Each Awareness contains 7 Levels- describing the process of waking up to it, all the way to knowing it fully and teaching its values to others. As such, there are 35 Levels of Evolution in life. (7 x 5= 35)
Each Level has its own Spectrum of Polar Extremes, regardless of the Awareness it is in.
1st Level- Awakening
In L1, you suddenly glimpse into the new awareness and receptively Observe & Explore it with enthusiasm or apprehension- but you still feel more comfortable in the previous awareness.
This level is like a Wake-Up Call that there's Something More to life than you previously knew, so you come to fully realize that presence and trust its unfolding.
Level 1 resonates with the Instinctive Center, Stoicism, Re-Evaluation and Reserve. So any issues of Trust, Nature, Focus/Simplification and Finding Meaning are explored here.
This arises from -Simplicity- as you dip your toes into these new perceptions+experiences, but only for a limited time before returning back to the comfort and security in what you know and trust. The inner exploration only scratches the surface, so all you see is the bare-bones of the structure.
But this gradually moves into finding, creating or discovering the +Purpose and direction, or necessity & understanding this new perception now brings you. So you fully see the value of waking up to it.
2nd Level- Comparison
In L2, you have now explored the new awareness, and are ready to study that awakening.
So you emphasize Comparing & Contrasting where you have come with where you are now- and what you know, with what you still have yet to know & what others seem to know more of.
At this stage, you find comfort in the previous familiar awareness but can't deny the draw toward the new awareness that's unraveling- Oscillating and Alternating between the two.
As such, every time you think you've got things figured out- expansive and new perspectives are continually introduced here that challenge & stretch you beyond what you find comforting or familiar.
Level 2 resonates with the Emotional Center, Skepticism, Discrimination and Caution.
So any issues of Value/Meaning, Disprovement, Saying No/Practicing Discernment and Refining Thoughts or Clarifying Intentions are reflected here.
This arises from trying to find a -Balance with the new awareness, but constantly "falling off" your center and moving in extremes between these two sides of your life- leaving you torn between satisfying your needs and cravings for one lifestyle/viewpoint or the other.
So as you work through this balance, a lot of sensitivity, exhaustion, personal feelings and unsettling ideas can arise because it suddenly seems like everything you've seen, experienced and known for so long is being replaced- with you just chaotically reacting to everything that comes up.
But this gradually settles into a solid ground of +Stability as you create room and curiosity for these new perspectives by realizing they aren't replacing the old, only expanding upon them. So these two worlds are reconciled and both drawn from as resources that you flexibly work with as you deem fit.
3rd Level- Introspection
L3 is more introspective and "chameleon" in the world- focused on internal processes.
This is the 1st level that considers taking action in the world based on the awareness, unlike the previous two that only allowed the external world to affect the internal.
Fully immersed in becoming the awareness, you contemplate, experiment with & come to Own It. So you continually Discover and Refine who you are through it, and get familiar with how natural it is- even as you bump up against External Challenges to your Newly Emerging Inner Being.
Level 3 resonates with the Intellectual Center, Cynicism, Submission and Perseverance.
So any issues of Responsibility, Facing/Creating Opposition, Committing to a Cause and Finding Consistency or
Never Giving Up are realized and owned here.
This arises from -Versatility- as your efforts to tackle the awareness help you collect a wide range of experiences+concepts you've never known, but leave you feeling scattered & without clear focus; or at a loss with how to own all these new perceptions that matter to you.
You start to struggle with what values, choices, projects and practices are most important, truthful, loving etc.-so you live in a constant state of conflict & challenge between ideas/ideals.
But this gradually moves into +Enterprise, as you put into practice what you've learnt/understood about you, others, the world etc. from your experiences, projects & undertakings.
So you bring everything into a cohesive foundation of inner wholeness because you own doing the work of being and/or having your new awareness & building yourself up from it.
In doing so, you better realize who you are & what you're not defined by- increasingly make choices that reflect your new perspective over the old one- and stay true to who you now are through thick and thin, even as the world around may be very different.
4th Level- Absolute Expression
At L4, you completely and utterly live as your awareness- Openly Exposing and Expressing your Perceptions in the outside world without apology, shame or inner conflict/restraint.
You no longer live from an inner self vs outer world perspective, but find you can freely express both wherever you go- able to move into every context with a newfound confidence that prompts you to Speak Up, Reach Out & Choose from your Awareness without over-analysis and assessment.
This means you finally shed everything you carried over from the previous awareness or start of this one, that no longer serves you. So you completely share and/or do your awareness rather than just uphold it inside.
Level 4 resonates with the Moving Center, Pragmatism, Flow and Observation.
So any issues of Manifestation, What Works, Navigation/Flexibility and Understanding/Involvement are acted upon and expressed here.
This arises from -Achievement; as you focus on your every accomplishment in reaching and expressing the next step, experience, opportunity, relationship or concept you seek to be/do/have/know- and how you combat with any challenges & obstacles preventing you from doing that.
Whenever you enter a new context in life, you carry your awareness into it and add your choices to the dynamic to effect and contribute changes that make sense to you. So you find what works and doesn't work in your aim to structure, stabilize, attain, implement what you know & assimilate others into your worldview.
Eventually, this moves into +Consolidation when you integrate what you've learnt from your achievements into yourself, to help you become more clear, whole, efficient, accurate and involved.
So you continually update what you now believe, allowing your actions to always fully+authentically reflect and express your core values and personal evolution in any moment.
You bring your identity, voice and form out into the world around in a way that gives life to & speaks from your soul.
5th Level- Stretching
L5 starts to find L4's aim for stability, familiarity and integration limiting- so you now begin to test how far you can truly take this awareness- Breaking Barriers, Relentlessly Challenging Perspectives & Testing your Limits every chance that comes, or feeling others do these to you.
This explosion of experience could include anything from becoming a leader to raising children- but in any which way, you're Branching Out into Entirely new Territories here than you're used to.
There can be a sense then, that you're always taking on more than you can complete in life- and that every time one thread/theme of experience gives way/is blocked, you seamlessly leap or fall into another journey.
Level 5 resonates with the Higher Emotional Center, Idealism, Acceptance and Power.
So any issues of Loving More, Improvement, Saying Yes/Sharing Affection and Freeing Thoughts or Proving Intentions are radically stretched and satisfied here.
This arises from creating -Adventures in life as you draw towards or seek out experiences that are stimulating, distracting, indulgent or obnoxious- perhaps fulfilling your addictions and fetishes.
And this can often end up creating a lot of friction, drama and turbulence that you or others might find quite repulsive, pushy, disruptive and endlessly frustrating.
But gradually, this moves into +Expansion as these adventures within/around help to further+build upon your understanding & awareness in unprecedentedly charismatic, provocative and exciting ways. Any friction you experience isn't just something that pains or stimulates you, but feels like a creative challenge, or an opportunity for new horizons of freedom and pleasure.
The potential you're able to see/create from your choices feels exhilarating now and life's constant surprises invoke a childlike wonder in you because you never know where you're going in life, but are ready for the ride.
6th Level- Karmic Resolution
L6 urges you to pick through everything you've expanded upon in life to see what you've left behind, suppressed or ignored the most- anything you haven't yet comprehended, implemented, loved or healed that's related to your current awareness. It's now time to Tie Up any Loose Ends, whatever they may be.
As such, the Reality of Karma begins to become significant in your life- as any times you or others have created Intense Imbalances in your own/each other's lives that have Interfered With your/their Ability to Choose, come to light for you to Work on Balancing, Resolving, Repaying and Healing.
Due to this, L6 tends to be an absurdly difficult and busy time in which everything seems to be falling apart.
Yet despite that, you might feel a bizarre sense of always being protected and safe here, even if/as life crumbles around you- because "through it all", a part of you deeply knows and honors the truth that your life matters and can get through all the challenges.
Level 6 resonates with the Higher Intellectual Center, Spiritualism, Growth and Passion.
So any issues of Facing the Truth, Possibility/Potential, Comprehending Value and Creating Meaning are magnetized and intensified here.
This arises from -Connection- as you seem to be pulled into many relationships & contracts with others that bind you into exploring and addressing difficult & dire subjects (like one's looming mortality) or other karmic scenarios that are consistently wearing you down.
You're caught in a spiral of dragging yourself from one part of life to the next, led by feelings of non-stop scathing, grief and aggravation- as well as constant suffering, resignation & exhaustion over how much there is to do and how life feels devastating and debilitating. So you no longer feel like you're alive & can function normally.
But this gradually moves into +Harmony as you analyze your choices & bring profound awareness to the importance of being caring & kind to yourself as you create your life. So you own the responsibility you have for your life+choices in ways that greatly understand+accept death in any form- while holding great gratitude and appreciation for nurturing life- without living in a constant conflict between those.
Any conflicts between What you Know from Personal Experience+Imprinting & What is truly Wise, Holistic and Empathetic also come to be resolved now- as you allow your rational mind & intuition to work together as you navigate life, rather than divide them and emphasize one at the expense of the other.
This means you learn how to rise up+out of any misery/hardship you face to "go back" and help parts of you & others bring closure to difficulties/blind-spots they have about their awareness- and move forward+closer to a sense of home, harmony and togetherness.
7th Level- Exemplification
In L7, you finally relax into your perception, having scaled the metaphorical mountains of this awareness.
With so much experience under your belt, you now revolve around seeing if you truly Know what you've Learned- rather than just assume you know things well enough or simply want to move on.
So you focus on Instilling these Lessons throughout your whole being- and exploring your Responsibility for Teaching and Exemplifying your Wisdom to at least one other person.
Level 7 resonates with the Higher Moving Center, Realism, Dominance and Orchestration.
So any issues of Beautification, Being Based in Reality, Fulfillment/Embodiment and Creating Consistency or Conducting Actions are truly mastered and emanated here.
This arises from -Eclecticism; which is where you live life in ways that are inconsistent & piece-meal.
At first then, you hold no sense of direction or responsibility because you constantly/complacently adjust+trade your projects, perceptions and roles for more convenient, comfortable or appealing ones- often just adapting to others wishes, perceptions and lives over forming your own.
So you never end up sticking with things long enough to truly learn, do, be or know much of anything.
Eclecticism can also mean you might use your values+choices to simply differentiate yourself as being special, different from, above or below others- creating rifts, distance and division from everyone.
Eventually, this moves into +Inculcation as you see the value+skills gained in repeating & sticking with the themes in your life- fully reviewing all that has been, is and will be part of your evolution. You ingrain your attitudes, ideas and interests into you to see/feel how they do or don't add to your growing wisdom.
As such, you own your responsibility for continuing to apply, model and live your wisdom to contribute to, heal and teach others of your perspectives. So you develop a consistent presence in the world while working to effect
change for future generations- rather than merely stand out for what you know/do/are/have.
Alongside the 35 Levels of Awareness, there also exists the 7 Spheres of Awareness.
These are called "Spheres" because they are not about what you focus on, but how much you include in that focus- like circles that encompass more and more as they expand.
As such, Spheres of Awareness evolve independently of levels, so anyone can reach the 7th Sphere if they so choose, regardless of what level of evolution they're at.
In addition, different contexts of life can be at different Spheres of Awareness too- so your social life could be at Sphere 1, whereas your career or parenting life could be at Sphere 4.
1st Sphere- Mechanical
In S1, you live life through a basic, rudimentary and mechanical awareness that only concerns yourself with doing what you need to to do to survive, and gain the next experience.
You're aware you're alive and that you must feed, protect yourself, interact with others etc.- but you have no concept of spirit and living beyond what is TANGIBLY right in front of you.
In this stage you necessarily live entirely in your - Poles-
rejecting all forms of intervention to help raise your awareness, and with an absolute disconnection from everything around you that can't even understand the "POINT OF LIVING."
2nd Sphere- Imaginative
In S2, you gain some awareness about what your SOUL/ESSENCE is like- and even if you can't quite define it, you know you must have one, or at least contemplate the possibility.
In fact, this sphere becomes more concerned with your inner
POTENTIAL- with INTANGIBLE experiences like your dreams, wishes and aspirations- and with using imagination for CREATIVITY, rather than for only fear and protection as S1 would use it.
You begin to glimpse living life through your +Poles now- and see your relationship with yourself as more than a machine that simply fulfills operations, but a BEING with a vast+rich complexity.
3rd Sphere- Intimate
S3 begins to consider life beyond yourself, desiring to fulfill the intangible possibilities yet to be realized between you+others.
As such, you seek and long for DEEPER INTIMACY now- and you start to emphasize time as less of a constraint, and more of a convenience that helps you manage and experience your life.
Suddenly, you feel like other people share a rich and meaningful history with you that GOES BEYOND the current moment/lifetime.
And even if you don't quite understand this, you feel like your relationships with others are TIMELESS.
4th Sphere- Interactive
In S4, you begin to live more as your soul/essence now; forming a relationship with this part of you that allows you to more clearly access your core values- and find a deep sense of TRUST+SAFETY
in how your life unfolds before or from you.
You become capable of recognizing patterns in your life and the lives of others, that allow you to envision probable futures as they're created, or as were planned before birth.
And you become capable of truly healing, channeling, directing energy and drawing from psychic awareness- by realizing the life force animating you+all others, and the power of the mind.
Here you might begin to truly comprehend the reality of your PAST and FUTURE LIVES, allowing for the wisdom gained from these lives to influence your own life as well.
Or you may realize the truth of PARALLEL VERSIONS of YOU- embracing the fact that your reality & how you choose to live your life, is never diminished by the many other versions of you existing in other realities that may have chosen differently.
5th Sphere- Complementary
S5 begins to see others as truly being EXTENSIONS of yourself.
You now profoundly realize that helping others resolve their troubles will also contribute to your own lessons in life.
So you start to see an amazing flow of beauty, truth and love surging around/from/through you+others.
This brings a strange DOUBLE AWARENESS then, because you can experience+indulge in the trials and challenges of life here-
all while maintaining a consistent awareness in your core that "all is well" and "all will be well" because you know how to navigate.
6th Sphere- Universal
In S6, you begin to see that the Universe has an awesome structure that can be understood- from the most microscopic to macroscopic creatures, cycles and elements.
A sense of deep longing for HOME begins to motivate you now, so you start to form a new relationship with your sense of SPIRIT.
As such, your life becomes highly focused on an individually defined and created PATH that is fully aligned with your inner purpose- and you realize that others each have their own Paths to follow as well.
You truly understand now that each will have their own personal processes but the same ultimate destinations in life.
This is the first time you recognize the value of life in other species beyond your own and those you know to be sentient too.
Suddenly, ALL LIFE FORMS+FORCES are seen as having deeply beautiful and unique lives- capable of relative fear and rich emotional worlds of experience like your own- and it becomes important for you to be in harmony with them.
7th Sphere- Wondrous
In S7, you encompass everything in your world of experience- and find life to be ever-unfolding, changing and being created in PROFOUNDLY ACCEPTABLE ways.
All limitations are found to be acceptable, and all possibilities are recognized as well. It's difficult to see anything ugly about life, because a childlike innocence fills your entire being and everything seems new and fun again.
You have no fear of anything now, including no fear of fear.
Because even if you are fearful, you know it's only information, and a tool that can be used appropriately or not.
To that extent, you see fear as a wondrous part of life too.
You also know that this is how it is with everything, as you use all your resources effectively and constructively- rather than fearfully or destructively- including your feelings and reactions.
You find no differentiation between you and your soul/essence in any way, because by now YOU ARE your soul.