Warriors resonate to the Restricted Action axis and the Colour Yellow.
Yellow is the urge to act within us that deals with the need to push forth our commitments & actions through new territories of life.
Lying on the Restricted Action axis we have: the Moving Center, Cynicism, Submission, Perseverance, Martial Body Type, Passage of Independence, Individuality Awareness and Martyrdom.
When these traits are brought together, you have an energy that persuades forces into action and values CHALLENGE, LOYALTY and PROTECTION.
The Core Values of Warriors are Influence, Action, Responsibility, Results, Rebellion, Consideration, and being a living example of Triumph.
This means they hold Nobility in STRENGTH or Endurance.
Warriors carry the Power of Correction- of bringing back alignment in self or others.
When dependent upon/extracted from others, this shows as seeking only to avoid OR correcting through
-Punishment, shaming or withholding.
While when generated from within, correction becomes +Consequential, and the incentive to correct is no longer to punish but to help yourself+others be aware of one's actions and consequences.