The Idealist sees that things can+should always be IMPROVED upon and made better- always comparing, measuring, assessing and sizing up to an ideal- and challenging anyone’s “resting place” of expectations for improvement.
Idealists will read between the lines, often responding more to what's not said than what is- and will pay much more attention to body language to see/hear beyond any facades or measured responses.
While most Attitudes only see/hear what's said and shown, Idealists will often look beyond what IS presented, and rather see the projected patterns they expect to result from that- following up with strong opinions and arguments in support of those.
In -Naivety, you struggle between your high expectations, demands, hopes and wishes for how things and people SHOULD be vs. how those are- unsure, ignorant or unaware of the time, energy, information and steps needed for your ideals to come together & be realized.
You forget the steps needed to get from Point A to Point Z (the process towards the vision).
This can lead you to disregard the responsibilities and consequences involved in moving forward, because you feel it's a given things can/will improve- so your hope begins to justify any heinous, entitled, delusional or irresponsible behaviors, and you presume these errors can simply be overlooked.
Ultimately then, this results in complete shock, defeat and dismay setting in if your ideal can't seem to be realized.
You might also see the best in you+others through any pain, neglect or abuse because you hold room for improvement to come, but remain in a limbo where it never seems to.
So you're unable to see that sometimes your ideal/assessment can't be realized- because there truly are no further parts+pieces to bring together. Or you can't see that others aren't willing to improve in the way you desire- so the ideal simply can't be fulfilled.
This prompts your Blind Spot of Compartmentalizing- as you subconsciously or willfully ignore, avoid, or distance from the REPERCUSSIONS of your failed expectations so that the whole picture (of your failure to meet your ideals, efforts and processes) can't be seen, felt or experienced any longer.
When you fall into -Naivety, -Suspicion begins to set in. Your attention turns away from improving- and something must be focused on, heavily questioned, disproved, accused and taken apart for your or others lack of awareness/action. To move into +Coalescence, you must +Investigate what's missing as part of fulfilling your ideal.
This would mean you learn more, ask more questions, experiment and build a plan. What information, research, steps, efforts, communications, behaviors etc. are needed for improvement to come? Are these resources available or can they be created? Can these actually be used to bring your ideal about?
You use your critical thinking well & shift your mentality to puzzle together a better understanding of how or why.
You may also ask if your ideals/the way you're realizing them are +Practical/Efficient- growing out of -Dogmatic high expectations that aren't helping you, to discover or create new patterns or visions that work much better.
A shift into +Coalescence means discerning if your ideals can be fulfilled, and sorting through what steps, parts and efforts are required to come together for them to be realized.
Any setbacks or comparisons in this process toward improvement are informative then for redirecting and ultimately improving your efforts in the short and long-term- rather than seen as burdens that negate and undermine the whole process because you're not doing things right.
This means you bring the parts, pieces & information that you've received together, to see how they fit into your assessments & ideals- gaining greater clarity and accuracy in your understanding of yourself, others and any intentions and larger patterns.
So you always remember to make room for variables that could improve the ideals or assessments you+others make- never conclusive that what is is all there can be.