What are the 9 PRIORITIES?
The 9 Priorities are trajectories, paths and defining factors that arise from within us, when we finally decide what we wish to explore ourselves through. They bring awareness to the rawest aspects of our physical existence that our Body is working to process, integrate and understand.
The Body we live in is not just a vehicle we're born into- it is a Collective Consciousness of Cells that are learning and evolving through+with us. What we physically, emotionally and mentally feed it, and how we choose to respond to it directly affect how it programs, creates and understands itself.
So when we become consciously aware of the wants+needs that our Body is interested in exploring (which we often feel as instinctive drives), our Priority is born. This is what arises when our Consciousness as a Personality meets with & interprets the Consciousness of our Body to settle on a meaningful path.
These 9 Priorities are: Death, Grief, Body Image/Health, Sex, Addiction, Relationships, Career, Money and Purpose.
And they are divided across 3 Axis or Paths- Truth, Love or Energy.
The "Bulls-Eye" of our Consciousness
Each of us chooses just one of these to become our primary focus for the life. But while this priority can change-unless we participate in the challenges, understanding and resolution of our path, it won't, and that one priority will define our life from that point forward.
So if we are conscious of what our body consistently brings to our attention as an undercurrent, struggle or challenge for us to explore, and we decide to resolve that- then we're more likely to shift Priorities.
All other Priorities rise out of our Primary Priority as contexts we either use to support & enhance our main focus, or to distract from & combat with our main focus.
So if we have Sex as a Priority, then this means our Relationships, Career etc. will have to revolve around our need for/against sex- or we will turn to these as a means of avoiding or reinforcing sex.
Think of it as being like a "Target"- the bulls-eye always draws our notice even if we try to shoot outside of it.
Blessing and Curse
Sometimes our Priority seems like a blessing, and sometimes it feels like a curse/trap- but in truth, it is neither of these, it is simply a pattern that we are exploring and extracting from.
Whatever our priority is, then learning to value it with compassion, understand where it comes from & allow it to be a creative challenge that shapes our path- helps us see how it has brought us to our life experiences, triumphs, failures, growth etc.- and how through it all, our body has been there with us to process it.
Seeing the Priorities of others can also help to relieve any shame, expectation or projections of laziness we exact on them too- so that all priorities can be seen as equal paths of experience.
Priorities often run in Families, as well as help to define various Communities/Nations and Eras in Time.
So knowing that we may have a valid priority that differs from the tribe we come from, can help us to pursue our path while understanding the value in the trajectories others are shaping.
There are always 9 Priorities
Finally, the 9 Priorities above show what are Priorities in our current society and era in time- but they aren't universally applicable for all Time Frames and Sentience.
Once all people working on a Priority create resolution from it, then that Priority fades and a new one comes in to replace it. So if for one reason or another, the Need for Money started to dwindle, all those with Money as a Priority would begin to resolve its total affect on them.
This means we'd start to focus on a different system of exchange that grants us value+experience instead- perhaps such as STATUS or CONTRIBUTION.
If Sex were replaced/upgraded, we might shift focus to another PHYSICAL BLISS. If we resolved the impact and truth of Death, we might focus on a different SPIRITUAL END/TRANSFORMATION.
But there will always be 9 Priorities to choose from at any time- with 3 being a Path to Truth, 3 being a Path to Love, and 3 being a Path to Beauty. And the same applies for different sentient species- the Priorities of a Human Body will differ from those of a Cetacean Body or Great Ape Body.