SATURNINE Bodies have a strong capacity to manage and endure huge amounts of energy to tackle various challenges- while upholding grand feelings/ideas of long-term, long-range vision along the way.
This is because Saturn is a yang (outward-directed), active (interactive/doing-centered) and positive (responsive)
type that is geared for engaging everyone's inspirations and emotions about larger issues for groups.
It resonates with the Cardinal Inspiration Axis and thus reflects the Guide Essence, Spiritualist Attitude, Passion Mode and Goal to Grow through how it looks/behaves/processes in life.
Saturnine Appearance is primarily affected by Saturn, so it is most directly shaped by/seen for the LENGTH of time and effort it puts into processing challenges/responsibilities in life.
This means your body tends to grow much taller & leaner than other types- with a longer-boned frame & higher center of gravity that helps you to be quite slow+deliberate in your posture and actions.
However, even if you're not tall, lean, slow and deliberate- you tend to feel that way/give off such an impression.
This lengthiness also shows up in that you're amazingly DURABLE.
So you're able to endure extremes of posture, temperature, threat and environment far better than most- just as your Native Planet can withstand such drastic variations in pressure, heat, storms etc.
Overall, a pure Saturnine tends to have yellowed, rough, dry skin with deep, dark, brooding eyes- a prominent, jutting skeleton- and thick, dark, straight and heavy hair.
When unhealthy, Saturn becomes -Gaunt.
Contracted/refined gauntness looks DISTANCED. This is what happens when your long limbs, joints and features endure through so many endless & arduous waves of effort, time, pain and suffering, they become thin, drawn, somber and haggard- giving a worn and emaciated look.
While expansive/freed gauntness looks DAUNTING. This occurs when your long, rigid frame and features tower above & loom over other body parts and bodies to impress a rough, stern, threatening and imposing feeling of foreboding contempt or anger.
Such is a keen reflection of how the planet Saturn is isolated apart from all the other planets visible to our naked eye, watching from afar with a cold heart and exacting expectations.
When healthy however, you tend to your endurance as a source of fuel that requires care+management- so your physique is seen and experienced as quite +Rugged and formidable.
Contracted/refined ruggedness shows up as STURDY. As such, the shape, limbs and features are wisely and diligently exercised over time & experience into strong, firm and stalwart forms/positions- trusted and relied on to stand upright, resist adversity & do the tough, hard work.
While expansive/freed ruggedness looks PROMINENT. So the shape, features and limbs stand out for their conspicuous, statuesque strength and length- inspiring self and others to follow their direction & guiding all to perceive above/beyond their current moment in space-time.
Saturnine Nature is focused on upholding broad, grand and rather optimistic VISIONS/IDEALS of DOING- and you encourage yourself & everyone else in your life to measure up to these towering standards.
As such, you often seem taller than you are due to your heightened perspective and disposition.
However, your struggle and strength revolves around how to use your control/power to impose or invite all into manifesting these visions of VERTICAL MOVEMENT, change, challenge, growth and evolution- so you can bump up against & cause much friction within and around as you constantly tend to see some kind of stressful challenge to face & rise up to, even when there really is none.
There is always a sense then, that you know better than others & must navigate with that in mind.
This can lead to a painful streak of demanding and rigorous -Perfectionism- where you constantly find ways to lock your relationships and projects into what you feel is their best or highest aim.
Contracted/focused perfectionism is MANIPULATIVE. This is where the psyche indirectly orchestrates both self and others into perfect states/positions using surreptitious, passive-aggressive tactics. For instance, through procrastinating on a job you don't want to do because it doesn't meet your standards, or avoiding revealing your discomfort with someone you disagree with by secretly undermining their authority.
While expansive/freed perfectionism is DOMINEERING. As such, the psyche arrogantly and indiscreetly imposes its sanctimonious will upon both self and others- directly forcing all into projections of perfection without care for the resistance or consequences involved.
As long as you presume external sources must generate or match your sense of inspiration & vision, this perfectionist struggle will simply continue.
But once you find your sense of inspiration comes from within, you can also ignite it exponentially in others- as you begin to explore and create your path or relationship from its natural resources, rather than what you expect of it. In this way, you are far more fair, appropriate, kind and +Just in your navigation.
Contracted/refined justness is simply PROPER. Thus, the psyche becomes more sincere, reliable & accountable for its perceptions and behaviors- upholding judicious, equitable and virtuous laws of conduct that are only enacted upon in their appropriate contexts.
While expanded/freed justness is GUIDING. This is where the psyche helps itself and others reach/secure their visions by encouraging and inspiring all towards better/greater paths of growth, change and evolution.
Ultimately, a Saturnine Type will always do well to discern between whether you're truly being challenged by, or simply being overly challenging to your self, life and others.
Saturnine Health is most immediately affected by your capacity for, aim toward & quality of physical/emotional/
This then engages the ANTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND- which reflects these issues by affecting your body's actual capacity for growth, production and reproduction.
The Anterior Pituitary Gland releases:
Growth Hormone(GH)- Regulates body composition, body fluids and stimulates the growth and repair of all tissues: especially bone and muscle.
Adrenocorticotropic-Releasing Hormone(ACTH)- Stimulates the Adrenals to release Glucocorticoids (ie. Cortisol) in response to stress levels.
Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone(TSH)- Stimulates the Thyroid to release T3 and T4 to regulate your metabolism.
Luteinizing Hormone(LH)- In women: stimulates the Ovaries to produce Oestradiol and engage ovulation, as well as the Corpus Luteum to produce Progesterone for pregnancy+fertilization. In men: stimulates the Testes to produce Testosterone.
Follicle-Stimulating Hormone(FSH)- In women: stimulates ovarian growth and regulates menstrual cycle. In men: stimulates sperm production.
Prolactin(PRL)- Stimulates lactation, breast development, fertility, sex characteristics and paternal behavior, and regulates fluids, sexual satisfaction and immune response.
When unhealthy, Saturn obsessively endures, rather than resolves difficulties and moves you into a state of
-Extremism- causing issues of instability in the body's strength and infrastructure.
Contracted/focused extremism feels entirely STUNTING. As such, the psyche feels frustrated that its quantity or quality of physical/emotional/mental growth and production has been halted/hindered.
Which the Anterior Pituitary then reflects by slowing hormone production as well, leading to issues of infertility in productivity/sex drive {low GH/LH/FSH/PRL}, exhaustion and chronic depression from even the most minor stress {low ACTH}, weight gain {low TSH}, and dwindling bone/muscle mass {low GH).
This is known as Anterior Hypopituitarism.
While expansive/freed extremism feels ESCALATING. Which is the result when the psyche feels like it must increase its quality or quantity of physical/emotional/mental growth and production beyond what is actually feasible, forcing itself into too much obligation.
Which the Anterior Pituitary then reflects by accelerating hormone production as well, leading to issues of high stress, panic, over-exertion and seething bouts of anger {high ACTH/TSH}, distracting sexual compulsions that come in to burn off excess energy {high GH/LH/FSH/PRL}, and chronic tissue damage or gigantism/acromegaly {high GH}. This is known as Anterior Hyperpituitarism.
When healthy though, Saturn helps your body manage all functions involving growth, production and reproduction- contributing to an amazing range of +Durability.
Contracted/focused durability brings STRENGTH. This is when the psyche takes responsibility for how it uses its resources within and without to facilitate growth/production & work on/through meaningful projects- leading the Anterior Pituitary to reflect this by managing hormone levels & chemical processes in ways that can fuel your body to effectively move through+survive any challenges.
While expansive/freed durability brings GENERATION. As such, the psyche harnesses great levels of productivity to forge expressions, impressions and physical productions of lasting quality, which then inspires other bodies around to carry those ideas/feelings/creations through time and space too.
Because of your durability, you often will stick through tough challenges in life to your own detriment.
So you must learn how+when to SAY NO, BE CLEAR and OWN YOUR STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES- or else there can come to be cumulative consequences for the Saturnine Body to process.
The Anterior Pituitary is known as the body's "Master Gland" because it governs so many hormonal functions by affecting all of the other Glands and Organ Systems the quickest- so any issues that show up for the Saturnine Type tend to pervade & affect the whole body rather than just specific parts.
Saturn holds a Primary Shame of TALENTS- of not being important or unique enough.
This arises from your struggle with what, who or how you+others identify you as being. Whether this be that you feel you're not being recognized as "special" or capable enough in some way- or you feel you're being seen as too special, different and odd due to your specialties or uniqueness.
There is a strong desire in you to matter more; and this can push you into extremes of behavior that & deep explorations of- what sets you apart from others as superficially special vs authentically unique.
Saturnian Types in general naturally stand out from+above others- but when this shame comes in, this natural tendency turns into a compulsion, or what you wish you'd be recognized for always seems to be eclipsed by some other way(s) you stand out instead.
Ultimately, this Shame heals when you can recognize how your talent/skill/proficiency inspires you.
Even if this talent isn't the most desirable to you, if you can recognize it's an honest part of you, own it, and feel inspired to direct it into a more constructive, positive outlet- healing can come.
This means that the talent will no longer undermine you or tower over everyone, and instead BE SEEN ALONGSIDE all other parts of you, as something you can create from or collaborate with.
When you resolve what makes you authentic, important, unique and capable- or see how parts of life can help you be these things- your joy rises, because you thrive on this sense of IMPLEMENTATION.
In your mind, everything & everyone around you must have a path to greater fulfillment- and when that path is discovered, created, sustained and continually improved with your talent & guidance, you delight in knowing a vision/value/aim you hold dear is being fulfilled.
If your sense of implementation is not being fulfilled, this is what triggers you to compulsively over-compensate for your lack of being, or cloak and hide your talents completely.
So when struggling with shame, Saturn must find or create inspiration in each part of your self, body and life as something that matters to the growth of the whole, lest the whole of it will suffer.
Below are some famous personalities, and the body types I've studied+observe them to have.
I encourage you to look into their stories to determine whether you agree with my theories & what kind of influences you see them having as well.
Emma Watson (Actress+Model & Activist)
has a Martial Appearance- Saturnian
Nature with Mercurial Health.
Others with this mix are:
Beyoncé Knowles- (Singer+Dancer)
Shigeru Miyamoto (Game Designer and
Abraham Lincoln (16th US President) had a strong Saturnian Appearance+Health
with Martial Nature.
Malala Yousafzai (Women's Activist) has a Venusian Appearance- Saturnian
Nature with Martial Health.
Calvin Cordozar Broadus, Jr. (Singer &
Songwriter) has a
Saturnian Appearance- Mercurial Nature
with Martial Health.
Hillary Clinton (US Politician) has a Mercurial Appearance- Saturnian Nature
with Martial Health.
Sokka (Nickelodeon's Avatar: TLA) has a
Saturnian Appearance- Martial Nature with Mercurial Health.
Oprah Winfrey (Philanthropist+Talk Show Host) has a Jovial Appearance- Saturnian Nature with Martial Health.
Others with this mix are:
Serena Williams (Prof. Tennis Player)- with higher Saturnian Influence.
Tilda Swinton (Model+Artist) has a
Saturnian Appearance- Mercurial Nature
with Martial Health & Solar.
Brooke Shields (Actress+Broadcaster) has a Saturnian Appearance- Martial Nature
with Mercurial Health & Solar.
Benedict Cumberbatch (Actor) has a
Solar Appearance- Saturnian Nature
with Mercurial Health.
Yao Ming (Ex-Basketball Player) has a strong Saturnian Appearance+Health with Mercurial Nature.
Others with this mix are:
Johnny Depp (Actor)- with higher Mercurial Influence.