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These 3 Priorities bring your body & self into alignment around directly and intimately facing the Truth, or finding pivotal moments of Truth along the way.

If you have a Priority of Death, then your thoughts about death, close-encounter with death, or the impact of another's death on you- is what shapes you, and fuels you to make your choices in life.
Death here, helps to set you on a trajectory that's entirely unique from all the other priorities. So your focus in life comes to revolve around exploring, navigating and resolving however that pivotal death affected you.

If you have a Priority of Grief, then your body tends to meet with you to experience life as a path paved with challenges of loss, disappointment, failed expectations & any other halts that force you to face an unexpected change. You revolve around how you respond to these.
This grief can include death, but moves beyond that into losing opportunities, break-ups, divorces etc.

Having this priority tends to mean there's an undercurrent in your life that carries around your grief wherever you go, and this puts a tax on your body+mind that you constantly seem to face, explore and understand.

If you have a Priority of Body Image & Health, then your life is defined by any struggles, control over and healing in how you appear to others as a body.

Your life always returns to how you are shaped & represented in the world, and to any challenges around how you perceive yourself vs. how you assume others see you. This then affects your physical and psychological health in life, and your body carries this to explore it with you.
It tends to run deep into a chronic contention/shame around how you present yourself to others- how present

you are with yourself, others and your body/health- and of the power your body/health has over shaping you, or you and others have over shaping your body/health.


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