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The Pragmatist sees life in terms of WHAT WORKS; setting down rules+orders based on what’s known, and then using whatever other Attitude is deemed most appropriate, practical or effective for the situation.


The Pragmatist builds theories based on past experiences that can then be put into practice (done/said).

So what happens as a result of that application becomes a practical source of experience, insight and knowledge for you, that then brings up new theories you can later apply.

As such, Pragmatism can be seen as a philosophy that values the principle of Cause and Effect.


In -Dogma, you repetitively insist upon what must work & must be seen, understood or done right by you+others- and you're blind to any other options offered to you beyond what you've determined, that could help make things more efficient: utterly immovable and unwavering in your perceptions. 


You carry into your interactions and inner voice a "my way or the highway" stance.

So you might even present yourself as an overt or passive-aggressive nit-picking and badgering micro-manager that continually enforces counterproductive principles and procedures upon everyone; or demands that the "tools" you expect- be available, and the results you anticipate- "show up."

Dogma will continue to do/think/express as it does, even as it isn't working for others or even you- and some times this may mean not doing/saying anything at all, simply filtering others out & generally being inflexible.

Your Blind Spot then is your INSENSITIVITY towards any impractical struggles you or others may have.
This is because you can become so used to dismissing & denigrating struggles by oversimplifying solutions: "stop struggling", "let it go", "don't respond", "it's not worth it", "suck it up", "walk away" etc.

So rather than listening & helping you and others through those, you justify your behaviors by the fact that it's tiresome extra effort for you to Inefficiently Empathize with what you believe doesn't work, and is a ridiculously messy and inefficient way of doing/thinking/feeling.


Pragmatism can use any other Attitude to Enforce Dogma or Bring Practical Efficiency.

Stoicism would remain centered and calm about the nature of the scenario- passively resigned and giving up to it, until peacefully embracing and navigating.

 Spiritualism would mean you use your intuition & feel out the possibilities of what could be practical- blindly believing what you/others think works, until verifying those potentials through feedback & experience.

Skepticism would investigate & disprove claims of what works- being fixated on suspicion and accusation, until asking 

yourself+others questions that can gather info for insight and solutions.

 Idealism would focus on improving patterns to be more practical- naively expecting what should work must work, until bringing together what's needed for your ideal to actually coalesce.

Cynicism would actively oppose all parts of you+others that aren't working- either to undermine & cut everything down, 

or to show there's more to consider+see beyond the surface.

 Realism would see the experience for what it is- feeling unnerved+disoriented by the facts or appearance of things, until seeking to bring a more confident, wholesome & balanced perspective of those.




A shift into +Practicality means being open to all options & feedback of what can/could/has worked, whether offered from within you or from others- and then experimenting with that to choose the most efficient, productive, adaptable and helpful choices & methods.

As such, Practicality is aware that there's always MORE THAN ONE WAY.

The Practical Pragmatist is Efficient, not just in your assessments & exchanges- but also in how you choose to express yourself, use resources within and around to build your intentions, and even in the way you adjust to changes.

Being neutral, it's natural for you to observe how everyone is maneuvering and behaving as a way to figure out the playing field and use the best choice given the circumstances- so you'll tend to only offer insight, feedback or direction, if it's seen as necessary or beneficial to yourself or others.

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