The Goal of GROWTH is the challenge of learning to move from pursuing/seeking meaning to creating meaning.
Or put in other words- how to own your place as the creator of your life & transform experiences into meaningful events & relationships that contribute to your evolution.
-Confusion ensues when you're overwhelmed and terrified to choose from too many open-ended choices or directions that force you to confront your responsibility for creating your life. Or it arises when you feel your choices are/have become meaningless+senseless to make- so you flounder & feel confusion, regression and recoil, not liking or uninterested in the options you have to choose from.
So you feel you’ve taken on more than you can process in life- having left or ignored an ever-growing pile of overwhelmingly meaningless or overly meaningful experiences to sort through.
Confusion is always prompted by an inner-sense that you need to ESCAPE from the responsibility of making choices you don't want to make, escape towards choices you do want to make, or feel that your choices are eluding you so you're confused about what to even DO.
This then shifts toward an external RESISTANCE to growing up where you feel stalled- resisting anything you don't want, while waiting out for some meaning or opportunity you do desire to be presented to you, because your sense of success, satisfaction & aspiration in what you are doing is failing.
In both extremes, you reject the consequences of choice, believing you can't be held accountable for your choices because you're confused, and hiding or waiting until other people/circumstances make your choices for you.
When you fall into -Confusion, you begin to -Withdraw from the world, others and yourself.
To move into +Evolution, it helps to +Simplify matters, reduce your focus/activity and return to your center so that the choices+experiences you have can finally be processed, rather than feel overwhelmingly confusing.
Simplicity is about ALLOWING MEANING.
This is as simple as just focusing down to one or two options, choices or directions to act on, and deciding what feels most relevant, meaningful, helpful- or coming to an understanding about what an experience is helping you to learn, what you're aiming for, what you're drawn to doing etc.
You can also choose actions and experiences that help liberate you from your -Stagnant Momentum of feeling confused, so that you may relax and +Free yourself to do/think/feel in ways that are more meaningful to you.
A shift into +Evolution is when you draw towards what is meaningful to you & helps you grow.
Evolution is always prompted when you Grow Up from your Confusion, thus pulling you up against people and experiences that cause an inner sense of FRICTION & STIMULATION; and whether that challenge/struggle feels painful or pleasurable, you choose to let it affect your actions- growing from what happens to you.
This then shifts into an external sense of RECOGNITION, where you depend on the feedback from others on your choices to recognize your growth, or you recognize your growth only when you see others grow.
These extremes help bring experiences to your attention that allow you to evolve, but your evolution depends on these other people or things being there to mirror back to you- rendering your choices passive.
Evolution that resolves these extremes, comes from within.
It opens you up to feeling inspired and moved into action and expression by the meaning you appreciate from others and the world, that you may have ignored or did not see.
This Evolution is Active, because it results from you.
So you choose to explore, create and nurture what moves you, and brings a sense of evolution, progress and meaning into your life, perceptions and relationships.
And you choose to just CHOOSE something, own your right to choose what matters most to you, and own your choices as your own to make because you're done waiting for others/life to hand the sense of meaning and
fulfillment you're seeking to you, and want to create it yourself.