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The Stoic sees life as if it's all been seen before- viewing everything in terms of its NATURE, behavior and character.
 This can lead you to develop perceptions that are quite unsurprised, unflinching or even uninterested; because you emphasize ones capacity for self-management, self-awareness and self-control as valuable standards for measuring ethics and authenticity.
You understand that your and others natures are naturally limited in a somewhat deterministic way- by what environment & upbringing one has had to work with- but that it is a constant that is easy to discern.



In -Resignation, you go too long without a surprise, tiring of the same-old patterns repeating over and over- or you grow overwhelmed by too many new surprises in life that throw you off.
You give up and stop trying to see any differently- determining everyone and everything is the same anyway; imposing a false form of calm to defend against what's "too much" or too chaotic- and only seeing the world as diminished, gray, exhausting and all less than it is.

This mindset then pushes you into coming across as quite draining, defeated, tedious, difficult to communicate with and lacking in any passion, interest or attention.

This prompts your Blind Spot then, in that you DISCONNECT, tune out and turn off because there's too much to process that's either overly monotonous or overly surprising, and it just needs to stop being the focus.
You're convinced you already know everything there is to know of something, so you stop navigating your experiences, relationships, struggles etc. because you're tired of these things being presented to you as if new+exciting prospects.


When you fall into -Resignation, you begin to -Believe what you've decided is undeniably true and that there is no use questioning it- everything will simply support your perceptions. To move into +Tranquility, you must +Verify if what you've resigned to is truly an imposition to you or your life anymore- and if there is something new+valuable the experience at hand can bring that can be meaningful to you.

In short, you see if there's potential you can uncover or create from knowing where, why, how or who you/others are.

So when you verify, you ask yourself these vital questions for why you feel, think or do as you do- rather than presume you already know the answers.


You may also look at whether seeing the way you do is a +Practical/Efficient way to perceive others that works- growing out of your -Dogmatic perspectives of constantly resigning, succumbing, giving up and ceasing all effort.



A shift into +Tranquility means being able to adapt+adjust your perceptions as a means to be truly calm and at peace because you know you CAN navigate.

It is a confident serenity of non-attachment and understanding that embraces your and other's natures & life's familiarity and mundanity as is, while understanding & allowing for any surprises to be a part of life's nature too. 

So you are able to slow down your processes to evade/diminish your reactions without feeding any biases or prejudices, or betraying how you feel underneath.

And this shows as your being quite cool-headed, attentive, informed and calmly present.

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