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Your Intellectual Center takes in and processes life, things, people, events primarily through thought and philosophy- in terms of how anything is expressed, formed, logical, makes sense or brings insight to you.

It's a navigation based on linear understanding and rational analysis.

The Intellect will always aim to form ideas for yourself & convey these ideas to others in some way.

So it is the center that governs how you understand/verify any TRUTH that is expressed- be that something deemed true about you, others, the world, the whole universe etc. And as such, it's where you test out how thoughts and ideas affect/impact you/others- and even how honest you are about that effect.
Anything that can share ideas and concepts in some way/shape/form of language has an intellect- but anything that desires to speak & hear the truth, with a clear freedom of expression, has a well-developed intellectual body and capacity for extensive thinking.

Most Higher Mammals have access to this center on some level, but only a few species like Humans, Cetaceans, Great Apes, Bees and Elephants can operate here on a daily basis.
All this in mind, the -Pole here would best be called Reasoning, while the +Pole is Insight.


There are 7 Forms of Intelligence or Ways of Thinking our Intellect can nurture, develop and evolve.
INSTINCTIVE THOUGHT- our urge to -React or +Respond based upon our level of consciousness.

SPATIAL THOUGHT- our capacity to transcend forms of -Myopia through understanding +Relativity.

KINETIC THOUGHT- our capacity to -Clumsily or +Elegantly coordinate the movement/sensations of our body to carry out tasks and events. 

RELATIONAL THOUGHT- our capacity to relate, bond and understand through -Prejudice or +Sensitivity.

LOGICAL THOUGHT- our capacity to connect basic, mathematical units of -Information into +Knowledge.

MUSICAL THOUGHT- our capacity to locate points of -Dissonance over time & shift them into +Harmony.

COMMUNICATIVE THOUGHT- our capacity to comprehend -Distorted forms of language through +Translation.



Each Center resonates with a different form of MUSIC.
In this case, we can access our Intellectual Center by listening to/creating LINEAR, STRUCTURED and PATTERNED MELODIES that might use CATCHY LYRICS to EXPRESS STORIES.


In -Reasoning, you think only to justify, rationalize and create facts that reinforce what you already know or have decided is true- as you simply excuse, secure and defend the truths you believe, while unable to understand anything beyond your base of knowledge.

Reasons then, can easily become destructive and discouraged inner voices led by defense, lies, worries, jadedness, ignorance and closed-mindedness- particularly in the form of presumptions and prejudices.

Reasons will even continue to claim/act as if a destructive lie about yourself or life is true, and dismiss anything not in support of this lie- even if you know there are greater truths or more constructive truths.

Ultimately, when Intellect is wounded by your Reasons, it will try to further force justifications and explanations for things you don't get- creating falsehoods.



The Health of your Intellectual Center lies in the state of your INNER VOICE- which is seen through how you talk to yourself, how you express yourself based on+through what you believe to be true, and how much you "look beyond" and allow for more than what you know, see and decide is true.

The healing of this Center means returning an inquisitive curiosity for Actively Questioning and Being Authentic.

So it always does well when you move away from unquestioned philosophies, lying to yourself and others, living through false personas and evading any contact or socializing that could update your ideas.



A shift into +Insight comes when you gain greater understanding & resolution from your thoughts and reasoning.

As you seek to invite, discover, uncover, realize and awaken to truths that were not previously considered or anticipated- while supporting this process with your intuition, and an ever-evolving willingness to learn more than you know even if that means being wrong.

Insights then, are your constructive and encouraging inner voices led by rational thinking, constructive criticism, curiosity, problem-solving, creativity and open-mindedness.




Anyone who accesses this combo aims to IMPLEMENT and REALIZE their thoughts/ideas into action.

So if/when you are Intellectually Centered, Moving Part, you first analytically assess and think about how any event 

is expressed to you. 

Then you feel how your body processes the energy of those thoughts- and physically act on or react to what logic/ideas you've determined.
After all is said and done, you then derive love, happiness and meaning from these experiences with your self, body, others or life by reflecting on how they move, provoke or inspire you.
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If this pattern remains locked without Emotion though, then you can easily get caught in a loop of thinking, (re)acting, thinking, (re)acting etc. And this can show up as frustrated and frenetic behavior, over-analysis, worry, rage/anger and severe depression or defeat.
This is because you always leave the
consequences of emotions to be dealt with later, and feel like life is just a series of putting out endless fires or tying to balance many spinning plates.
So any Emotion that is allowed leaves you feeling like you & others are defined by your actions or lack thereof- or that how you or they "show up" means something conclusive about you/them. Your -Sentiments and beliefs now start to cloud your plans and operations.

The key to balance is in some form of Emotional Meditation.

This could come through cathartic expression, actively listening to yourself+others, listening to music you resonate with, hugging, taking in beautiful scenery, having a night of tears+intensity at the movies etc.

Ultimately, any awe that comes through feeling more would help you embrace and explore your emotions so that you can better find/create a sense of inspiration, empathy and +Perception again.




Anyone who accesses this combo is allowing concepts to become BELIEFS.
So if/when you are Intellectually Centered, Emotional Part, you first analytically assess and think about how any relationship is expressed to you.

Then you intuit+perceive how you feel provoked or inspired by those thoughts, ideas and beliefs about relationships- 

simply living out your experiences by feeling through them.

After all this, you get a good feel for what to do and then finally do that.
However, emotions are mute, so you would tend to lack words for your feelings and simply emote (express/reflect

through an emotional reaction or response)- or communicate through behaviors and art instead.

--- ~~~ ---
If this pattern remains locked without Movement, then you can easily get caught in a loop of thinking, feeling, thinking, feeling etc. This can create a debilitating rise in anxiousness, obsession & overwhelm- as you endlessly listen to thoughts/ideas that generate feelings which are then tamed/sorted/managed etc. 
Any Movement that is allowed will either create a drop into numbness or a rise into senseless outburst. 
So this can cause a lot of restless fidgeting, shaking, angry explosions and/or sulky, tearful and depressed breakdowns to result that completely -Frustrate you.

The key to balance is in some form of Moving Meditation.

This could come through stretching, exercising, building, breathing, dancing, taking a long walk, sensual pleasures, attending to your health+material security or even breaking anxiety by finally taking a chance/risk.

Anything that gets you moving+doing will always revitalize your body & sense of energy as an expression of you and 

your plans- thus your efforts can start to bring +Productive results and new insights again.




Very few actually live from this combo habitually- but we do often access it in those times where we simply express PURE IDEAS through systematic dissection, analysis, fact-gathering and conversation.

(This combo is the first seed of sentience- the ability to think about a thought/idea. "I think, therefore I am.") 

Simply perceiving how you feel about(emotion) or acting on(moving) this breaks this combo.


This Process automatically records how you FORM/VISUALIZE all of your thoughts+ideas about the expression of everything you experience- storing these in your intellectual memory for future reference. So when needed, you can access & recreate the images, beliefs and chain of justifications you thought at any given time.


Here you take in life through your thoughts and ideas- then release this to your Essence so you can feel being a part of the greater patterns of life. It's a sense of TOTAL INNOVATION.
This combo enjoys coming up with ingenious solutions to problems- constantly analyzing, seeing, expressing and creating beautiful, elegant, practical and logically consistent structures/systems: such as smoothly functioning economies, artistic symmetry, language, scientific laws etc.

Here you take in life through your thoughts and ideas- then release this to your Essence so you can fully love those thoughts you're processing. It's a sense of TOTAL KINDNESS.
This combo shows how you learn to receive, comprehend and evaluate any events, people, things or relationships that bring greater opportunities to love, heal, share affection and envision your dreams.

Here you take in life through your thoughts and ideas- then release this to your Essence so that you can sort your thoughts into levels of truth. It's a sense of TOTAL INSIGHT.
Profound "Ah ha!" moments caused by logical thinking are the best examples of when we access this combo.

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