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Narrators resonate to the Expansive Expression axis and the Colour Cyan.
Cyan creates the
perpetually expansive, optimistic energy in life that keeps us looking forward, outward and

all around us.
Lying on the Expansive Expression axis we have: the Intellectual Center, Idealism, Acceptance, Power, Jovial Body Type, Passage of Recreation, Contextual Awareness and Greed.
When these are brought together, you have an energy that will
COMMUNICATE & TRANSLATE in fun and/or honest ways what has been learned is a fundamental TRUTH in the universe.

The Core Values of Narrators are Communication, Expression, Fun+Levity, Innocence, Teaching, Learning and being a living example of your Personal Philosophy.
This means they hold Nobility in
INNOCENCE or Wisdom.

Narrators carry the Power of Charisma: of coalescing and bringing together a sense of cohesiveness & comprehension among groups, or parts of yourself and others.
When this is dependent upon/extracted from others, this shows as
-Manipulating yourself+others into warped
or dishonest presentations/personas that appear whole & in "good graces"- or by doing your best to appear whole & in good graces when you're manipulated by others.
While when generated within, you allow for the expression of all parts and people & give rise to the best of each with
+Grace, propriety, thoughtfulness and consideration. 

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