What is a Goal?
Your Goal describes what you are challenged to do, and motivated on some level to extract from your experiences. Unlike your other personality dynamics, the description of your Goal describes what you are not good at doing, but trying to do. It is a verb, a process of doing.
For this reason, each Goal has its own unique standards used to gauge achievement.
Your Goal tends to show up when out in the world, interacting with others or working on shared intentions, commitments & projects that seek tangibility and results.
It describes from where your actions are focused, so by looking at WHAT you sought from your experiences through your actions, you look at your Goal.
For example, to have Acceptance as your Goal means you are challenged to genuinely, truthfully accept-but also motivated to derive acceptance and love from life, yourself and others.
You can bring Awareness to your Goal by asking: "What am I doing?", "What does this mean to me?" and "Am I proving or disproving that meaning through my actions?"
The Goal is not a means to an end- instead, it is more like understanding a STATE of beauty you're working to create. And what that state is, feels & looks like is always evolving and changing.
There are 7 Goals, and each individual has one:
RE-EVALUATION- Challenged to Simplify Meaning & Focus- ranges from -Withdrawal to +Simplicity.
GROWTH- Challenged to Create Meaning & Grow- ranges from -Confusion to +Evolution.
DISCRIMINATION- Challenged to Integrally Say No- ranges from -Rejection to +Refinement.
ACCEPTANCE- Challenged to Genuinely Say Yes- ranges from -Ingratiation to +Agape.
SUBMISSION- Challenged to Feel Replenished by Action- ranges from -Subservience to +Devotion.
DOMINANCE- Challenged to Exemplify/Lead by Action- ranges from -Dictatorship to +Leadership.
FLOW- Challenged to Surrender & Be Free- ranges from -Inertia/Momentum/Stagnation to +Freedom.
The -Pole describes what you do when feeling Blocked/Frustrated or Defeated; while the +Pole describes what you do when feeling Fulfilled/Effective.
To move from - to +, each Goal uses its Re-Evaluation/Growth, Discrimination/Acceptance or Submission/Dominance partner trait- or uses Flow for a dose of neutrality and assimilation.
This is called "sliding".
Flow, being neutral, can slide to any of these 6 Goals to move from - to +.
Each Goal contains 7 Stages:
An Inner - Extreme, -Pole and Outer - Extreme: the Purpose/Aim of the Goal itself: and an Inner + Extreme, +Pole and Outer + Extreme.
Each Goal is always prompted by its Inner - Stage, which then shifts to the Outer - Stage.
Both of these extremes can cycle back and forth and keep you stuck in the -Pole, until you learn to re-evaluate, grow from, discriminate, accept, submit to, dominate or flow with this.
Doing so pulls you into the Inner + Stage, which then shifts to the Outer + Stage.
Both of these extremes can cycle back and forth and keep you moving in the +Pole, but not quite knowing the fullness of that inclusive state until you learn the Lesson of your Goal.
The lesson of each goal of course, is relative to whatever experiences you're having now. It isn't conclusive, and just because you learn it in one instance doesn't mean your goal is fully fulfilled.
Any time you sustain the +Pole of your Goal, you learn it- because knowing why this lesson is needed, what it means, how to do it etc. changes in different contexts.
Below are the 7 Stages of each Goal:
Loneliness <(-Withdrawal)> Repelling // Re-Evaluation learns to Passively Allow Meaning // Sedentary <(+Simplicity)> Sensitivity
Escape <(-Confusion)> Resistance // Growth learns to Actively Create Meaning // Friction/Stimulation
<(+Evolution)> Recognition
Loathing <(-Rejection)> Imposition // Discrimination learns to See the Bigger Picture // Expectation <(+Refinement)> Righteousness
Emptiness <(-Ingratiation)> Desperation // Acceptance learns to See the Details // Blind Permission <(+Agape/Affection)> Amorphous Love
Invisibility <(-Subservience)> Obsession // Submission learns to Create a Circuit that Replenishes Energy // Faith <(-Devotion)> Investment
Chaos <(-Dictatorship)> Distrust // Dominance learns to Listen to All Parts to create a sense of Wholeness // Worth <(+Leadership)> Order
Division <(-Inertia)> Distance // Flow learns to Find Footing & Structure for your Choices // Direction <(+Freedom)> Contribution