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Beyond the common body types of Solar & Lunar through Jovial, there are a few much rarer types. These are the URANIAN, NEPTUNIAN and PLUTONIAN.

After all what's a solar system without all its major planets?
These types tend to show up as
Genetically "Switched On" through very specific experiences. They can be added to any Body Type mix, as they are never Primary Types.

As such, these can be seen as strong 
Extra-ordinary Influences throughout the Appearance, Nature and Health of any individual who has them.

Or they can show up as a 4th Context Transcending Physicality: either bringing a profound draw to much more metaphysical experiences- or a greater capacity to profoundly shift paths and trajectories that you, your

community or even nation is taking.

The Polarities of these types are as follows:

URANUS brings active, negative, masculine/yang and eccentric influences.

Defective <(-Deformity)> Grotesque // Appearance of Abnormality // Unique <(+Mutation)> Evolutionary

Detached <(-Warped)> Surreal // Nature of Transmutation // Liberated <(+Altering)> Revolutionary

Regression <(-Disruption)> Perversion // Health of Gonads & Creativity // Differentiation <(-Innovation)> Arousal


NEPTUNE brings passive, positive, feminine/yin and psychic influences.

Blind <(-Gossamer)> Nebulous // Appearance of Intangibility // Mystical <(+Effusive)> Dreamy

Disenchanted <(-Illusory)> Crazy // Nature of Transcendence // Clairvoyant <(+Intuitive)> Magical

Invisibility <(-Disappearance)> Submersion // Health of Hypothalamus & Intuition // Clarity <(+Fluidity)> Mergence


PLUTO brings passive, negative, feminine/yin and deathly influences.

Ominous <(-Menacing)> Imminent // Appearance of Intensity // Concentrated <(+Prodigy)> Phenomenal

Darkening <(-Morbid)> Horrific // Nature of Transformation // Revealing <(+Free)> Released

Slumber <(-Death)> Decomposition // Health of Pineal & Reincarnation // Awakening <(+Rebirth)> Metamorphosis

People with URANIAN influence live lives of profound ECCENTRICITY- and this is also what their Primary Joy

and Shame revolve around.
It is a radical masculine influence- being active(interactive) & negative(receptive).

In Appearance, Uranus will show up as physical oddities- such as dwarfism, unusual skin conditions like albinism, or genetic anomalies you're born with. Uranus can also be activated by events in life that cause such drastic changes or amputations too.
These influences can be seen as ugly, freakish and debilitating 
-Deformities at worst- causing you to either look DEFECTIVE or GROTESQUE.
Or they can be seen as surprising and captivating 
+Mutations that you can navigate proudly with.
So your body stands out as
UNIQUE and one of a kind both in how it looks+functions- or helps EVOLVE & ENHANCE
your life and the course of humanity by putting a spin on & redesigning the usual human experience.


Uranian Nature will show as living life through a chaotic fun-house, circus-like or kaleidoscopic perspective of things that invites bizarrely multi-faceted perspectives to your processing of events.
This creates a 
-Warped perspective of the world then, as you feel drawn to hallucinogens or hallucinate naturally in ways that either create DETACHED and drifting states of consciousness that lose all track of time+space- or SURREAL psychedelic trips and shamanic journeys through space+time that make no sense.

However, if this twisted perception is harnessed & built upon it can also lead you to completely +Alter your and others psyches in ways that are dramatic & empowering.
This then encourages strong visualization, meditative and creative problem-solving capabilities that can invite
LIBERATING SHIFTS in perspective+consciousness- or REVOLUTIONARY paths to you+others that help realize ones craziest dreams, fantasies and higher perceptions into being.


Uranian Health relates to the Gonads (Sex Glands); which contribute to the sexual dimorphism that mutates our human body's biology to both differentiate and unite (through intercourse) the two sexes.
This gland then releases:

Progesterone- In women: prepares the uterus for conception, aids ovulation & regulates menstrual cycle.
Estrogen- In women: stimulates the development of female sex characteristics.
Testosterone- In men: stimulates the development of male sex characteristics.

Inhibin- Inhibits FSH released by the Anterior Pituitary to slow sexual development.

When unhealthy, this leads to Gonadal Issues, causing wacky developmental -Disruptions in the body's sex characteristics & one's basic ability to move with life.
This then can cause a sense of sexual 
RETROGRADE due to (Hypogonadism)- or it can cause a total PERVERSION of your sexual power/progress due to (Hypergonadism).
When healthy however, Uranus notices where +Innovations are in the making in your body.

So any contrasting eccentricities instead DIVERGE you into different paths/ways of being- and anything that feels perverse instead brings a powerful AROUSAL for radical new change in your self/world.


Overall, Uranus as a form of Transcendence, helps you to shift your personal life, community networks, or even whole nations toward paradigm breakthroughs. Much like Uranus' lopsided orbit, its power twists, completely overturns the status quo and shakes things up.

ie: Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, John Lennon, Alfred Hitchcock, Cat in the Hat, Snoop Dogg.

People with NEPTUNIAN influence live lives of profound PSYCHIC CAPACITIES
- and this is also what their Primary Joy and Shame revolve around.
It is a cosmic feminine influence- being passive(introspective) & positive(responsive).

In Appearance, Neptune tends to have fine glossy skin, and eyes that are quite striking- such as in some born to blindness or albinism- revealing a depth to the soul that attracts others.
When imbalanced, this influence is simply fragile, diffuse and -Gossamer, with little bearing on reality.

So this can appear NEBULOUS on one hand, as you become vague, amorphous and blurred- leading you to have no physical, emotional or mental substance. While on the other it shows as a physical, emotional or intellectual BLINDNESS that veils you so that you cannot see clearly, no matter how hard you try.
When balanced however, Neptune shows as +Effusive and whimsical, yet grounded in connection to the Earth.

So this can show up as a kind of charming+disarming DREAMINESS, or as a MYSTICAL and mythical aura that sees clearly and radiates feelings of transcendence.

Neptunian Nature possesses a psyche capable of heightened fantasy, dreaming, daydreaming, flashes of insight

or magical thinking that actually manifests. Thus even in your best efforts to have a solid physical, emotional or mental presence- there's always a part of you tuned into something "higher".
When unhealthy, this energy becomes too -Illusory.

This is because you struggle with harnessing your psychic receptiveness and so either suppress, ignore and distrust it, leading to a constant DISENCHANTMENT with the world. Or you intensify it to the point of looking and feeling so CRAZY and skewed from the norm it's difficult for others to be around you.
However if you embrace and harness this focus into a tangible outlet, it can contribute to profound healing capabilities, creative projects & bring a deep trust in the power and capability of clear 
So a 
MAGICAL enchantment with life then returns to you- or you bring substance to your CLAIRVOYANCE, telepathy, mysticism and other psychic powers.


Neptunian Health relates to the Hypothalamus Gland, which releases:

Anti-diuretic Hormone(ADH) & Oxytocin- Creates and sends these hormones to the Posterior Pituitary which then releases them to help regulate homeostasis.

Thyrotropin-releasing Hormone(TRH)Stimulates the Anterior Pituitary to release TSH which then stimulates the Thyroid to regulate your metabolism. 

Growth Hormone-releasing Hormone(GHRH)Stimulates the Anterior Pituitary to release GH to regulate the growth, composition and repair of all tissues.

Corticotropin-releasing Hormone(CRH)- Stimulates the Anterior Pituitary to release ACTH which then stimulates the Adrenals to aid stress management.
Gonadotropin-releasing Hormone(GnRH)- Stimulates the Anterior Pituitary to release FSH & LH which then stimulate the Gonads to initiate and maintain reproductive function.
Prolactin-releasing Hormone(PRH)- Stimulates the Anterior Pituitary to release PRL, engaging breast milk production.
Somatostatin- Inhibits GH & TSH in the Nervous System to slow growth and metabolism if needed.

The Hypothalamus serves as the energy-balancing master gland of all Endocrine Glands- and is the coordinator of several vital functions & hormones in the body that are further reinforced by the Pituitary Gland.

When this is imbalanced, Neptune begins to -Disappear.
This means the Hypothalamus either becomes Underactive, leading you to
FAINT and go unconscious as all the body's systems shut down. Or it becomes Overactive, leading you to feel totally SUBMERGED by all the psychic phenomena happening around you & leaving you totally consumed by something greater than you.
When functioning healthily though, you become +Fluid, as you move into equilibrium with the waves of energy influencing you from inside and outside.
This then helps you exercise your imagination 
to heal & REGENERATE your dreams+inspirations again. Or it helps you to feel at one with and MERGE into these subtle energy fields without losing yourself in them.

Overall, Neptune as a form of Transcendence, infuses such clear visions at its healthiest that personal life, community networks, or even nations can become profoundly aware of the creation of reality through practical intuition and other higher perceptions.

ie: Laura Day, James Dean, Anna Pavlova, Marilyn Monroe, Michael Jackson, James Dean, Emma Watson, The Genie (Aladdin), Giselle (Enchanted), Eric & Akane (Zero Escape) Tommy Edison, Jesus Christ.


People with PLUTONIAN influence live lives of profound TRANSFORMATION- and this is also what their Primary Joy and Shame revolve around.
It is a concentrated feminine influence- being passive(introspective) & negative(receptive).

In Appearance, Pluto will often be marked by otherworldly features- with the hair or head being exceptionally striking, or the eyes being eerily penetrating in gaze.

But the key consistency is that as Pluto relates to transformation- anyone with it will find at some point in life, their body type starts rapidly changing its shape and psychology to another.
This change can be a rather sudden, uncomfortable and
-Menacing process to you.

This is because like the god of the underworld, your plutonian influence lays repressed undercover- so like a shadow or looming figure, it HIDES and waits patiently in the dark for when to strike.
But then that strike does come, the foundation of your body is shaken at its core &
ABRUPT unexpected changes start showing up that you never could've anticipated.
Eventually, this menacing clutch stops suffocating you, and your body reveals itself as an exceptional

So the phenomenal changes that you've undergone become REMARKABLY CLEAR to you+others- and you learn how to embrace this and come into your own new physical MAKEOVER.

Plutonian Nature will show as consciously or sub-consciously drawn to things that reveal the necessity for death,

decay and transformation- whether this draw is to others who represent these concepts, or something you carry within you through life.
When this is imbalanced, these subjects that attract you are -Morbid.
So you either start to feel DARKENED by the inevitable reality of cold death & decay that occurs in everything.

Or this morbidness stops feeling distanced+cerebral & starts feeling very real and personally afflicting as you confront some kind of death in your life that DESTROYS and DEVASTATES you.
When balanced, Pluto has confronted this death/decay and now is
+Free from the darkness- knowing that these morbid qualities are natural parts of life you need not escape from, but are truly paths to transformation.
Thus a kind of metaphorical light
REVEALS to you what has been hidden from sight- and you are totally and profoundly RENEWED and REBORN into another version, level or layer of yourself.

Plutonian Health relates to the Pineal Gland, which releases:
Melatonin- Engages the circadian rhythm: a 24 hour internal clock that regulates your sleep/wake cycles

based on light/dark levels. Also aids in dreaming, stabilizing moods, stress levels, responding to electromagnetic energy & regulating the female menstrual cycle among other obscure functions.
When imbalanced, Pluto is in some way, shape or form
-Dead and devoid of life: or at the very least, sees these qualities in someone/thing around you in a way that severely impacts you.
On one hand then, you are asleep in a deep SLUMBER you're not even aware of- with some part of your life operating on a deeply unconscious level that has never seen the light. But on the other, this slumber is revealed and something inside/around you starts DECAYING into cold nothingness.
Eventually, this death occurs and Pluto starts to
+Transform who, how or why it is.
So your physical, emotional or mental health literally
AWAKENS from its slumber in such a profound way that you shed the skin of the past you once lived in- creating a kind of METAMORPHOSIS.


Overall Pluto as a form of Transcendence, is activated by an unexpected death or pivotal choice externally or internally that shocks you awake- permanently+profoundly changing the way you live life from passive to active in your presence, participation and power. 

This influence can even be used to help transform and rebirth communities and paradigms around you as well.

Your life may come to feel like "two lives in one" then.
ie: Grigori Rasputin, Prince Rogers Nelson, Snow White, Yuval Noah Harari, Mira (Zero Escape).

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