Your Instinctive Center is your deeply rooted base of consciousness- acting like a personal storehouse and disk drive recording and containing all of your unconscious, subconscious and conscious memories.
It is governed/balanced by your capacity for choice.
Anything that exists has an instinctive center- but such lifeforms as Minerals, Oceans, Light Waves, Bacteria etc. operate here on a daily basis.
The -Pole here is best described as Anatomic, while the +Pole is Atomic.
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-Anatomic instinct is what happens when you solely rely on your programming to navigate life.
So your range of choice is limited by and entirely dependent upon genetic codes and stimulation/friction- and you're only ever assessing real or imagined threats in fearful, reactionary fight or flight self-preservation.
This is when you live life in survival mode- whether that be physically (surviving by seeking to function- sensing your body isn't safe), emotionally (surviving by seeking lost meaning- feeling your heart isn't safe) or intellectually (surviving by seeking reasons- thinking your ideals aren't safe).
To heal this damaged/blocked state, the most helpful means is to Call Out or Ask for Help- even of your self- as this reminds you you're not living in a vacuum & frees your energy to do/think/feel differently.
Sharing in a similar struggle with others, or allowing for sources of balance, rest & revitalization can help in more intellectual or emotional self-preservation instincts as well.
All of these are about infusing a mindful New Focus alongside the current stressful focus.
A shift into +Atomic instinct means you're no longer dictated by only fear and stimulation/friction- as you allow the wisdom you gain through life to also inform your choices. So you're always growing your capacity for conscious, responsive and responsible choice-making & navigation in life. Even if there are limitations to your choices, or you don't like the choices available- you still consciously choose.
In short: -Anatomic Instinct reacts & divides- while +Atomic Instinct responds & unifies.
There are 7 Basic Rights that our instinctive centers secure:
RIGHT TO EXIST- the right to be real and have life. RIGHT TO FEEL- the right to adjust your form to something else & feel/create intimacy, resonance and harmony through that. RIGHT TO BE FREE- the right to move, change and grow through your own free will.
RIGHT TO NURTURE- the right to care & empathize in ways that reflect your capacity to love.
RIGHT TO COMMUNICATE- the right to exchange ideas and truths through some form of language. RIGHT TO DREAM- the right to imagine, envision and see beyond your self, circumstances & moment in time. RIGHT TO EVOLVE- the right to comprehend the larger context you're a part of.
All beings in the universe have these rights, or are in the process of developing them- but only sentient species like humans, cetaceans and great apes are consciously aware that they have them.
So a Chicken may have its right to be free violated & exemplify this through instinctive retaliation/resignation, but it won't know it has that right- whereas a Human may have the same right violated, but consciously knows this & will choose how to react or respond from there.
Each Center resonates with a different form of MUSIC.
In this case, we can access our Instinctive Center by listening to/creating NOISE- such as rain, thunder, wind, waves, drains, crackles, chirps, buzzes, chattering voices etc.
This noise can either invoke our FEAR REFLEXES if it seems eerie, unnatural and discordant- or our SENSE OF CURIOSITY/TRUST if it seems normal, natural and intriguing.
This combo tends to focus on the body reacting to instinctive, unconscious drives like hunger, thirst, breathing, physical safety, touch, sex and affection, digestion, heartbeat, homeostasis etc. It focuses on our instinct to be FREE to MOVE, GROW and CHOOSE INDEPENDENTLY.
There is also a focus on PURGING physical symptoms and illnesses that the body has long been dealing with.
In other words, when we're sick, ill, wounded, uncomfortable or craving this combo is triggered and our body makes these issues of survival known so they're quickly healed.
This combo tends to focus on our heart's need for meaning, and our personal systems of symbology that show up in dreams, meditation, regression and therapeutic healing processes.
It focuses on our instinct to NURTURE, CARE, EMPATHIZE and to LOVE & BE LOVED.
It's also triggered by feelings of grief and heartbreak where our emotional body needs to heal, release, comfort and INTEGRATE any anger, wounding or hypersensitivity. Everything is felt in the raw here.
This combo tends to focus on our mind's efforts to process, understand, collect, record and rationalize everything we experience as information for further analysis.
It focuses on our instinct to SHARE IDEAS/CONCEPTS and to SPEAK/HEAR the TRUTH.
This part of us is in hyper-drive to prioritize concepts, sort out any confusion, overwhelm and disorientation that is affecting our intellect and mental clarity & constantly UPGRADE our system of beliefs/ideals.
This combo is always present because it is the absolute state of ancient consciousness we have that EXISTS.
It assures we are all something real that simply IS.
This combo is about giving form to form, differentiating things like white from black, a mother from her child, or a character from our imagination. It is about feeling our CREATIONS, and knowing there's another person, thing or part of ourselves in a different SPACE without needing to be conscious about it.
The beautiful birth+form of our existence is felt here.
This combo is about being able to experience TIME so that we can organize our various experiences into a clear process. It also governs our inherent ability to DREAM, envision & see probabilities and potentials beyond the current moment that reveal where we have been in the past, are in the present and could be in the future.
The love of our whole existence is remembered here.
This combo is about increasing our capacity to COMPREHEND what we have experienced, and to EVOLVE from knowing new truths as we give substance to our form in space and time.
The truth of our existence is known here.