional traits, tropes and talents.

This awareness builds empathy mostly through direct experience, especially "you get what you give" scenarios that involve taking "an eye for an eye".

And love is a reciprocal circuit of giving and receiving attractive and repulsive experiences with people, events and parts of self- which you continue exploring because you gain/win something by doing so.


The 7 Levels of the Individuality Awareness help describe how you learn about the Dynamics of ENERGY.

Which includes how you can best direct that energy in the world to HAVE recognition, what you want, ambition, experience, fun, vision and/or authority.

Level 1- Awakening to Individuality
At this stage, you glimpse the -Simplicity of living beyond the confines of your social order, realizing that you have 

the power to CHOOSE INDEPENDENTLY, to choose beyond the limits of your laws, conditioning and imprinting- so this becomes a new +Purpose to ponder and explore.

However, this remains a mere observation, as you’re still fearful of expanding beyond tradition, authority and social stigmas- or you're content with what you have, and keep this dawning side of you to yourself.

On Collective levels, the species and its peoples shift into establishing a sense of collective identity and individuality for themselves, REBELLING against their rigid traditions in an almost "chest-beating" fashion.

Several INTERNAL CONFLICTS can arise between the Orderly and Individualist now- over matters from both sides involving one's needs, demands, access to resources and issues of self-identity.
In recorded history, humanity entered this paradigm shift around 0 AD- as headed by our Collective Choice to aim for Progress and Power & give great value to those who represent these.
This resulted in a rise in Materialism which ushered Jesus' teaching to "Love One Another", the Roman Empire's Expansion & Golden Age and the Han Dynasty's Decline.


Level 2- Comparing Individuality
A greater desire to be individualistic grows, as you -Balance the safety and security that authority, morality and familiarity seem to bring- with your desire to rebel against anyone/thing you determine is "not you" that poses a threat to your POWER & SELF-EXPRESSION, or has more of that than you.

Eventually, a sense of +Stability is founded when you realize these worlds are not mutually exclusive, so you can do the right thing for you or others & have+express powerful success at the same time.

Or you come to terms with wanting to progress not stagnate your evolution, and open up to the opportunities individual expression gives you over the restrictions of law & order.

On Collective levels, the species/group works to resolve misunderstandings and conflicts now.

So they keep at a precarious balance between the Individualist who wish to FORGE AHEAD, collect, compete, express, oppress and exploit- and the Orderly who wish to apply patience, empathy and compassion through CIVILITY and AUTHORITY.

This can bring about greater war and conflict.

Or create a cycle of CO-DEPENDENCY where the Individualist learn how to rule, control, direct, exploit & profit from the Orderly by becoming the central authority they desire- creating+defending systems of safety/structure through their institutions, which the Orderly then flock to as a way to quell their fears of chaos/uncertainty.
In recorded history, this stage began around the 200s AD- as represented by the "Early Middle Ages" that brought the European Migration & Invasion Period, Silk Road Trades, spread of Christianity and Indian Golden Age.
It culminated in the Roman Empire's Collapse.

Religion is no longer a shared Structural Philosophy here, instead becoming a tool for Mass Political Control.


Level 3- Introspective Individuality

Now you internally work through your belief systems to own the fact that you feel COMPETITIVE and DRIVEN to achieve your mind, heart and body's dreams and accomplishments.

So you increasingly seek to gain permission from yourself and/or others to have greater status, fortune and expression of your personal identity.

In -Versatility, you're now starting to own your self-identity, but feel your ideas of success are being challenged- and that you must somehow remove, reject or confront the source of that struggle with great courage to win at life & work on building your desired +Enterprise.

On Collective levels, groups fully become nations that identify as separate communities with their own self-serving agendas and identities, existing harmoniously or competitively with each other.

These nations PRACTICE EXERTING their power, strength and extent of control and expression, to come-to-terms with owning this exciting new awareness.
In recorded history, this stage began around the 500s AD- as represented by Europe's dissolution into nation states, the rise of Islam & Viking Kingdoms, Peak of Mayan Civilization and Invention of Gun Powder.
This is known as the "Medieval Ages" where Europe entered into a quiet/dark period, while Asia began to rise in affluence, as catalyzed by the Chinese Reunification & Golden Age.


Level 4- Absolute Expression of Individuality

By now, you are fully SELF-ORIENTED, seeing everything and everyone you experience in terms of how it SERVES YOU to -Achieve​. As your sense of wanting, longing and craving to have what you want is fulfilled, you move this world of pure self-expression, individualism and self-satisfaction into +Consolidation.

Your careers, media, possessions and interests all become unapologetic voices and viable forms of status for expressing who you are to the world. And you no longer care for what others may think of that, unless they strongly affect your capacity for success.
On Collective levels, all individuals involved are fully identified with the lifestyle, habits, lessons and challenges of the INDIVIDUALIST ECONOMY.
As such, cultures at this stage will now become fully intolerant toward any restrictions that limit their capacity for success & try to control the desires and cravings of their people.

In fact, this is where a deep sense of urgency, intensity and entitlement is born within the collective to "MANIFEST DESTINY" and win whatever ideal is on their agenda at all costs. 
In recorded history, this stage began around the Mid 1000s AD- as represented by the "High Middle Ages".

This era brought European Manorialism & Feudalism and several Crusades and Conquests across Afro-Eurasia, including the Mongolian Expansion which greatly set back India and China. 
It also brought the Islamic Golden Age, American-Indian Golden Age, Invention of the Compass, Mali Empire, Aztec
Civilization and culminated with the Black Death.


Level 5- Stretching Individuality

Here you begin to PUSH THE BOUNDARIES of energy, power, will, control etc. to have/win more than you could ever dream possible. So you seek to produce and achieve your desires faster than ever- and a range of

-Adventurous ups and downs in life then result as you intentionally/mindlessly take on frustrating, disruptive or obnoxious experiences to do so.


You indulge in every opportunity you get to have something new & stimulate/distract yourself with another challenge to or experience of explosive success. And each choice you make blows open entirely new paths toward

greater opportunities that push others around you & your body/mind/soul to their limits so that you can see just how much you can achieve.
Over time then, these help to drastically +Expand your world into new accomplishments where you realize hidden strengths & discover personal pleasures in charismatic, surprising and exciting ways.
On Collective levels, whatever it was that became part of the limitations, boundaries & collective lifestyle instilled by past generations now seems regressive at-worst or stagnant at-best.

The species/nation/group desires to finally break the mold by SEEKING new experiences, daringly intense competitions, wider avenues for accomplishment, greater desires, higher visions, larger extents of control/power... 

And this expansion can be materialistic, territorial, social, philosophical etc. in nature.
In recorded history, this stage began around the 1400s AD- as represented by the "Early Modern Period" that brought

explosions of Power & Progress for the Western World: including the Renaissance, Inca Empire, European Expansion, Age of Discovery, Age of Enlightenment and Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade.


Level 6- Resolution of Karmic Individuality
After the previous expansion of energy in every which direction you could imagine- you now need to contract & unpack all that you experienced, as life brings up all of the karmic things you've done to your self, body and others in trying to compete, exploit, control & push your identity. 

This returns your sense of -Connection with any experiences/relationships that reflect your personal failures, losses, weaknesses and blind-spots- and forces you to process any debilitating exhaustion, messy conflicts of interest or hampered/repressed creativity, courage and strength you might have.

Anything that affects your Power of Energy/Expression is brought up now, so the issues explored and processed here relate most to any form of INTELLECTUAL or EXPRESSIVE DEATH/SUFFERING.
This would include resolving such things as mental overwhelm, extreme loss, excessive disappointment, unprocessed grief or mind fuck- anything where you refuse to think about your choices anymore.

Which would especially play out through indulging in & addressing any lack of ethics, poor work ethic, or profound disregard you or others have for boundaries & the effects of one's cause.


As you confront these challenges, you break through failures & begin to work hard towards realizing your investments+ambitions to build +Harmony, strength and success. So you win whatever it is that's been so hard to have- while learning how to create, experience and share a sense of TRUE PERSONAL POWER.
On Collective levels, the species/nation/group again confronts the reality of creating and contributing to KARMA.

So they can be "bit in the butt" with having to ethically manage resources to alleviate their harmful ways, past mistakes and injustices related to reckless completion; as well as tie-up issues that exhausted, oppressed and exploited their bodies, minds, environments and other peoples.


If this continues to not be handled, then more cycles of strife, oppression, exploitation etc. will continue.

But once it is addressed, the resolution of exacerbating issues comes to be understood to bring greater harmony between all, in a way that still maximizes profit while also creating a shared sense that WE ARE ALL POWERFUL & IN CONTROL OF OUR WORLD/LIFE'S DESTINY.
In recorded history this stage began in the Late 1700s AD- as represented by the "Late Modern Period" that brought the Industrial Revolution and its Advances in Technology and Medicine, Darwin's Theory of Evolution, Entrepreneurial Culture, the French & American Revolutions, Abolition of Slavery & rise of Nationalism/New Imperialism.
It culminated in the chaos of the Great Divergence (the Western World's rise in Economic Power), Modernism, the Roaring 20s, Great Depression and both World Wars.
This is a period that despite its chaos, brought all parts of the world into connection/unison.


Level 7- Exemplifying Individuality

As you wrap up this awareness, you learn about how to truly realize & teach others how to reach greater feats of ACHIEVEMENT, INDIVIDUALITY, POWER & MATERIAL GAIN.
At first, you exemplify this
-Eclectically- as you constantly change your beliefs/actions to gain personal status, specialness, proficiency, acceptability or prestige every time one context in life no longer gets you what you want.
So you simply drop the person/thing at hand every time another seems more optimal/superior- creating disconnects 

from areas of your life because they're no longer useful to furthering you.


But with more experience, you come to +Inculcate in you and others, how to live for oneself and do/have what one wants from a place of true responsibility and empowerment.

So you help yourself & others gain the most from every lesson and opportunity, without leaving a trail of useless experiences where you've gained/learnt nothing.
On Collective levels, the species/nation/group learns how to truly master and understand all aspects involved in asserting their individuality and courageously achieving their pursuits.

Particularly the RESPONSIBILITY involved in the impact of their EXPRESSION- and how to manage & shape that expression in the physical world to better suit themselves & win what they want.

In recorded history this stage began in the Mid 1900s AD- as represented by the recent era of American Superpower, 

Cold War, Green Revolution, Baby Boom, Space Exploration and Post-Modernism.

A time of greater Healing and Peace started to rise on the Planet, starting within the Developed World and spreading rapidly throughout, in ways that hadn't been seen for centuries.

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