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A Subpersonality is a part/facet/aspect of your Whole Personality that is usually unconsciously created to manage specific feelings, situations, relationships etc. Each subpersonality within you has its own self-image, going as far as to have its own posture, gestures, behaviors etc.

Each facet is actually internally and unconsciously, assigned a name/term and gender.

 Sub-personalities often show up in role-playing and games, as this is how we grapple with & allow permission for the variations/facets of ourselves.
Subs can become controlling nuisances of their psychological territory, or they can be quite beneficial & freeing of your inner resources/strengths- encouraging risks, challenges and growth. You can identify when you are dealing with a Sub if you find yourself behaving in a much more
automated manner in very specific circumstances.

Subs are NOT separate from you or to blame for your behaviors, they are very real dynamics that have been rooted in your biology and psychology.

Subs are simply facets or parts of you, in the same way that your hand+foot are still parts of your Body.

The more coordination & communication among your Body Parts, the more gracefully you live- and so it goes with your Facets of Personality.


In a Whole Personality, all Subpersonalities are in communication with each other, with normal variations of you to accommodate various life contexts (think business partner & shopping friend)- or extreme facets that still communicate but identify as separate (think innocent maiden & daredevil bad girl).

But those who are challenged by mental dysfunctions such as Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, Schizophrenia and Dissociative Identity Disorder experience a disconnect between subpersonalities. 
These Disorders are prone to cutting off Subpersonalities from memory- disengaging, compartmentalizing, dividing and fracturing them from the core self to the extent that the Subpersonality assumes it's the Core.

Schizophrenia does this Emotionally (I must feel/believe in this one way), while DID does this Intellectually (I must think/express in this one way), and OCD Physiologically (I must act/behave in this one way).

Each Sub-personality is grown from the seed of an Unconscious NEED or Conscious WANT, and then experiences a path to RESOLVING or fulfilling that need/want. These Subs are born through one the 9 NEEDS and can represent any one of that Need's 7 Degrees. (ie. a sub wanting Reckless Expression, or needing to show Confident Power).

Seeds of EXPRESSION function/are fulfilled through Insanity/Total Delusion, Recklessness, Infamy, Projects, Entertainment, Art or Renaissance/Rebirth.
Seeds of FREEDOM function/are fulfilled through Irresponsibility, Aimlessness, Physical Liberation, Mental Liberation, Emotional Liberation, Conscious Choice or Peace(Absolute awareness of full potential.)

Seeds of EXPANSION function/are fulfilled through Illness/Cancers(Literal or Figurative), Accumulation/Hoarding, Sprawling, Realizations, Inspirations, Transformations or Prosperity/Absolute Gratitude.


Seeds of ADVENTURE function/are fulfilled through Drama, Addictions, Physical Stimulation, Mental Stimulation, Revelations, Essence Contact or Enlightenment(Full implementation of personal philosophies.)

Seeds of EXCHANGE function/are fulfilled through Slander/War, Gossip, Small Talk/Banter, Trade/Barter, Mutual Profit/Gain, Understanding or Comprehension(True teaching/learning.)
Seeds of POWER function/are fulfilled through Destruction, Oppression, Control, Guidance, Confidence, Ethics or Compassion

Seeds of COMMUNITY function/are fulfilled through Desperations, Neediness, Fraternizing, Socializing, Mutuality, Intimacy/Communion or Unity/Spiritual Resonance.

Seeds of SECURITY function/are fulfilled through Blind Faith, False Hope, Tradition, Theories, Reliable Sources, Experiences/Intuition or Absolute Trust.

Seeds of ACCEPTANCE function/are fulfilled through Ingratiation, Subservience, Tolerance, Conditions/Conditional Love, Causal/Intentional Love, Unconditional Love or Agape/True Affection.



Most people generate anywhere from 3 to 12 Sub-Personalities, and these form an internal kind of SUPPORT GROUP that bubble to the surface in Groups of 3 (With one Sub being negative, exclusionary or passive- one being positive, inclusive or active- and one being neutral/mediating in focus). 

But there can be many more of course.


While our Support Circle is our external support, our Subpersonalities are our internal support.

There would then be internal facets who deal with ranges and feelings of Love, Knowledge, Compassion, Mentoring, Beauty, Childlikeness, Humor, Discipline, Anchoring, Healing, Enlightenment and Muse. With your Core being the Power position that holds power over every sub and is empowered by them.


Each Sub will then take on a -corrupt/distorted or +supportive voice through one of these positions:

Voices of Love feel -Desperate or +Enthusiastic.

Voices of Knowledge are -Anxious or +Curious.

Voices of Compassion feel -Paralyzed or +Empathetic.

Voices of Mentoring show -Denial or +Receptiveness.
Voices of Beauty show -Escape or +Awe.

Voices of Childlikeness show -Recklessness or +Risk.

Voices of Humor are -Dismissive or +Lighthearted.

Voices of Discipline are -Cruel or +Considerate.

Voices of Anchoring feel -Trapped or +Wise.

Voices of Healing are -Interfering or +Responsible.

Voices of Enlightenment show -Breakdown or +Breakthrough.

Voices of Muse feel -Exhausted/Numb or +Aspirational.

And finally, the Voice of Power is our CORE VOICE/EGO that urges -Reaction or invites +Choice after assimilating all the input from the other voices. 


If a Voice/Sub is distorted and corrupt, then it's important to remember it's not your voice- it is someone else's idea of you which you have been fed to believe as true. Your true voice is always encouraging & supportive.

But defending and dividing yourself from corrupt/distorted voices doesn't work- the only way to heal them is if you draw from your Core Voice & +CHOOSE to truly listen (rather than -react) to the false voice; calming it, comforting it, informing it, and valuing its effort to protect you so that it knows how it has supported you.

Subpersonalities are "negative" only if they render your Core fearful/helpless to the choices+patterns of that Sub.

You can always override a sub-personality, but a negative one can be quite daunting and rooted in a time frame or age range from your past; whereas positive ones tend to be more ethereal, slippery & amorphous and quite integrated with who you are at your core. 

Overall, Subs are always hooked into entrenching, or transcending your Ego Fears.

There are 3 Ways your Core Personality can alter the patterns, fears and momentum of a Sub. Each of these ways move through a 5-Step Process: Awareness, Acceptance, Co-operation, Integration & Synthesis.

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1. ASKING FOR HELP- Seeking/allowing support from external resources can definitely help you through difficulties.
First you'd want to be
+Aware something isn't working internally, +Accepting this state and sharing it with others who

may +Co-operate with you through communication, understanding and helping you implement new choices. 

As you +Integrate what you've learnt, +Synthesis coalesces.

2. NAMING & GUIDING- Explore yourself, bringing
+Awareness to your wants/needs to reveal various ways Subs run things for you. +Accept any Sub's existence as a part of you and +Co-operate with it, giving it a name you can recognize & developing an understanding of where it's coming from by talking to it.
If the Sub is fulfilling Lower Degrees(1-3) of the Need it was seeded by, it may require more
HEALING, kindness, patience, nurturing etc.; while if it is fulfilling Higher Degrees(5-7) of its Need, the interactions will likely require more 

and harmony. The 4th Degree could lean either way, often acting as a mediator. 
+Integrate what you've learnt from your experience, allowing that Sub to +Synthesize with your Core and support you more consciously.

3. CORE CONSCIOUSNESS- Bring a deliberate, gentle +Awareness to what AREAS of your life tend to be ruled by a Sub and consciously examine those contexts, rather than wait until the Sub has already risen to control.
+Accept how you behaved in this area before & allow a new way of operating in it to evolve- actively +Co-operating with yourself to practice bringing about this ideal change.

As you continually enter similar contexts where you would've reacted in a certain way, you'll now begin to choose differently and +Integrate these new experiences into your being. +Synthesis then occurs as you remember you always have the power to choose in any situation if you return to your core self and core values.

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