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The 3rd Passage of Evolution is the process of developing self-sufficiency and independence as we free ourselves from being defined psychologically by the influences of our primary caretakers(parents) and authorities- and learn how we can use things and people in our own way, as resources for our growth.
This is resonant to the
Moving Center- to our ability as a self-governing person, to move and choose independently based upon our own definitions of freedom.
In Biological terms, this is marked by
 Hormonal Wash we undergo here helps emphasize our Sense of Individuality, and our urges for Breeding and Attraction for the purpose of Sex, Stimulation and Affection: puberty hits.
Our brains become capable of comprehending the impact of our choices and we start to develop Defensive Habits against Fears rooted in our upbringing, social pressures and personal experiences.

We also feel a greater need to pursue our own Goals and develop a newly Private Persona based on who we see ourselves as or wish others would see us as.


(These stages can move from -Pole to -Pole, or -Pole to +Pole.

If one stage is stuck in its -Pole, all taken on after it will default to the -Pole as well: but once that stage moves into its +Pole, the next stage can now move into its +Pole.)


This Passage is prompted by a distrust in everything we previously depended upon, and a newfound -Rebellion against all influential forces we face- which can result in a lot of incoherent, ugly and chaotic drama if we stay here.
But eventually we see this process as a necessary step, as it helps us find, create and 
+Explore new sources of trust in friends, networks and interests we now choose on our own. 

A dip into self-absorbed -Self-Consciousness occurs now as we see everything as threatening, shaming, debilitating or embarrassing authorities over us- until we shift into +Consciously including those we must turn to in life for help, support, resources etc. and gracefully navigate these needs with others.

We begin to learn that how we access, use, manage and contribute resources, matters more to our independence than mindlessly, belligerently and hastily taking or having to serve ourselves.

We realize our needs, wants and -Demands for something that represents our fulfillment, effectiveness & independence- and expect others must comply to & work around these. So we quickly learn what we are+can be responsible for, and how to work with those who are+can be responsible for us.
In this process,
+Ideals, visions and a sense of purpose for our long-term future potential come into place- as the steps to the goal are seen and we bring together the resources needed in support of this vision.


Now we feel -Helplessly Angry over how much action, time, energy etc. is needed for us to have what we want and fulfill our sense of purpose and independence; overwhelmed by the daunting tasks ahead of us.

Until we remember that we have a power of +Choice, and of what can happen from our choices to do or not do in any situation. Our range of choices are clear now, and we can't ignore them.


-Resentment kicks in as we blame others or ourselves for the state of our life- or realize how harmful vs helpful our choices have been; sinking deeper into our weight, lack, or poor use of power to the point of feeling exhausted, regretful and always making stupid mistakes.
But at some point, we start to see
+Responsibility isn't an obligation we must uphold just to show we're independent, strong and capable, but is a power that can do many positive, loving things too.

We then become capable of consciously responding to all influences that affect us- because we remember our choices can also help to heal, and better shape, create and transform everything in our & others lives.

-Loneliness arises for how far we've pushed others away from us, or how far we'll need to go to nurture support for our ideals and directions. So we start to feel utterly alone and even fearful of having to separate ourselves from others just to be self-sufficient- or protect ourselves from depending on others as a way to be independent, in a way that puts them at a distance from us.
Ultimately, this will remain until we realize the truth of +Support  in our directions or from our relationships. 
So we eventually embrace our efforts toward independence and responsibility not as a way to be separate- but so we can know the value of being there FOR OURSELVES while caring for/being cared for by others who matter.

To successfully close the 3rd Passage, we must address anything we -Conclusively believe hurts our independence.

So we continuously define our life by a need to fight against anyone/thing that "make us" feel ineffective or trapped, because that's threatening or restricting our status, authority, position or value. 

Or we remain spinning, questioning and uncertain about making a responsible, self-sufficient choice because we're distracted with or paralyzed by all our "should have's" and "what if's".
Once we assess these, we naturally choose to nurture
+Confidence in navigating our life and its obstacles, rather than feel restricted by forces and authorities outside our control. So we work with these things, not against them.


As we explore creating a space for our Psychological Independence from those who raised us, we come to fear being alone and undergo a sense of feeling completely -Separate from everyone around.
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  • We Fight and Struggle against anything that we feel holds us back or suggests any authority over us; and feel a desperate need to rally others up to support and validate these feelings.

  • We’re preoccupied with getting attention or acceptance despite our Destructive Behaviors.

  • We strongly resign to the Responsibility of Caring for ourselves and others.

  • And we need to constantly establish our differences through Conflicts, or Absolute Conclusions about what’s true and right: without any room for input, exchange or facts. So there can then be mood swings in that anything offered as support may be accepted+respected in one instance, but rejected+fought against in another.

When this carries forth into our
Adulthood, this often shows as painful, confusing and drawn-out power plays with loved ones; or we may establish an authoritative role, belief system or career that protects us from being questioned.


A complete 3rd Passage is marked by feeling confident in our sense of +Differentiation- as we uphold and understand a state of personal responsibility for our choices.
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  • We become peaceful about & detached from authority. So we're able to negotiate with others or at least sidestep confrontation and Move Away from Conflict

  • We accept and value our own and other's Differences. They exist, so we just deal with them using the resources we have- rather than fight them endlessly, or feel they make us separate & alone.

  • And we're able to both ask for help and know how to receive it- even if we didn't want or seek it.

When this is secured, we move "between passages" and all we've learnt is used to support our ability to live on our own with the responsibilities of "adulthood"- and this is not equated with being lonely anymore.
We start to build strength(not defense) around our capacity to navigate life and provide for ourselves and those who matter. And if we ever have struggles, we know what/who's there to support us.

Even when this Passage is completed however, many do return to its challenges to learn the greatest lesson it gives- how to unconditionally love and accept our caregivers (parents/guardians).

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