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The Skeptic seeks to doubt, question and INVESTIGATE everything, and to disprove any false claims and misinformation.
The strength of the Skeptic is to refine and break everything down, not letting possibilities take precedence over answers; emphasizing disproof over proof because there are far more claims than lack-of-claims in life.


In -Suspicion, you doubt and fixate on proof, assuming inherent/intentional deceit or hidden truths are always involved, and seeking to expose or tear down any deception or misinformation- often through accusation. 
When it comes to interactions, you probe others just to mock or discredit them- or you overtly or quietly a
void anyone you see as wrong, uninformed or a threat to you being right.

You may even keep your questions and doubts to yourself, where they build up as mental debris, distrust and distractions and cause an insecurity in ever trusting other's perceptions.
DISSATISFACTION then is your Blind Spot, where nothing can truly satisfy your questions, doubt or investigation, because you have a hard time being wrong or seeing that lack of solid validation & empirical evidence doesn't imply deceit is the only answer.


When you fall into -Suspicion-Naivety begins to set in. Expectations and "should's" take over, and your dissatisfaction causes you to skip steps and efforts, overlook things, jump to conclusions etc. as you see a gap growing between where you are and where you want to be.

To move into +Investigation, you must realize your efforts to disprove are actually also to +Improve.

From this mindset, you must Bring Together more parts of the puzzle/picture than what you see- such as by asking for information that can help, or avidly searching in new directions, rather than waiting for proof or enforcing fixed suspicions.


You may also ask yourself if your investigation is working, allowing feedback and insights into more +Practical/Efficient methods- growing out of any -Dogmatic and counterproductive insistence to disprove all that might not be.



A shift into +Investigation means you ask for help and solutions, and question to learn, understand and build insights-while being patient in your search for answers.

You disprove only to ensure strength in the proof, or flesh out meaning and depth.

You are curious then, and understand that even if presented with challenging, discrepant or surprising information and behaviors- rather than impose any restrictions on others that could clutter/distort their expression of the truth, you use courteous questioning as a way to bring out any new information and behaviors to sort through.

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