The 6th Passage of Evolution is the process of dying to death, and our subsequent life review. It can be a very quick process that takes seconds, but the experience of time takes on an entirely different dimension.
(This is usually physical but can be a major, pivotal or transformative psychological death and rebirth too that happens within waking life. Particularly if one has a Plutonian Body Type.)
It is resonant to the Higher Emotional Center- to our recognition and experience of love in life.
Biologically, the Hormonal Wash we undergo here activates our awareness of the Threads of Memories, Dreams and Love in our life- and engages the body to resist and keep us alive, because that is its job.
Eventually surrendering to the cause of death when physics "overpower" it, the body releases a surge of Endorphins to comfort, heal and numb our pain.
(These stages can move from -Pole to -Pole, or -Pole to +Pole.
If one stage is stuck in its -Pole, all taken on after it will default to the -Pole as well: but once that stage moves into its +Pole, the next stage can now move into its +Pole.)
Te 6th Passage is initiated by a sense of -Grief that we're going to lose something, and is marked by the onset of what will cause our death. Eventually then, we shift into +Nostalgia for all that we've experienced.
We -Negotiate with the truth that we will die, perhaps discussing it with others, bargaining with it or siding with our lack of worth and just letting it happen- until we see there's a sense of +Meaning to our life lived.
The energy of what's causing our death begins to spread to other organs now and affects/alerts our whole body.
-Grudging sets in, as we or our body tries to prevent the death from occurring, or circumvents+avoids its truth- until we come to terms with our +Acceptance of what's happening.
Immense -Panic is felt as our body and self resist our demise.
But if our/others choices successfully prevent or treat our trajectory toward death, or we survive to tell the tale of a near-death experience- this passage can be "halted", with our final breath set aside for another time instead.
At some point in our life however, we will return to our mortality and realize we're truly +Dying.
As we -Resign to the inevitability, there comes a sense of +Surrender to what we can't control about our death.
Finally, an onslaught of -Suffering sets in, either from the pain and decline of our body, or the processing of all our mistakes+regrets. This brings others to help care for us in ways that we no longer can, relieving us from this emotional struggle and suffering.
So at some point we surrender to the awe, wonder, curiosity, intimacy, affection, rest etc. in the experience & are either held in comforting +Hospice, or mentally create one.
To complete the 6th Passage and truly comprehend our mortality, -Numbness from our body or personality towards this process, must transform into a sense of +Peace, release and deep sleep.
As we explore the reality that we are Going to Die- we recollect our thoughts, feelings and experiences while moving through a -Solitary phase.
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Death feels bitter, threatening, unfair and isolating- or we direct these feelings to others involved in or around our death. It makes us feel alone.
We reject our mortality through some kind of resignation, apathy, delusion, dementia and/or denial.
Death-bed Wishes & Confessions swell up that we've long kept in, or never knew we were processing- and even when we reveal these they do not soothe our panic and fear.
We search for Desperate Reconciliation and Forgiveness- profoundly realizing we have never known or accepted love and support.
If this lack of comprehension continues into the 7th Passage, our life may even be Re-lived like a "Ground-hog Day"-
looping and playing out in some way we are unconscious of to deny our death or account for missed opportunities, mistakes, regrets, betrayals etc.
Ultimately, if our death occurs in any Passage that hasn't yet been completed, the 6th Passage will remain incomplete until we complete the Passage we were in at death. This is because if one is stuck in a -Pole, it's addictive and demands all attention to be healed+expanded.
Having a Passage chronically stuck in the -, contributes most often to a dying individual reliving their life.
A complete 6th Passage is marked by a trust in this process, and a sense of +Support, intimacy or union with those trusted to experience the death too.
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We feel Full Peace and Surrender for the reality of our mortality.
In reviewing our life, we realize we've lived and Truly, Deeply Loved- and now we're dying. So even if we don't want this to happen, we know it's OK.
These simple realizations calmly bring us to a space of understanding "between passages".
Even when this Passage is completed however, many do return to its challenges to learn the greatest lesson it gives- death is not the end, it is only a new beginning; a transition, evolution and transformation into another layer, level, facet and dimension of ourselves and our life.
There are 4 Implementations of Wounding/Death (Suicide, Homicide, Accident and Natural) and 7 Methods thereof
(Illness, Poisoning, Suffocation, Starvation/Dehydration, Impalement, Impact and Natural/Shutdown).
These do of course mix, and can occur Physically, Emotionally, Intellectually or Spiritually.
As every wounding/death is unique, each requires its own process of healing:
Suicide is caused by being personally inspired to take our own life, whether through curiosity or suffering. As such, healing would come through returning a sense of LOVE+INSPIRATION for living.
Accident is caused by the interception between our body and other forces on their own trajectory. As such, healing would come through discovering or creating a TRUTH or LESSON/MESSAGE from the accident.
Homicide is caused by another acting upon+hurting us, whether that's invited or unexpected. As such, healing would come through bringing greater ORDER & SECURITY to our space, life and body.
Natural is caused by the universe's biological, atmospheric, terrestrial, solar etc. forces that are out of our control. As such, healing would come through any COMFORT in UNDERSTANDING NATURE.
Illness is caused by a low self-esteem that leaves us feeling under-exposed and inadequate- forcing our body to process our personal diseases. Like Self-Deprecation, it requires basic NURTURING to heal.
Poisoning is caused by a false self-esteem that leaves us being too exposed and vulnerable to stress, poor diet and environmental toxins. Like Arrogance, it requires VISIBILITY to heal.
Suffocation is caused by having too much of something we don't want and not enough of something we do want. Like Self-Destruction, it requires INTERVENTION with what's suffocating us to heal.
Starvation/Dehydration is caused by having too little of something we need and too much of something we don't need. Like Greed, it requires COMMUNICATION of or toward solutions to heal.
Impalement is caused by losing control over forces in space that exert action onto our body. Like Martyrdom, it requires OWNING RELATIONSHIPS with what's out of and in our control to heal.
Impact is caused by losing control over our body exerting action onto other forces with exponential speed. Like Impatience, it requires BEING PRESENT in the time we're processing to heal.
Natural/Shutdown is caused by anything that paralyzes our body, or depletes all the fuel/energy that keeps our body functioning. Like Stubbornness, it requires ADAPTABILITY to the changes in life & GRATITUDE for our life and body to heal.