SOLAR Bodies are most noticeable for their highly light, transparent, energizing effect.
This is because it is a balanced/androgynous, active (interactive/doing-centered) and positive (responsive) type that is geared for being an all-inclusive source of light & energy at the center of life.
It resonates with the Assimilative/Neutral Axis and thus reflects the Scholar Essence, Pragmatist Attitude,
Observation Mode and Goal to Flow through how it looks/behaves/processes in life.
Much like the Sun that permeates its light across every planet, Solar mixes with any and every body type mix seamlessly- and thus allows for any body types that do not connect through the Body Type Flow/Sequence to blend and magnetize- such as pure opposites like Luna and Saturn.
Anyone with Solar will find your body types "Blur" and are quite Homogeneous across all contexts, because Sol creates a common ground for their differences to unite and merge.
Solar Appearance is primarily affected by the Sun- so it is a bright, delicate body that is most directly shaped by/seen for its capacity to connect to and convey the LIGHT in life.
Sol is also the neutral, balanced, assimilative type, so this body is often quite ANDROGYNOUS too.
Overall, a pure Solar will tend to have a petite, fit and refined physique with a subtle, delicate strength- clear, fine, pure skin- thick, silky hair- and large, bright, sparkly eyes.
When unhealthy, Sol’s light and energy simply become -Ethereal, insubstantial and even alien-like in ways that are overly removed, eerie and distancing from the world.
The contracted/refined ethereal body is FRAGILE- as the frame and features become thin, light and airy, seeming to fade away & dwindle as they have little substance and presence.
While the expanded/freed ethereal body is HYPER-CHARGED- as the body and features become saturated with so much energy it even burns out and distances other bodies due to your form seeming far too perfect, polished, bright and consuming.
When healthy however, Sol becomes a source of +Radiant light and charisma, with a shining youthfulness and innocence to your form, aura and disposition.
The contracted/refined radiant body is MAGNETIC. Thus the frame and features look elegant, exquisite and perfectly sculpted with delicate finesse- attracting other bodies around into awe and wonder, while also keeping them at a distance so you may keenly & quietly observe them from afar without too much intensity. This is much as light itself is always present and permeating, even if it seems invisible.
While the expanded/freed radiant body is ELECTRIC. Thus the body and features are permeated with a bright life force which is then diffusely radiated about and infused into other bodies around.
Solar Nature is the part of our human psyche that is a blank slate for learning skills and mannerisms.
Thus this is a nature that feels struggle and strength over its sense of TRANSPARENCY, and the process of finding a place/identity it can revolve around & discover itself through.
In a way, your psychology seeks to mirror, process like & live through someone/thing else that is important to or simply around you. And because of that attraction to people and events that help you build your identity, you can often be subject to or subject others to a lot of PROJECTION and EXPECTATION.
Sol is most sensitive to how all energy is being shared in relationships and experiences. It is a delicate nature aware of all that is/needs to be given and taken/consumed on a physical, emotional and mental level.
As such you require reciprocation from others (through their reactions/responses to you) to gauge your position in any exchange- so that you may inspire, express or act accordingly. Thus you have a strong capacity to fit & immerse into any mold so as to form common ground with others.
On the negative side of this spectrum of self-discovery is that you can be ridiculously -Clueless and childish in how you process things- holding no sense of conscious presence.
When contracted/refined this shows as IMPRESSIONABLE. Thus your psyche is in a perpetually blank, blind, gullible and naive state with no sense of identity or place- needing to hook into anyone/thing else so that you can be impressed by and conducted into various templates.
While when expanded/freed this shows as VOLATILE. Thus your psyche loses all sense of how it is behaving or how to behave- consumed by completely random, intense, unexpected and unpredictable bursts of overwhelming temper that bewilder and distance both self and others.
On the positive end however, there is a sense of light, bright and youthful +Innocence that emanates from your child-like behavior.
When contracted/refined this then shows up as TRUSTING- as your psyche simply and naturally trusts the core good nature in self and others- behaving based on this inherent, natural knowing, and then upholding that pure essence despite adversity.
While when expanded/freed this shows up as WONDERFUL- as the psyche radiates and merges with waves of delight, wonder and awe- totally immersed into, lit up by and veritably fascinated for life’s amazing and wild diversity of people and experiences.
In other words, much like the Sun you either consume and exhaust energy from yourself and others, or convert your energy into everything around you to brighten, nurture and support a sense of radiant liveliness.
Solar Health is most immediately affected by your sense of IMMUNITY to any of life's physically, emotionally, mentally or spiritually arduous, threatening or unknown experiences- which prompt blows to or drops in your sense of TRUST, CONFIDENCE and SELF-ESTEEM.
This then engages the THYMUS GLAND to reflect this blow/drop in real-time by immediately affecting your body's actual immune system response.
The Thymus Gland releases:
Thymosin- Transforms white blood cells into T Cells which migrate to Lymph Nodes to fight disease- particularly building up immunity in childhood through stimulating youthfulness, strength and trust.
When unhealthy, Sol's health rapidly declines into a state of cellular and psychological -Disintegration, much as would happen to a child.
If contracted/refined, this induces FAINTING. Which is when the psyche cannot understand, process, digest and assimilate issues happening in your life, so it just shuts things out/down to cope- leading the Thymus to reflect this by slowing hormone production, and thus leaving your body suddenly susceptible to grave illnesses and diseases after long periods of stable health, which quickly diminish your sense of life/consciousness & require quick responses. This creates an Underactive Immune System.
While if expanded/freed, this feels ABRASIVE. Which happens when the psyche is bombarded by or bombards itself with distrustful/hurtful thoughts, feelings and sensations, which damage, destroy and undermine your sense of trust, confidence and self-esteem in life- leading the Thymus to reflect this by chronically attacking & wearing away your body as well (igniting chronic auto-immune issues).
This creates an Overactive Immune System.
When healthy though, Sol brings quite a boost in +Spirited energy, enthusiasm and determination.
If contracted/focused this induces REVIVAL. Thus the psyche returns a sense of trust, presence and curious interest in the life- which the Thymus then reflects by revitalizing, rejuvenating, rebooting and renewing parts of the body that had lost their spark of youth, strength and consciousness.
While is expanded/freed this brings INFUSION. Thus the psyche brims full of confidence, esteem, trust and wonder, sharing that energy with others to illuminate and infuse them with life too. This is much like how the Sun powers itself to light up the Solar System through Hydrogen Fusion.
For Sol, music and light can be particularly helpful for you to "regenerate", as well as anything that boosts the immune system- such as optimism, celebration, exercise, rest and plant-based foods that provide a higher intake of essential Vitamins.
Sol holds a Primary Shame of NEEDS- of needing more than you will admit or ask for.
This arises from how you satisfy, resist or allow your body's needs for help, touch, sex, diet, socializing, exercise, sleep/rest, entertainment/pleasure, learning and meditation- especially as these relate to your sense of fragility, innocence and immunity.
You can then tend to indulge feverishly in your needs to fulfill yourself- or set up strict boundaries and resistances against your needs to exercise your will-power, control and independence.
So when you need more than what you can provide for yourself, or need what you have avoided, shame arises.
Ultimately, you heal this Shame when you begin to invite your needs to Inform You not Consume You.
They begin to tell you how you may have blocked yourself from something essential & natural, and you learn to ask yourself and others how you may help fulfill+restore those.
As you fulfill your needs, Sol is quite quick to emanate a sense of positivity, activity, radiance, pure innocence and spirit that loves to, well, live.
This engages the Solar's greatest delight: WANDERLUST.
When healthy and joyful, you love more than anything to just follow that strong, irresistible desire in you to wander, travel and explore your world, body, mind, relationships, passions etc. You act on your impulses and listen to your heart, discovering new things wherever you go- soaking it all up, taking it all in & expanding yourself.
When you don't or can't fulfill your needs though, you start to burn up+consume more like a raging star, never satisfied by what everyone gives & feeling ashamed you can't meet what your body needs.
Or you burn out+shut down your consumption because your needs are too high for comfort and it's shameful to ask for them and not be able to provide them.
So you must learn to lower your expectations and barriers, or open yourself to what and who can help you- so that you may naturally invite greater happiness and trust in nurturing your self, body and world.
Below are some famous personalities, and the body types I've studied+observe them to have.
I encourage you to look into their stories to determine whether you agree with my theories & what kind of influences you see them having as well.
Lucy Liu (Actress+Producer) has strong
Solar Appearance with high Martial
Nature & Mercurial Health.
RuPaul Andre Charles (Actor+Drag Queen) has a high Solar Appearance with strong
Saturnian Nature & Martial Health.
Tinkerbell (Disney) typically depicts
high Solar Appearance+Nature with Martial Health.
Madonna Ciconne (Musician+Actress) has a Mercurial Appearance- Solar Nature with Saturnian Health. **
Others with this mix are:
Paige Turco- (Actress)
Angelina Jolie (Actress+Humanitarian)
has a high Solar Appearance+Health
with strong Saturnian Nature.
Michael Jackson (Singer+Dancer) had a
Solar Appearance- Venusian Nature with Mercurial Health.
Peter Pan (Disney) has a high
Solar Appearance with Mercurial Nature and Martial Health.
Homer Simpson (FBC's The Simpsons)
has a Jovial Appearance- Solar Nature with Lunar Health.
Ellen Degeneres (TV Personality) has a
Mercurial Appearance- Solar Nature with Venusian Health.