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One in Power relates through freeing your thoughts, ideas and expression to feel heard, seen and in control-

and to exude Confidence and Presence in who+how you are, as well as what you believe in.

Power is about the form you take in your relationships.
You grow intimacy through how much of you can be present, permitted, allowed etc. from you or others without shame or silencing- able to stand up & show up. And it’s important for you to prove your intentions behind pursuing something while fully displaying who you are at any moment.

-Oppression ensues when you feel compromised, insecure or lacking in your sense of presence, place, belief and 

confidence- feeling diminished, insignificant or invisible in your relationship/experience.
So you might Impose and Enforce your thoughts, ideas and expression Onto Others to restrict, control, 

disconnect from and otherwise manipulate their form, beliefs & expression into something less powerful- drawing power/presence from that as a way to feel falsely heard, seen and secure.

Or you/others might Impose and Enforce thoughts, ideas and expressions Onto You- in ways that completely limit, oppress and restrict your self-expression and confidence. 

So you can easily conform your thoughts/expressions in the presence of any person or thing you deem has more power over you than you do- and give away your sense of power & presence to life/others, because you're depending upon, taking, seeking or manipulating them into giving you permission for expression.

Both of these are disempowering, as you convey anything else than you as being responsible for your state of thought, power & presence.


When you fall into -Oppression, you start to use all thoughts, ideas & expressions you/others have- to reinforce your -Phobias that you're being rendered diminished, insignificant or invisible.

So you're unable to control the way you, or your intentions & relationships are oppressing you- and now freeze, fight or flee from their form of oppressive expression out of aversion.


To move into +Authority, you must slow down and bring more +Deliberation to how you experience & deliver your thoughts and expressions about things. 
When Oppressing Others that would mean owning how you've interpreted their expressions/presence as having deliberately affected you when they truly did not.

And when Oppressing Yourself, that would mean you just choose one way//form/context of expressing yourself without compromise- rather than not express yourself & your ideas/intentions at all.
You can also return a vivid sense of +Clarity to your relationship/experience by allowing all their parts to be honestly seen, understood and involved in your intentions- shifting away from an oppressive -Surveillance of everything that leaves you feeling diminished, insignificant and invisible.


A shift into +Authority means you begin to manage the impact your thoughts, ideas and expressions have on yourself & others in honest, considered and self-responsible ways.

Instead of enforcing your thoughts/expressions onto yourself & everyone else in ways that conform and disempower parts/people- you compose contexts where all parts/people involved in a relationship or experience can feel empowered to express themselves with confidence & share authentically.
This then allows all parts of the whole to feel more present, secure and comprehensive in how they present themselves & communicate their beliefs- helping you to see how all parts/people can share resources and ideas that build upon each other to form goals, networks and relationships.




Power is most attractive to others for revealing insight into & helping one recognize+comprehend their place in life- consolidating disparate truths/ideas into philosophical structures that make sense.
Considering this, Power gets to know others through their 
Attitudes, personally validated perspectives, beliefs and life philosophies- attracted to any Common Ground in Confidence

So you can feel most wounded when there is deceit, dishonesty or some form of contradiction to what was expressed as true but acted upon differently.


This can leave you with trust issues in your capacity to know what's true, or to let another in to your life.

And as such, you might attract to those who have false beliefs, high insecurities and undefined perceptions of life-
so that you can shape, reason with & oppress them to falsely empower you, or hold onto some sense of presence and power by conforming your thoughts/self-expression to empower them.

To heal, it can help if you develop trust & confidence in yourself and who you have proven to be- knowing another's expression of their truths can never hurt your sense of trust in you.

This means you say with great Honesty, how you feel- even if it's not true for others, and let others say the same- even if it's not true for you. That Honesty is paramount to Power Mode.

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