The 7th Passage of Evolution can be processed while we're dying or post-death, but it revolves around the impact of our death on us, and our friends+family. The quintessential concept of "life flashing before your eyes" happens now and the infamous review that follows it.
(This is usually physical but can be a major, pivotal or transformative psychological death and rebirth too that happens within waking life. Particularly if one has a Plutonian Body Type.)
It is resonant to the Higher Intellectual Center- to our capacity for embracing the truth of our existence.
Biologically, the Hormonal Wash we undergo here is designed on a physical level to allow entropy and return our body to the Earth as material for new life to feed on and grow from.
And while this happens, our Spirit/Personality detaches from its etheric bind to the Physical Universe, to resonate with the energy of the "Astral" or Emotional Realm- a fluid, less-dense counterpart to the Physical.
When our life ends then, we go on and enter a Deeply Emotional Review-like Process to truly assess all the LOVE, TRUTH and BEAUTY across our entire life.
This can take "ages" and cycle over and over as we come to terms with our life and death.
(These stages can move from -Pole to -Pole, or -Pole to +Pole.
If one stage is stuck in its -Pole, all taken on after it will default to the -Pole as well: but once that stage moves into its +Pole, the next stage can now move into its +Pole.)
The 7th Passage begins when we finally start to process our -Attachments to our body and those people+things we knew, and our loved ones start to process their attachments to us. So this can only be shifted when both parties allow for our +Transition.
As we+our loved ones -Deny and resist the truth, and hold on dearly- the +Grief of this change must be processed.
As such, everyone carefully wavers between the tragic feelings and hilarious feelings they have about our life & death- allowing any levity, humor and nostalgia we find to rise up+out from our hearts.
Now we feel a growing necessity to -Return to our past, relationships or physical reality- while our loved ones feel the need to return to us & our graves/memorials too. This helps create room for +Detachment as everyone (including us) come to feel we're safe, at peace and moving on.
-Devastation sets in for the long-ranging impact of our death, influence, choices and any missed opportunities- as we and all who knew us now +Review our life to assess all its truth, love and beauty.
At this point, forms of -Haunting can appear as we occupy and visit pockets of space+time that meant something to us; eventually moving towards any need for +Reuniting with loved ones, mediums and our underlying soul/essence for understanding, play and comfort.
We feel -Fragmented across these pockets of space+time that have been entrenched in our memories.
So we learn how to emotionally +Integrate all of the parts that make up our identity, relationships, love and life- by remembering, seeing and applying them in new terms.
To successfully complete the 7th Passage, any -Dependence we have on physical symbols that reject our non-physical existence, and any feelings of being lost, controlled or lonely in the universe- must transform so we can +Transcend
our physicality with profound insight to newly experience whatever is "next".
As we explore accommodating to our Death and the Afterlife, we must move through and process all our
-Attachments- whether they feel good or bad.
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We deny our death and reject moving on, holding on to the physical world by "Haunting" Family, Friends, Objects, Time Frames or even our own Body.
And our loved ones are left Uncontrollably Devastated by their grief- becoming deeply attached and desperately tied to us for great, lengthy periods of time.
A complete 7th Passage is marked by our capacity to +Transcend the range of attachments we have to our physical body and existence, by understanding ourselves as greater than the sum of our parts.
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We come to Embrace the beautiful truth and meaning of our life and death.
We Integrate with Others in and beyond our lifetime- such as by meeting those who died before us, creating agreements with those who will be part of our next life, or remembering and contacting connections we forged in past lives.
And if needed, we safely and peacefully Comfort and Visit loved Friends+Family- dearly reviewing our life together with them & our Essence/Soul.