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Both Individuals & Civilizations evolve in their awareness in life, in ways that affect where their primary focus of experience+learning is. There is a natural
cyclical progression that awareness follows that has been hinted at in "Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs". These would follow as:

1st Awareness: Focus on Survival~ ranging from -Dissonance/Reactivity to +Innocence/Propulsion.
2nd Awareness: Focus on Order~ ranging from -Rejection/Conformity to +Reflection/Organization.
3rd Awareness: Focus on Individuality~ ranging from -Entitled/Exploitation to +Accomplished/Achievement.
4th Awareness: Focus on Relationship~ ranging from -Projection/Compromise to +Perception/Cooperation.
5th Awareness: Focus on Context~ ranging from -Exclusion/Apathy to +Inclusion/Holism.

Because Awareness does not actually "slide", to move from its - to + would mean you move from the - to + of your Attitude, Goal and Mode first. Thus those create a pathway to the +, or a funnel into the -.
Interestingly, your manner of
DIET is one of the easiest ways to see your Awareness. This is because diet is a choice made all day every day over and over- so it can reveal much about how you approach, manage, nurture and create your life, health & mind/body harmony.
Survival approaches diet as FOOD FOR FUEL, Order approaches it through FAMILIARITY, Individuality approaches it as a means of achieving SATISFACTION, Relationship approaches it as an extension of their EMPATHY, and Contextual approaches it through ADAPTABILITY.

To move from one awareness to the next, one must have cycled through and "completed" experiences in the previous awareness. So if one is currently in a
Contextual Awareness, he would have to had evolved his awareness through all 4 preceding the 5th to get there.

 is a personally driven experience and can't be forced. There is nothing better or worse about one Awareness to another- they all have their strengths and weaknesses.
To be at the
3rd Stage simply means your primary focus is on learning Individuality, and Survival, Order, Relationship and Context are all seen relative to how they serve your individuality right now.


As people+collectives evolve in awareness, there grows a sense of necessity to understand, teach, discipline, redirect, guide, surrender to, empathize with and accept the awareness's one has transitioned through: both in aspects of self & other people who manifest at these younger perceptions.
One in a
Survival Awareness cannot understand a Relationship Awareness, but one in a Relationship Awareness can understand a Survival Awareness because she has been through it before.
It's important to know that the further in your evolution you are, the more you include all the previous awareness's into your world view and can MANIFEST them if needed or called upon.
This means you might straddle between many awareness's due to the range of experiences you have, or across different life contexts (Inner Life, Social Settings, Intimate Relationships, Projects/Career etc.).

On a Collective Level, Awareness has a big effect on how people govern themselves and resolve apparent conflicts through their
Economy & Politics. There tends to be an Emphasis on this pattern:

Survival Awareness uses Freedom as the core concern of politics, with an economy based in Nature- where all resources are used to Secure needed provisions.

This is a world that emphasizes Doing to Live- exploring/sharing your soul through The Unknown- developing Self-Reliance- and relying on Touch+Tangibility to nurture/recover/evolve.

Order Awareness uses Authority as the core concern of politics, with an economy based in Law- where all resources are used to Civilize.

This is a world that emphasizes Doing to Structure- exploring/sharing your soul through Religion- developing Confidence- and relying on the Return to Balance+Regulation to nurture/recover/evolve.

Individuality Awareness uses Capital as the core concern of politics, with an economy based in Consumerism- where all resources are used to Collect one's rightful earnings.
This is a world that emphasizes
Having- exploring/sharing your soul through Politics- learning how to increase your Expression- and relying on Hearing+Music to nurture/recover/evolve.

Relationship Awareness uses Well-Being as the core concern of politics, with an economy based in Citizenry- where all resources are used to Contribute to personal or global causes that benefit all.

This is a world that emphasizes the Reconciliation between Having+Being- exploring/sharing your soul through Relationships- learning how to Love- and relying on Sight+Perception to nurture/recover/evolve.

Contextual Awareness uses Context as the core concern of politics, with an economy based in Communication- where all resources are used to create opportunities for Experience.
This is a world that emphasizes Being- exploring/sharing your soul through Imagination- learning how to Care- and relying on life's Scents+Flavors to nurture/recover/evolve.

When a civilization "falls", those part of it often revert back to the 1st Awareness focused on Survival, and build back up from there. This cycle has been in place for millennia.

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