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The Realist sees life FOR WHAT IT IS, as it is presented or appears to be. 

You inherently know that sometimes life sucks, and sometimes it doesn't- but you always aim to see and understand the bigger picture patterns at play, or the factual & experiential reality of the situation that has proven to be "real" and trustworthy in the long-term.
Because you realistically know that anything unanticipated could happen and make room for that- even if you're surprised by what's done, said or felt, you tend to express a lack of shock/outrage towards that.


In -Subjectivity, the reality of an experience (be that the words+actions of others, or the disappointments+frustrations

in yourself and your life) suddenly feels personal, unnerving or disorienting and you lose your sense of clarity, distance and confidence in your choices and perceptions.

This "Reality" may be from the weighty, numbing and overwhelming interpretations/feelings you have about the world- where what you experience, and what appears to be real to you is the only true reality.

Or it can come from a paralyzing sense that your experience doesn't matter because there's a greater reality to acknowledge+defer to- so you resign to the mere fact that something exists/happens, diminish your personal feelings about that because "it is what it is", and you end up just becoming another thing things happen to.
ie: In the former, if you bumped into a railing, the only reality is the feelings you have about that experience. In the latter, if you bumped into a railing, the only reality is that the railing does what it does- your feelings don't matter.

Both of these extremes may lean you to quickly dismiss all new input and even shame yourself or others with an "I could've told you that." "I told you so." or "What did you expect." 


You can no longer see yourself as a PART of the Dynamic, feeling sucked into the middle/focus of your relationship or experience. So you might try to distance from or shrug off your reactions AS a Defensive Reaction to keep things from "getting too real"- and may even lash out as a way to force a false sense of distance.
Blind Spot then is in feeling imposed upon by, and not knowing how to objectively deal with INCONVENIENCES to the quality & benefit of any convenient paths, patterns and ways you've secured in your life to help stay objective- especially in times where hardship and struggle may arise.


When you fall into -Subjectivity, you begin to -Denigrate. Everything becomes a matter of opposition, and it's no longer about what IS real/tangible/dependable, but about wishes, longings for & expectations of what ISN'T.

To move into +Objectivity, you must be open to question your assumptions and +Contradict/Oppose yourself- to expose yourself to the opposite of what you think is true of yourself, others, or a situation.

In doing so, you can clear your mind from the clutter of subjective interpretations, doubts, confusion and hurt and clear your senses with a "reality check"- bringing out a confidence in clearer perspectives and a greater openness to your reality and other perceptions of it.


You may also shift towards more +Practical/Efficient perspectives that help you balance and broaden your objectivity- growing out of any -Dogmatic insistence to see life in ways that only delude and obscure your clarity of reality.



A shift into +Objectivity means you see+know that life is not personal, it happens- choices have consequences, actions have impact, and feelings are important but not the whole truth. So you listen to self+others, offer insight to help return a balanced, whole and confident perspective, and navigate life with this in mind.
You learn to include in your understanding that there's always more context & information to know beyond what's seen- and that what you do know is only a part of the bigger picture that will come to be seen and understood with time.

Due to this, you're open to all experiences, so be if you trust them or not because you see, explore and experience them for what they objectively AREYou allow both your interpretations/feelings about things and the independent existence of those things to be real & valid.

Neither has to complicate, eclipse or usurp the other because both are simply a part of the bigger picture.

ie: If you bumped into a railing, you own the possibly painful experience & resulting feelings and nurse your wound, but you also know that the railing isn't a personal affront- you just bumped into it. That's all that happened.


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