Body Types always follow along a Circular Progression seen before in how they were ordered:
Lunar > Venusian > Mercurial > Saturnian > Martial > Jovial (> Lunar > Venusian etc.)
The reason for this is because of the natural shift in their bio-electro-chemical charges- from Negative (Lunar) to Positive (Venusian) to Negative (Mercurial) etc.
Solar is outside this progression, as it is neutral & assimilative- so it can be easily added to any mix, because it isn't locked in sequence like the others.
This means that there are a wide range of Body Type Mixes, BUT they are limited by this Sequence/Progression.
It is possible to have a Venus-Solar, Venus-Lunar, Venus-Mercury-Saturn, Venus-Lunar-Jovial etc. body type, because these types are magnetically linked, naturally "side by side".
Their energy flows, because they follow the circulation.
But it is NOT possible to have a Venus-Saturn, Venus-Mars, Venus-Jovial etc. body type, because these are not naturally linked in the sequence. Instead there would need to be a 3rd Link to at least one of those body types, such as in a Venus-Lunar-Saturn, Venus-Mercury-Mars, Venus-Solar-Jovial etc.
This allows there to be a flow of energy somewhere in the circulation.
In other Words, it works so long as the mix has a LINK that follows the progression, or has SOLAR.
To see this circular progression play out physically, we can actually trace how each Endocrine Gland secretes its hormones into the blood stream following the pattern above.
So the Pancreas digests the food we eat- becoming the building blocks for the Parathyroid to build tissue- which requires the Thyroid's aeration to increase metabolism.
This then pushes the Anterior Pituitary to endure, grow from and manifest this change- so it engages the Adrenals to actively manage any resulting stress- and then pulls in support from the Posterior Pituitary to balance any imbalances that have resulted, as a way to maintain this dynamic equilibrium.
This then signals the Pancreas to digest more fuel from our food, and so the cycle continues. While outside this circuit, the Thymus regulates & boosts the immunity of each of the other glands.
Furthermore, we can also see this progression reflected by the Visual Magnitude of each celestial body in
relation to the Earth.
So the refreshing brilliance of the Full Moon, is more luminous than the warm glow of Twilit Venus, which shines
brighter than the faint Glimpse of Mercury we see from within Earth's Orbit.
And then the most Distant & Diminished Saturn, is paled by Bold Mars, which can't compare to Jupiter's Sheer Magnitude from outside Earth's Orbit. Following this then, the Full Moon obviously shines much brighter than Jupiter, so the cycle continues.
Our Sun connects all of these planets through its absolute light- as it is the brightest celestial body of our solar system, whose rays reflect+refract from each planet onto Earth, signifying their presence in the sky.
The thing that makes each of our bodies so unique on a physical, psychological and glandular level- is the volume of hormones each Endocrine Gland secretes into our bloodstream, in relation to one another.
So those with Venusian in their Mix will literally have more hormones released by their Parathyroids than those who don't, and vice versa for all of the other Body Types.
But as stated before, no one is completely of one type, and we always have at least two.
When Body Types mix then, they will emphasize inherent charges/attributes based upon what their native Glands share as a common denominator. So these mixes can be:
ACTIVE- Both types carry a naturally mobilizing, exerting, doing-centered and interactive energy. As Mercury, Saturn, Mars and Sun are all Active Types, they create this charge when mixed together.
PASSIVE- Both types carry a naturally relaxing, conserving, being-centered and introspective energy. As Luna, Venus and Jupiter are all Passive Types, they create this charge when mixed together.
POSITIVE- Both types carry a naturally expansive, direct, producing and embracing energy. As Venus, Saturn, Jupiter and Sun are all Positive Types, they create this charge when mixed together.
NEGATIVE- Both types carry a naturally restrictive, indirect, receptive and exclusive charge. As Luna, Mercury and Mars are all Negative Types, they create this charge when mixed together.
FLOWING- These are the types that follow each other on the Progression, so the energy of the first type will flow smoothly into the next. Luna flows into Venus, Venus flows into Mercury, Mercury flows into Saturn, Saturn flows into Mars, Mars flows into Jupiter and Jupiter flows into Luna.
Sol with any of the other types is also a Flowing Mix as well, because although it's positively charged, it's also neutral and assimilative. Thus, it attracts, energizes and brings light to all of the Types in the same way that the Sun attracts, energizes and brings light to all of the Planets.
AXIAL- If you look at the Circulation, you'll notice that there are 7 Types like all of the other personality traits here- so they can also be divided into 4 Axis, with one of those being the neutral axis (Solar).
Luna & Saturn are opposites on the Inspiration Axis. Venus & Mars are opposites on the Action Axis. Mercury & Jupiter are opposites on the Expression Axis.
So when any of these axis pairs are mixed in the same body, they oppose, complete and mirror one another.
The above makes it easy to see what qualities are emphasized when 2 Types merge- but when 3 Types mix, the emphasis is upon what qualities are most prominent in the overall individual.
So a Saturn-Mars-Venus body is two parts active (saturn/mars) - one part passive (venus); and two parts positive (saturn/venus) - one part negative (mars); with a natural flow between saturn+mars & an axial opposition between venus+mars on the action axis.
Though, while the emphasis above by default is toward an active-positive mix, having the Parathyroids(Venus) release more hormones than the Adrenals(Mars) and Anterior Pituitary(Saturn), would bring more emphasis to this body's passive, relaxing energy.
Ultimately, it depends on what ratios of hormones our body naturally defaults to- but it also depends on what qualities we're focusing on in ourselves.
So if the above person focused on their Venusian qualities then their Parathyroids would start producing more hormones to reflect this- even if they naturally had a Primary Saturnian Type with a very active Anterior Pituitary.