For individuals+civilizations in the Survival Awareness, life is all about living and surviving - and helping others to live and survive in the world. Its dichotomy is of Life and Death.
This perspective says "There is me and not me."
This is because there's a natural instinct here to trust others as caring souls that are the same as "me"- until they show to be scary or threatening and are immediately "not me".
Here we learn about the DIFFERENTIATION between the body and the world through our physical senses as well.
So quite literally, life is navigated through tangible contact and Touch- as we feel our way through "the dark".
Considering all this, the Survival Awareness simply sees diet as Food and Fuel you must scavenge and forage as a way to continue living.
Anything of "Spirit" tends to be regarded with superstition, and seen as vague forces or mythological guides, ancestors, curses, demons etc. that are to be greatly feared/resisted or greatly respected.
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This Awareness tends to be built around+shaped by your Mode(Relationships), forming deep bonds that are then supported or challenged by your Attitude(Perspectives/Philosophies), played out through your Body Type(Behaviors/Health), and processed or corrected by changes in your Goal(Ambitions/Pursuits).
In -Dissonance, you are scared, fearful and superstitious, fighting or fleeing from experiences for the sake of self-preservation, and Living only to Eat. Any oppositions to you in any sense of the world are seen as terrifying beings and forces that must be avoided at all costs.
On a collective level, this shows as lasting -Reactivity, chaos and dysfunction- possibly leading to mass extinction if the species can't "get along" or focus on sustaining their survival.
A shift into +Innocence means you are open and curious about everything; learning from experiences as sources that help nurture+develop your self-reliance, and your ability to rely on others too.
Here you Eat to Live- keeping your body alive by tending to its basic, fundamental needs- while also exploring the great wide unknown that is the physical world around you.
On a collective level, this shows as +Propulsion: as we keep the species alive by eating, nurturing and breeding out of our primal awareness and instinctive needs to survive on all levels.
This is a time of primal survival urges that fuel tribes and groups to SECURE food, water, procreation, pleasure, shelter, nurturing etc. so that they can live another day.
But it's also a time used to explore one's sense of intimacy with The UNKNOWN, Nature, one's own Body, the Cycles of the Planet/Sky and all of its Inhabitants & Life Forms.
In modern day, many working on survival lessons live more in dense "urban jungles" (like slums) rather than natural environments that are now being invaded, exploited and populated. This assures they can focus more on their
lessons of survival without being pulled into the complications shifting above them.
Survival Awareness lives naturally through Freedom and Nature- so there are very few rules that govern people other than the natural laws of physics. This perspective is simple and unaware of society in general, though can be smart in "getting by"- knowing the basics of common sense and decency in their environment.
Therefore they're at the mercy of whatever government is in effect, but tend to be most comfortable in Dictatorships implemented by the Order Awareness.
In an Economy based on Nature & Compulsive Survival, all resources tend to be looked at in terms of how they can be secured, used, eaten, touched etc. or not- and all people tend to be seen as different bodies that are not you, but exist in the same place+time that you do.
This awareness builds empathy mostly through classical conditioning from relying on their body's feelings to signal whether or not to trust the other- and love is known to be whatever person/part of you nurtures you, others or events with unquestioned obligation and duty.
The 7 Levels of the Survival Awareness help describe how you learn to DO to LIVE.
Which includes seeing how consciously you ACT ON YOUR COMPULSIONS to do what's needed, revitalize, loyally protect, immerse, communicate, do what's best for everyone and/or oversee everything.
Level 1- Awakening Survival
This is when SENTIENCE emerges from the world around it.
Personality is very primitive and chaotic here, but innocently curious- just born into a world of possibilities. Life is relatively +Simple then, as you gradually move toward learning the +Purpose of continuing to survive.
On Collective levels, newly sentient individuals AWAKEN & DISSOCIATE from their animal hive-mind brethren now to seek feelings of home in other sentient individuals & species around them.
This is an incredibly chaotic time, due to the sudden launch into figuring out how to keep the body alive- but the chaos can be organized and tamed by other more advanced sentience if they're present in this awakening.
Level 2- Comparing Survival
Now you experiment within the world, drawn to discover more and gain a sense of SECURITY through touch.
So you -Balance the intuitive resonance you have with the planet+life around you & your new awareness of being separate from all that- learning to gain +Stability as you expand into unfamiliar feelings/situations.
On Collective levels, the constant balancing between living and dying and the physical fears involved as you seek sources of security continue. The species/tribe finds RESOLUTION in learning how to live by constantly assessing environmental threats, communicating with each other through primal variations of language or telepathy, and developing an intimate communion with nature and spiritual energies.
Level 3- Introspecting Survival
At this point you start to own your physical existence, and realize for the first time that you can influence the world through your ACTIONS. The law of Cause and Effect becomes clear- this does that.
In -Versatility, you confront a range of threatening challenges to your continued survival and comfort. So you learn to realize what parts of you can be used to avoid pain or seek stimulation- while you create/discover tools+resources around you that can aid your survival through +Enterprise.
On Collective levels, the DENSITY of physical reality increases now- so life feels even more "real".
The species/tribe grows accustomed to their reality and associates with the fact of being separate bodies in a vast world of physical challenges. A sense of the daily and nightly cycles in the sky, climate and environment develops as a dependable clock to map time.
Level 4- Absolute Expression of Survival
Now you fully express and expose your survival instincts with confidence. You know the basic laws of physics, and what the signals of your body/environment mean.
As you -Achieve and accomplish experiences that secure your survival- a simple, tribal mindset that says
"I/We EITHER do this to live, or do that to die/suffer." +Consolidates. This is the first true, instinctive realization that you have a range of choices in what you can do with your body. Probabilities become clear.
On Collective levels, all individuals involved are fully identified with the lifestyle, habits, lessons and challenges of the SURVIVAL ECONOMY.
Level 5- Stretching Survival
At some point, you're no longer content with only living around things you know+trust.
So you start to feel an urge to follow your greater IMPULSES and -Adventure out into the world to explore beyond your boundaries- drawn towards bizarre, primal urges, compulsions and interests that help to +Expand your range of experience and trust in life.
On Collective levels, there is now a drastic explosion into unexplored territories of life that invoke new compulsions, impulses, STIMULI and more adventurous experiences for the species/tribe to endure.
Level 6- Surviving the Resolution of Karma
As your boundaries expand, you begin to REFLECT on & return to any painful experiences that have been inflicted on you by life/others, or that you've inflicted upon those.
So you DEFINE deeper concepts that always remained untouched in the background- such as "my boundaries", "your limits", "my wants/needs" and the long-ranging impact of life and death on everything.
-Connections form between your memories, and you grow acutely aware of the impact conflict and suffering has- growing a greater appreciation for the simple +Harmony found in living, caring, healing and thriving.
On Collective levels, this previous explosion creates a drastic shift in the mindset of the species/tribe- pushing everyone towards a profound realization that one truly has a lifetime and has an impact on/is impacted by others lives too. Relationships start to become heavily highlighted.
This is the first realization of JUSTICE and KARMA in terms of how one's choices can intensify, become imbalanced and be interfered with because of others actions, in ways that must then be remedied+resolved.
Level 7- Exemplifying Survival
As you close this awareness, you've clearly gained a great amount of understanding about the physical world & learned a huge range of survival skills. But now it's time to +Inculcate (Instill) what you've learnt throughout your whole being, and to pass it on to another for their survival lessons.
This is a time when you emphasize where your knowledge is still -Eclectic, dispersed, unintegrated and only makes you feel/look special/competent. So you take a long look at how you model your skills and learn to master/exemplify them in a way that exudes, provides and helps others learn the value of ENDURANCE, CARE and SAFETY.
On Collective levels, the species/tribe learns how to truly master and understand all aspects involved in their survival. Particularly the RESPONSIBILITY involved in learning SELF-RELIANCE.
The tribe now finds lands and builds tools that increase stability; creating structures where the species may live in stabler bodies receiving greater freedom in diet, rest, medical care, education etc.