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Monarchs resonate to the Expansive Action axis and the Colour Violet.
Violet is the part of us that seeks out the bigger picture of context, causality and total spiritual wholeness.
Lying on the Expansive Action axis we have: the Higher Intellectual Center, Realism, Dominance, Orchestration, Venusian Body Type, Passage of Death and Impatience.
When these are brought together, you have an energy that will
CONDUCT all PARTS/PEOPLE to work together as part of a larger pattern/theme/project/system etc.


The Core Values of Monarchs are Mastery, Action, Planning, Recognition of You+Others, Progress, Success, and being a living example of Transcendence(Getting Out of your Own Way.)
This means they hold Nobility in PRESENCE or Self-Authority.

Monarchs carry the Power of Legitimacy- of embodying authority, lawfulness and authenticity.
When this is dependent upon/extracted from others, it shows as
-Ruling yourself+others- by blindly adhering everyone into inherited or externally determined standards, limitations and rules of who one is and "what's supposed to be done" to keep everything in its place.
While when generated within, power becomes a matter of whether this speaks to your +Spirit- so you become motivated by flexible, self-defined purposes, intentions & standards of personal integrity that matter to you.

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