Your Emotional Center takes in and processes life, things, people, events primarily through meaning and symbolism-
in terms of how anything moves and inspires you, and bypasses your personal prejudices & logical assessments to reach a place of direct perception.
It's a navigation based on like, dislike, hate and love- or in other words: attraction and repulsion.
Emotions are never THE truth however, nor will everyone else feel the same about things as you do. They only tell you how YOU feel about the truth, and how things MIGHT BE based on your past experiences.
This is because the truth is objectively consistent, but how you feel is subjective and subject to change as you learn more. So if ever you feel confused by or attached to how you feel, it always does well if you can perceive the simpler truth of an event/person/experience to be as clear as you can.
Anything that can nurture, care and empathize has emotions- but anything that seeks to consciously love & be loved, inspire & be inspired, has a well-developed emotional body and capacity for extensive feeling.
Most lower and higher mammals operate here on a daily basis- such as Cetaceans and domesticated animals such as the Canine, Bovine, Equine, Feline etc.
The -Pole here would best be called Sentimentality, while the +Pole is Perception.
There are 7 Emotions, which describe how we're inspired to project or reflect what things mean. Each can also mix together to create the spectrum of feelings we navigate through everyday:
DISGUST- when we project -Loathing/Causticness or reflect +Humor/Preference because we're resisting what we're provoked by and wish to change it. SADNESS- when we project -Self-Pity/Patheticness or reflect +Honesty/Grief because we're adjusting to & empathizing with new things or states.
ANGER- when we project -Blame/Depression or reflect +Motivation/Purpose because we're inspired to do something about our state of helplessness. TRUST- when we project -Distrust/Foolishness or reflect +Confidence/Awareness because we're inspired by the nature of what we see.
JOY- when we project -Self-Indulgence/Obnoxiousness or reflect +Invitation/Inclusion because we're inspired to be fully present in this moment's pleasures. ANTICIPATION- when we project -Agitation/Disdain or reflect +Enthusiasm/Consideration because we're inspired by what something could mean over time.
SURPRISE- when we project -Resistance/Disregard or reflect +Playfulness/Adaptability because we're inspired by a greater context revealed to us.
Each Center resonates with a different form of MUSIC.
In this case, we can access our Emotional Center by listening to/creating FLUID, NON-LINEAR HARMONIES that are SOOTHING, CALMING and may use VOCALIZATION as an INSTRUMENT.
In -Sentimentality, you become attached to symbolic representations of people, things, places, times and experiences that matter to you- rigidly defining these things by locking them into static symbols, while never allowing them to grow and rejecting everything that tries to change them.
ie: If you feel sentiment, you might lock yourself out from being present, because you're fixated on what's lost/gone. Or if something happens, it will only ever mean *this*- and it can never mean anything else.
Whatever it is, if you feel it, then it must be conclusively true. And because emotions are always based in the past, you can easily Project & Impose all of your emotional baggage onto your current experiences, events and relationships- playing out your personal issues over and over.
When Emotion is wounded by your Sentiments, it will simply believe and reinforce what your intellect has deemed true, logical and justifiable.
The Health of your Emotional Center lies in your degree of HAPPINESS- which is seen through how much you love and accept yourself, how much you allow for all your moods to be OK for you to experience, how you let your past guide you, and how much you trust in vs reject anything you encounter.
Because your Emotions (Sense of Inspiration) create or destroy your sense of Meaning in experiences+relationships, the more you can relate with others & see yourself in them, or them in you- the more you can heal.
A shift into +Perception means you differentiate your symbol from the object- seeing beyond all the definitions and meanings you/others impose, to get to the heart or essence of someone/thing. You allow for your symbols to grow, expand, be replaced and updated- which leads to a sense of happiness from trust.
ie: If you feel nostalgia, you infuse your moment with the qualities of that memory- rather than let the memory consume the quality of your moment. Or if something happens, it might mean many things depending on the context or point of view- and that's OK- it doesn't need to be either/or, it can be and/both.
This means you start to Reflect on your feelings- so you learn from your past and allow the greatest potential to blossom from your present and future.
Anyone who accesses this combo acts on their feelings through ATTRACTION or REPULSION.
So if/when you are Emotionally Centered, Moving Part, you first know and feel how you're inspired, provoked or resonate with another person/thing.
Then you feel how your body processes the energy of those emotions and so you physically act on or react to those inspirations/provocations.
After doing so, you think of those actions and their potential causes- deriving insightful perceptions, ideas and plans that might serve to help you in the next moment that comes.
--- ~~~ ---
If this pattern remains locked without Intellect, then you can easily get caught in a loop of feeling, (re)acting, feeling, (re)acting etc. How you're processing your emotions over time starts to consume you, but because you aren't properly expressing this, your body amplifies this need for expression.
So any intellect that is allowed will want -Reasons, justification and compensation for your feelings- plaguing you with agonizing, indecisive worry loops that result in complete overwhelm, shut down or avoidance.
This can cause a blow to your ability to love, reflect and be inspired- as you continue to get agitated, frustrated and feel that things are endless/urgent so "Something must be done now!"
The key to balance is in some form of Intellectual Meditation.
This could come through cross-word puzzles and brain teasers, transcendental or focused meditations, learning new/different things, telling the truth, having a night of hilarity and comedy etc.
The point would be that this helps you think through and express your feelings to calm down and derive +Insight (not conclusion and defense)- so that you can clarify what's true of the situation vs how you feel about it, to help manage or change your reactions.
Very few actually live from this combo habitually- but we do often access it in those times of PURE MEANING, symbolic processing, essence recognition and any all-consuming sentimentality, nostalgia or emotion.
(Essence Recognition means recognizing the Essence, Soul and Innocence of another beyond how they appear.)
We experience this combo when we have a pure, unadulterated emotion about something- leading us to feel like we're living in a space where the passage of time is paradoxically instantaneous and eternal because it seems like that emotion is all that exists.
Simply looking at what you've learned from this(thought) or can act on(moving) breaks this combo.
Anyone who accesses this combo aims to INTERPRET the rationale behind any feelings.
So if/when you are Emotionally Centered, Intellectual Part, you first know and feel how you're inspired, provoked or resonate with another person/thing.
Then you derive reasons, insights, logic and ideas from analyzing those emotions- talking about & expressing what you're provoked/inspired by, and working to understand those feelings.
After thorough thought and expression, you act on/do what you have gathered is best.
--- ~~~ ---
If this pattern remains locked without Movement, then you can easily get caught in a loop of feeling, thinking, feeling, thinking etc. You begin to reason about your sentiments over and over- which leads to fidgeting, agitation, distraction, restlessness, urges to escape into drugs or comforts etc.
Because your thoughts can't analyze illogical feelings though, your body compensates by feeling too much.
So any movement that is allowed in will show up as an over-stimulation that leads you to over-express and over-act- or an over-sedation that pushes you into depressing feelings that your efforts are no longer inspiring.
This only serves to -Frustrate you.
The key to balance is in some form of Moving Meditation.
This could come through stretching, exercising, building, breathing, dancing, taking a long walk, sensual pleasures, attending to your health+material security or even breaking anxiety by finally taking a chance/risk.
Anything that gets you moving+doing will return your body & sense of energy into the equation in a way that you resonate with- allowing the results of that +Productivity to inspire you again.
This Process automatically records all of your feelings+emotions about the AURA, atmosphere, meaning and tone of everything you experience- storing these in your emotional memory for future reference.
So when needed, you can access & recreate the moods, sentimental attachments, direct perceptions and warmhearted responses you felt at any given time through your life.
Here you take in life through your emotions and inspirations- then release this to your Essence so you can feel being a part of the greater patterns of life. It's a sense of TOTAL SURRENDER.
Anytime you feel consumed by but also aligned with a force greater than you, you access this combo. There is a trust in always being safe here, no matter the conditions of your life, body, heart or mind.
Examples might be the empowerment+clarity gained by taking in a breathtaking rainstorm rather than bitterly hating it- or ceasing to struggle against having an illness to better find peace, trust and beauty in it
Here you take in life through your emotions and inspirations- then release this to your Essence so you can learn to love the greater contexts in life. It's a sense of TOTAL HEALING.
Anytime you therapeutically release old wounds, inspirations and provocations that haven't been resolved, while loving and honoring all of your messy emotions through this- you access this combo.
Here you take in life through your emotions and inspirations- then release this to your Essence so you can sort your feelings into levels of truth. It's a sense of TOTAL CONFIDENCE.
This is where confidence and self-esteem are increased because you inspire yourself with accurate observations about who you truly are, and recognize how you truly feel or the messages behind your feelings.