The 5th Passage of Evolution is the process of embracing & simply being who we are.
It is about releasing ourselves from even our ideas, demands and expectations of who we should be- and recreating & enjoying our life by re-discovering who we are again.
It is resonant to the Intellectual Center- to our ideas and concepts of being+living as us.
In Biological Terms, this is marked by ELDERHOOD.
The Hormonal Wash we undergo here helps to shift emphasis from reproduction to Propagating Information & Expression; emphasizing Empathy and Resolutions of Truth to free and recreate the self and community- as well as carry forth philosophies & teachings for future generations.
Unlike the 4th Passage which is a processing in Defining the Self, the 5th Passage is a process in Recreating the Self. It can be difficult to realize how our aging+evolving has affected our attachments and self-image, so this is a process in revitalizing our self+life and simply having fun.
It could be said to then activate our life philosophies, truths and overall Attitude.
(These stages can move from -Pole to -Pole, or -Pole to +Pole.
If one stage is stuck in its -Pole, all taken on after it will default to the -Pole as well: but once that stage moves into its +Pole, the next stage can now move into its +Pole.)
This is begun by an extremely debilitating or mildly concerning sense of -Anxiety that we have aged.
But this cascades into a sudden or gradual +Awareness that we can now recreate & relieve ourselves from pressing concerns, not just live under personal expectations and impositions.
A sense of -Regret and grief for any missed/wasted opportunities, "should/could have's" and "what if's" arises, as we project all of our feelings, longings and failed expectations onto our past.
So we find ourselves needing to release any regret through +Appreciation, reflection, understanding and nostalgia for that past- building upon any hurt with acknowledgement, and learning more about ourselves through this.
-Resentment sets in for our past or present conditions- leading us to blame, shame, complain and disengage from any responsibility for being who we are, or using what we have to create change.
We think we should be or have something else- and our status, circumstances, relationships, past etc. are at fault because we're clearly not that way or don't have that.
Eventually, we +Accept and come to realize our past, conditions, circumstances, relationships etc. are a part of our life, not things that limit & contradict our enjoyment- we begin to remember that we are who we are & have what we have because of what we needed, created or wanted in the past. So we then begin to own our past choices.
Our aim to blame, shifts to a need to -Punish. So we start to harm, distance everyone through cantankerous anger and feel others must pay for all they've done to us- or we punish ourselves through self-imposed isolation, depression and even a resignation to memory loss and other inevitable changes.
We might even realize we have punished/wished to punish ourselves or others in the past- but any which way, something is "paying for it", and we lose focus on living life in favor of tearing it down.
So we must learn to release the anchors of the past that are no longer relevant & weighing us down- and +Revitalize our body, psyche and memory with an enthusiasm for new life, activities, pursuits and better ways of remembering.
-Overwhelmed about the complete lack of possibility or huge range of possibilities to recreate life, we measure what we expected from life to-this-point against what it actually is. This can feel deflating, defeating and overwhelming because we must finally see what's actually here, and present in our life now.
But eventually, we open our eyes, awaken with heightened awareness and learn to renew our life with +Vibrancy and curiosity. We become aware that every little choice truly MAKES the day, and are sensitive to every bit of appreciation, realization, recognition and gratitude we experience and create.
Now we start to wonder and question what we can actually do from the position we're in.
So we either deny or bury ourselves in the feeling of being a -Burden- feel burdened by others and fear how they'll impact us- or have to manage very real burdens because our life, body, resources, energy etc. are different now.
Something feels like a waste of air, space or life.
The reality of -Bonding, support and care is what breaks this burden as we realize openly & consciously helping and being helped creates such a difference in inspiration, peace, creativity and motivation.
And we uncover/embrace important, meaningful and necessary truths we've ignored, denied or rejected through these profound networks of bittersweet honesty and authenticity.
Some part of us that can no longer hold up, -Collapses, gives up and no longer cares to be responsible.
So we're trapped by an outdated idea of how things should be as we relive our past- or we check all the ways we are still weak, unsure, needy, ill and insecure.
If we're chronically stuck in this Passage, we will now feel our memory completely deteriorate as we chronically regress into our history and completely forget the present over and over.
To resolve this Passage, we must truly Embrace the Awe of our whole life, and the beautiful surprises it can bring about who+how we & others are- freeing ourselves from all rigorous, restricting, exhausting or prejudiced ideas and expectations we ever imposed on/expected of ourselves and others. This is +Transcendence.
As such, our memories feel comforting, healed and complete- so we focus on simply enjoying life and being who we are, rather than trying to heal or fix those into what they should be/should've been.
As we explore Recreating Ourselves from the purpose, expectations and life goals we longed to fulfill, we evaluate our life as a whole, with a rising sense of -Resentment, disappointment, disregard, guilt and regret.
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We feel Angry, Disgusted or Bitter about missed opportunities, betrayals or mistakes as we constantly look into our present and past conditions- seeing how our aging and evolving has affected our body, self-image and cherished attachments.
When thinking about following new impulses, ideas, desires and visions, we do not find these relevant or informative and instead believe we are “Too Old” or it’s “Too Late” to follow them.
And we Conclude there’s no point to anything, or Condemn all else that seems remotely meaningful.
When this carries forth into our Process of Dying & Comprehension of Death, this often shows as a rise in senility, stereotypical and eccentric elderly behaviors, Alzheimer's and a loss of focus on the present due to the weight of all this resentment- as we emotionally regress into our most deeply rooted memories.
A complete 5th Passage is marked by a newly profound +Appreciation and enthusiasm for simplicity, wandering, coasting and experiencing- living life anew where we didn’t before.
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We free ourselves from even our own demands and expectations, alive and eager for the pure exploration of ourselves, our relationships and our world.
We feel a Soft Self-Love growing in life for our own potential and a veritable rise in lighthearted curiosity. So we deeply know now, that we can recreate ourselves in any image we feel reflects us.
We share our wisdom through Stories+Anecdotes, teaching younger generations about our values.
And we might experience waves of Wild Philosophical Explorations through our memories (even if we do have memory loss) that can lead to psychic events & breakthroughs.
To comprehend all this means we move "between passages" and continually enjoy+recreate our life again and again on multiple levels and layers- in ways that are no longer restricted, entrenched or longing.
Even when this Passage is completed however, many do return to its challenges to learn the greatest lesson it gives. Right NOW we can always make the choice to do/be what we want or need from life- regardless of the circumstances of our age, status, location, past, gender etc.
Within the given constraints of what we have and know, we always have the power to choose.