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So does this all seem overwhelming to you? Do you think that understanding personality is too much to handle at once, or too much information to look at and take in?
If it seems that way, here's a tip to help discern who you & others are:
Because every individual lives in a world within and a world around, we all have our own identities and appearances. There is the way we see ourselves and the way others see us. How do we know which version is true? The answer is they both are.

Our PUBLIC FACET describes those personality traits that others may see us as- or how we assume others are seeing us as.
Our PRIVATE FACET describes those personality traits we see ourselves as when alone, when in our inner world- or how we wish to be seen by others.
These two facets are fluid, they change often enough. 
When we change the way we see ourselves, or the behaviors others are used to seeing us as, these facets inevitably change too.

Our TRUE FACET however, is who we are at our core. Where our actions, behaviors, processes etc. truly stem from biologically and energetically. For instance, we can think of ourselves as Passionate, and others might see us as Cautious, when we truly are relating through Observation.

What these facets are is a process for VALIDATING your personality and self.
Imagine Love for instance, we might see it displayed around us (Public), but haven't validated it within (Private). Or we might have validated it within (Private) but don't see it around us (Public).
These perceptions change with experience, but neither can take away that Love truly does exist in a myriad of forms, regardless of our beliefs thereof.

In the same way that Love exists regardless, we all have a TRUE Personality regardless.
To validate the traits that make you up in your True Facet means to cross reference and consider both the perspectives of yourself and of others on who you are, and to
actively question, discern and experiment with various traits while always being open to learn more about yourself.

It is just as fine to live as you from your Private or Public Facets as it is to live and know your True Facet, but sometimes this straddling between your self-image and self-presentation is exhausting.
How does a person reconcile their Private Self with their Public Self? How does a person "become" their True Self? In truth, they don't- they already are "true".

The only way to reconcile these Facets is to align with your ESSENCE, with who you are.

When we start being ourselves, our facets often change to align with our True Facet, and we are seen more authentically.

However, to be living life confidently and find your Private and Public facets are not the same as or similar to your True Facet does not mean you're not being true to yourself and manifesting who you are.

To manifest your Essence means being able to move and shift and choose through your life with a confidence that you are still and always will be you.
Maybe you can be more true to yourself in intimate relationships than work for instance, and maybe you are being seen/are living differently in some moments than in others where you feel more "you".

But choosing to consciously OWN yourself and break free from, playfully exaggerate or embrace
these various Roles/Personas means these facets no longer exhaust you. Instead you control how much of a victim you are to any interpretations, and realize you are all these facets and MORE- while knowing that even as your identity grows and evolves, there's a core you beneath it all.

Your own and everyone else's takes on you no longer feel like the whole truth then- because you see they're just different perspectives on the vastness of who you are and potential of who you can be. 

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