Impatience is a defense against any lack/loss of Control over Time.
This includes your control over the fact that you are/must be missing out, running out of time, that time is passing faster than can accommodate your wishes/efforts, and just high expectations in general for what should've been done, needs to be done, or is being done.
In -Intolerance, you feel anxious, combative, agitated in face of, and even dismiss anything that could frustrate, obstruct or impede progress on what needs to be done by you+others- running entirely on desperation, recklessness, blame, forcing results etc.
You're always trying to control before being controlled- and may even resent the successes of others that "prove" to you time is running out.
When you fall into -Intolerance, you begin to feel like a -Victim to the space around you that you can't control- resigning to the chaos of other people, materials, your feelings, your health and even the world.
To move into -Audacity, you'd benefit from -Selflessness.
In other words, consider how you are spending your energy on you, your space, life and relationships in destructive or irresponsible ways- and take responsibility for doing what is more helpful, useful, ethical, progressive etc.
Audacity can also arise in pushing through your fears with a -Determination that things can change- shifting away from becoming -Obstinate that you will always lack/lose control of the effects time has on everything.
In -Audacity, you take bold, often blind but courageous risks/actions to do what needs to be done before it’s too late- relieving you from the pressure+hold of time to make room for some breathing space, clarity and progress.
When Impatience protects the GOAL, you produce high expectations for what everything and everyone should have done or needs to do for the results and accomplishments you desire to show up. The world must be against you if it's going too fast/slow, and you are going to make it move on your terms dammit!
When it protects the MODE, this means that you feel your relationship must work out and "get you" within a specific period of time, lest it isn't ever going to work. Instead of allowing yourself & others time to be+grow together, there are clear markers you incessantly push for that must be met before anything else can happen.
When Impatience is ingrained in your BODY, it can lead to tremendous visceral panic, anxiety and stress over deadlines or you+others keeping to an expected pattern/plan- or certain things in life can simply feel futile to you, and boredom may set in as your sense of energy & motivation burn up over time.
This pressure to meet time constraints will often manifest as irritations, agitation, rashes, and skin/digestion issues- as well as great difficulty in listening and concentrating.
When it protects you from the PAST, you're reminded of every time you were rushing to set things in motion/prevent things from happening before it's too late. So you're either annoyed by, or build your bravery for fighting against the clock from those memories.
Protecting you from the FUTURE, you get distracted by imagining the possibility of how much won't get done if you run out of time- or if certain things happen to you that prevent you from acting.
When Impatience protects you from being PRESENT, then not enough is being done right now to keep you satisfied about your life. Time is of the essence for you, and you're so preoccupied with its impact that you can never be still in the current state of your life.
If Impatience is your CORE DEFENSE, then you feel you can't heal, evolve and be whole until you have control over time's influence on you. You will not move on until you have done what must be done before the deadline & you and/or others experience how productive, accomplished and successful you are in managing your time.
If you catch yourself in the defenses of Impatience and wish to change this, the key to healing is in BEING PRESENT with yourself, right here and right now.
SLOW DOWN/QUIET YOUR MIND, relax in a safe inner/outer space and JUST BE (1)
If your actions are a slave to fulfilling comfort patterns & rote/obligation in ways that are keeping you on a path that "goes nowhere", and you're lying to yourself+others about your use of time- then make any simple/small change in your life to alter that trajectory & create a new pattern.
This means you rise out of entropy and start to CREATE YOUR LIFE again. (2)
Actually TAKE TIME OFF and DO what you normally never "have time to do." (3)
And rather than live in the elusive past or future, be fully aware of how you choose to act, feel, think and move your body in the moment, so that YOU'RE PRESENT in the space you are in- even if you'd rather be doing something else.
The more you escape the moment, the less change you can bring to your momentum. (4)
In fact, have fun, play and do whatever meaningless/pointless things you enjoy because TIME DOESN'T CONTROL you. In doing so, you can realize just how little REALITY there is to time beyond how you use and interpret the moment. Your power of choice is always right now, so bring in the humor and lighten it up. (2)
Instead of thinking of one thing causing the DELAY of another on your schedule of priorities, it would do you well to think of your focus on one thing as an EMBRACE of that thing, knowing you'll quickly+happily embrace the next thing that comes along.
This helps you keep out intrusive thoughts and distracted emotions. (6)
Impatience can often lead to clumsiness, erratic behaviors/reactions and might even make you believe your thoughts and words are those of others- so that you can speak for them by hand without forethought.
So when you're presuming the actions, intentions & words of others, ask if you're listening- and actually LISTEN to what's being said. (5)