One in Observation relates through truly seeing/perceiving and being seen/understood, and then choosing how further to relate and experience through using any of the other Modes. In other words you first observe, watch and keep a mental note/archive of everyone's behaviors and choices.
You grow intimacy through relationships that can truly see+understand one another- and struggle with those where you/others lock each other into one preferred or expected version of yourselves. So this same sense of total clarity is also important for you to gain from your experiences+pursuits in life.
-Surveillance ensues when you feel distant, removed and isolated from your relationships, experiences and the world-at-large- so you sense vague, abstract connections but never feel like an intimate part of things.
You simply watch life (and love) go by from afar, as if you're “going through the motions”, or living behind a glass window or two-way mirror- with a sense of invisibility, disconnection, high scrutiny or yearning apathy.
Observation always sees aspects of oneself in terms of how they make up the whole individual- but when you don't want to & refuse to see certain parts of you/others, you can tend to divide that whole person by ignoring thoughts, feelings and behaviors to retain a much more acceptable image.
You might even expect others should do the work of seeing, healing and distracting you from what you don't want to address in yourself- so you consistently avoid those parts of you that you survey & know exist but refuse to look at.
You end up only feeling "whole" if you keep this part "over here" and that part "over there".
Observation can use any other Mode to Remain in Surveillance or Bring Clarity.
Reserve would step back emotionally from any overwhelm- either out of self-protection, or to recover & build up the meaning of your relationship/experience incrementally.
Passion would dive in to be close to someone/thing that inspires, or is inspired by you- either to identify with/as that, or
learn about & become more of yourself through that relationship/experience.
Caution would seek to refine your thoughts & expression as you relate- either leading you to over-analyze & recoil in aversion to others, or choose a deliberate way/context for better expressing yourself.
Power would seek to free your thoughts & expression so you can be seen/heard or return some control- either in ways that are oppressive to you/others or confidently present with & empowering of you+others.
Perseverance would never give up and keep trying- either against all obstacles that obstruct your path, or by navigating with/around/through those obstacles as part of the dance of life.
Orchestration would aim to see your part in the dynamic- either in ways that spread+scatter you across multiple directions that demand attention, or help you see where you can focus your observation & initiate action.
A shift into +Clarity means you are able to clearly see who you & everyone else are "up close and personal"- with a keen trust in and panoramic perspective of where you all are going in life.
This is a resonance in and of being truly alive and whole- so you start to feel like an intimately involved participant in your relationships, experiences, goals and the world at large, rather than a disconnected surveyor/observer of those that exists outside of everything that happens.
Observation makes known that you & others are whole in your totality, and accepted for who you are- as you always aim to perceive the whole person, or as much as you can understand in any given scenario.
Observation is attractive to others for the opportunity you give them to BE SEEN- either because they want you to validate them as who they wish to be, or because you see them as who they truly are.
You bond or bind to others Modes, forming connections based on how much you resonate with another- and how well another sees past your surface, seeing you in your entirety too. Above all then, you tend to be attracted to any Common Ground in Perspective.
As such, you can feel most wounded when someone you thought saw you in your entirety no longer is, or someone you crave and long to see you is unable or unwilling to.
To heal, rather than push for others to see you more clearly- it can help if you instead look past the surface you see as defining another, so that you can see their innocence & wholeness too.
In other words, open yourself to seeing the heart, life & limitations of another, as you likely are not allowing them to be any more than one version of themselves. Feeling Understood is vital to your healing- but if others don't bring this to you, you can always bring it to yourself by remembering that you may not be seeing everything clearly.