LUNAR Bodies have a strong instinctive and visceral response to familiar comforts and reflex triggers- which can prompt you to suddenly react immaturely/pessimistically, or prompt you to realize how those instinctive reactions inform you to be more simple, elegant, attentive and curious in life.
This is because Luna is a yin (inward-directed), passive (introspective/being-centered) and negative (receptive) type geared toward processing your personal inspirations & emotions through one-on-one interactions.
It resonates with the Ordinal Inspiration Axis and thus reflects the Server Essence, Stoic Attitude, Reserve Mode and Goal to Re-Evaluate through how it looks/behaves/processes in life.
Lunar Appearance is primarily affected by the Moon- so it is most directly shaped/seen as a REFLECTION of its inner processes or outer environment.
Much like your native satellite, your body is quite doughy- being round, soft, pale and fleshy- and possesses a cool and clammy surface as too much tension and heat within or around can be quite stressful for Luna to process.
Luna is also the most passive, immature and slow-changing type of all- tending to put on baby-fat or babyish features because of this; while also having greater BODY MEMORY than most, as events, feelings and sensations stick with you for a long time like instinctive imprints before ever being released.
Overall, the pure Lunar will tend to have a round face and form with light, gray and luminous eyes- thin, light, sparse hair- and fine, pale, spongy skin.
When unhealthy, Luna’s reflection becomes -Pallid.
The contractive/refined pallid body is WANING. As such, the features, shape and skin do not show much light because they are small, thin and recessive- seeming/becoming weak and feeble.
The expansive/freed pallid body is WAXEN. Which means the skin and fat become rounder and larger, but the features seem dull, flat, puffy and waxy- as the body is taking in too much matter/energy like baggage.
When healthy however, Luna reveals to us its soft, +Luminous reflection.
The contractive/refined luminous body is SLIM. The frame and features are thin, small, smooth and cylindrical- reflecting a fresh, snow white tone, crescent shape & clear, doll-like skin reminiscent of a New Moon.
The expansive/freed luminous body is PLUMP. The frame and features are larger, fleshier, rounder and fuller- reflecting a cool tone, baby-like shape & healthy pink glow reminiscent of a Full Moon.
Lunar Nature displays the part of our Human Psyche that feels struggle and strength over its RESISTANCE to power/control, which helps us cultivate our own sense of power/control- waxing and waning between these forces similar to how the Moon struggles between self-directed movement and being pulled into Earth's orbit.
When unhealthy, such resistance feels like a -Childish, overwhelming and confusing push-pull dynamic that tears everyone apart and drives you+others loony. All coupled with great sensitivity against exerting effort, being told what to do, pushed into things, manipulated, victimized etc.- and even an effort to conceal this resistant tantrum behind a facade of reason/composure.
Contractive/focused childishness is DEPENDENT. As such, the psyche seeks things/people which it can familiarize with, revolve around and rely upon- subconsciously clinging to these attachments.
While expansive/freed childishness is more REBELLIOUS. Which is where the psyche notices something disgusting in other that prompts a reactionary compulsion to distance from that and its effects on self.
However, once you own that your resistance is precisely what reveals and invigorates your self-definition- it becomes an informative strength that lets you reflect on and discover what you do/don't want, who you are/aren't, and helps you "grow up" on your own terms, +Unattached.
Contractive/focused unattachment is INDEPENDENT. Which is when the psyche returns sovereignty over itself to move in freer more self-controlled and self-managed ways- directing its own life.
While expansive/freed unattachment is PEACEFUL. As such, the psyche is at peace & in awe with the various forces of life while trusting & responding from its center, playful inner child & inner knowing throughout all of the chaos.
Lunar is deeply emotional inside, but constrained in expressing this as it values protecting your raw, innocent and untouched INNER CHILD through secrecy/wariness- much as the Moon hides its own dark side.
Because Lunar is inspirational in effect, you can be inclined towards supporting those who inspire you: helping one-on-one and expressing kindness to a select few in your life who need it.
And generally, you rely more than others on your reactions to things as surprising reflections that reveal who you actually are- as opposed to who you just thought you were.
Lunar Health is most immediately affected by the quality and quantity of FUEL/ENERGY you take in through your diet, as well as on more subtle levels through your mind/heart/spirit.
This then engages the PANCREAS GLAND to physically reflect how this fuel/energy affects your body.
The Pancreas Gland releases:
Insulin- Stimulates the Liver to store Glucose as Glycogen, and stimulates muscle+fat cells to absorb blood Glucose and lower blood sugar levels to increase energy.
Glucagon- Stimulates the Liver to release Glucose from its Glycogen storage into the blood, raising blood sugar levels to distribute energy around to the body’s cells.
Somatostatin- Inhibits various hormones including Insulin+Glucagon; generally slowing bodily functions like growth, metabolism and digestion, and reducing blood sugar concentration.
Digestive Enzymes- Produced in the Exocrine part of the Pancreas, these are secreted to aid the digestion of proteins (ie. Protease), carbs (ie. Amylase) and fats (ie. Lipase).
When unhealthy, Luna becomes hyper sensitive to input and has difficulty managing what you take in- instead resorting to a state of -Resignation to cope with your overwhelm.
Contracted/focused resignation RETIRES. This is when the Psyche becomes fatigued by too much input so it stops functioning, avoids all inner/outer conflict & refuses to exert any effort at all- leading the Pancreas to reflect this by refusing to produce hormones as well, and thus reinforcing chronic exhaustion.
Expansive/freed resignation feels OVERLOADED. This is what happens when the Psyche takes in too much input, trying to process and manage it all before resorting to neurotic behaviors to cope- such as emotional eating & extreme pickiness over what you don't want in diet/relationships, without knowing what you actually do.
Such just results in the Pancreas becoming so bogged down with matter/energy it can’t function effectively, leading to sugar issues like Diabetes, Hypoglycemia and Hyperglycemia.
When healthy however, Luna allows for you to cultivate your +Sensitivity to how everything feels in your body- turning that into a strength and caring much about how you process things.
On the more contractive/focused side this brings NOURISHMENT. The Psyche impels a need to nurture and care for the body with necessary and natural fuels, while also being mindful of its energy/caloric intake- leading the Pancreas to reflect this by returning to properly manage your diet, fuel and energy levels as well.
While the more expansive/freed side brings SENSIBILITY. The psyche then returns to its center to find moments of lucidity that honor any reactionary processes happening within or without, while also responding to events and relationships as clearly, elegantly and intelligibly as practicable.
Because of all this, you must learn how to respond rather than resign to what may be fueling/affecting you- or else you start to block your body and psyche's access to healthy energy sources.
​Lunar holds a Primary Shame over INTELLIGENCE- of not being smart enough in behavior or capability compared to others: whether this be something highly crippling+specific or more "across the board".
This comes from the strong drive within to rationalize, hide, compartmentalize and control not only your inadequacies and stupidities- but also any childish/baby-like needs, tendencies or behaviors that you see in yourself or are shamed over. So you try your hardest to focus only on presenting yourself through intellect+reason.
Anyone with Lunar needs to be allowed to be childish, pouty, immature- to give your inner baby some space to go through its growing pains without undermining your strengths, maturity and wisdom.
This is the challenge for the Lunar to rise above Shame.
Furthermore, when you don't allow room for your yearnings to play and live every day with child-like awe, then it can seem as if all there is in life is a constant immaturity+sensitivity to everything that causes friction.
So the more you allow yourself to laugh, play, make mistakes, get hurt and recover- the healthier & more vivid you can feel, and the greater you can manage far more grave scenarios.
In contrast to this, Lunar delights most in feeling a sense of USEFULNESS.
When you can see the value of yourself or someone/thing else, you lighten your shame- because you realize everything+everyone can be useful and helpful in some way, shape or form.
When you see some kind of value in each action, feeling or thought you choose as serving, revealing, nurturing etc.
something that matters to you- the wisdom+maturity at the core of you can grow.
So rather than feeling your usefulness depends on how competent+mature you are- you realize that intelligence isn't a hierarchy, but a spectrum of various ways you can be intelligent, smart and capable.
And you realize that when you feel useful, you're actually choosing to Trust Yourself & Your Power too.
Below are some famous personalities, and the body types I've studied+observe them to have.
I encourage you to look into their stories to determine whether you agree with my theories & what kind of influences you see them having as well.
Donald Trump (45th US President) has a Lunar Appearance- Martial Nature with Jovial Health.
Emily Dickinson (Poet) had a
Lunar Appearance- Martial Nature with Solar Health.
Albert Einstein (Theoretical Physicist) had
a Lunar Appearance- Mercurial Nature
with Saturnian Health.
Others with this mix are:
Woody Allen- (Actor+Comedian)
Todd Solondz- (Screenwriter+Director)
Snow White (Disney) has a strong
Lunar Appearance with high Solar Nature and Health.
Luigi Mario (Nintendo's Super Mario) has a Lunar Appearance- Saturnian Nature with Mercurial Health and Solar.
Alfred Hitchcock (Film Director) had a Lunar Appearance- Jovial Nature with Saturnian Health.