The CORE WARRIOR only manifests when there is something in opposition to your values (Cynicism)- a challenge to actively contribute to a meaningful cause that matters to you (Submission)- and a sense of loyalty & courage to navigate through all obstacles along the way of your chosen direction (Perseverance).
When these criteria are satisfied, then your ESSENCE comes out to bring Energy to directions, rally for a Cause, invoke Courage as a foundation for changes in your self, relationships or world, provide sources of Protection, Ground/Anchor everyone and encourage lasting Loyalty and Compassion.
Warriors are life's Defenders and Conquerors, but despite being called such they're often the most peaceful and passive of all the Shines, until they see a need to burst forth from that passive peace without question/concern if there's a need to take up a cause.
You have 1 INPUT, so this means when you shine you're entirely focused on conquering whatever task is at hand.
All this in mind, your life philosophy is that every experience, relationship and even lifetime is a grand Challenge you must rise up to with growing strength and integrity, and face head on.
Because of this strong focus, in matters of relationship, you need to be WON OVER by Love.
One must endure for you and this shows in LOYALTY- love is a TERRITORY you and others must conquer and share together. So if this is not satisfied, you can feel that others are impeding on your space, or that they haven't earned the right to share in that space yet.
As such, what you want from life is Mutual Commitment- for your devotion to a person, cause or responsibility to be reciprocated back to you & be a mutually shared experience.
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If you have chosen to embody the Core Warrior archetype, then your soul will come into its own through the Individuality Awareness- as you learn how to direct energy towards treating the struggles, processes and triumphs in all personal relationships with bravery, courage & high reverence.
You're the one primed with the resources, grit and know-how to clear or help clear the bullshit from all things that keep everyone from getting closer to each other. So under your watch- any lies, betrayals, hidden expectations, facades, guilt, shame etc. carried beneath the surface will be uprooted+resolved once and for all.
As a Warrior, you can be caught for how you tirelessly work through your relationships in daily life within and around as a way to strengthen the bonds of support & tough, ever-lasting love between all.
So ultimately, you are the glue that keeps everyone from falling apart- and that's not a job you take lightly with all the ugliness and uncomfortable confrontations that come forth.
When in -COERCION, you push a divide between who/what you loyally protect- and who/what's threatening that.
This divide can come through bullying, withholding, shaming, scare tactics, territorial behavior, punishment, strategic manipulation etc. but it is always about using FORCE to PROTECT someone/thing- or PUSH yourself or others INTO ACTION without helping one understand how to do that or why it's needed.
Coercion can even carry into protecting a loved one from themselves, if you see they're self-harming- protecting yourself from ever harming others- or protecting parts of you to divide yourself from your own demons.
Because of all this, you might blatantly dismiss anyone/thing that challenges your loyalty to concepts, people and personal structures that bring safety- out of frantic defense, flippant prejudice or denigration. And this ultimately just results in protective combativeness or blind obedience coming out from all sides.
Your constant urge to question others choices and whether they were made with integrity, while also rushing to defend anyone that is questioned for the integrity of their choices by others- reflects the same battle of questioning & defending waging within you.
This is because you're often distracted with protecting or hiding your feelings of shame, guilt and regret over poor choices too- and respond instinctively to anyone that reflects this struggle around you.
To shift into +PERSUASION means allowing yourself and others to CHOOSE what is best for oneself- and helping everyone understand how to take action & why it's needed.
You influence yourself+others to examine what stands in the way of loyalty within or around to encourage a questioning of one's motivations- so that we can all act in a way that creates a greater sense of cohesion, a rise in personal strength/courage and strong circles of support and self-help.
Through this, you then start to take responsibility for owning and clarifying any expectations/anticipations of mutual commitment that were not met, owned or were poorly communicated- with a sense of Humility.
You begin to "shift gears", "change lanes" and "move/see in opposite directions" as a means of realigning beliefs and recreating integrity in yourself. So you realize that how you+others learn from the past, grow from it & what you DO NOW matters more in defining oneself than the details of what's been done.
The Great Lesson of the Core Warrior is to recognize your purpose and nature of action.
The Conscious Warrior knows that your heart lies in conquering a CRISIS/CHALLENGE, in correcting an imbalance or disorder and emphasizing what is and isn't power or empowering.
When disconnected however, you feel life is an unrolling world of chaos that you can't ever hope to control- so you think you're just lucky for what you have: never putting in the effort to pave a path that would bring more control, help you make choices for yourself, or strengthen the faltering state of your relationships.
You spend your life laying low, hiding in the shadows, evading conflict and depending highly upon others- all while sensing at some point you need to do/be something specific in order to be loved or recognized.
This Warrior is Martyrdom, manifest- as you determine you're not in control of your life.
To return a sense of Essence to your days, it can help if you seek some source of physical contact that brings greater SECURITY and CONTROL- such as Tai Chi, the Alexander Technique, a sport requiring coordination, or even being held or holding someone important to you.
Owning where you are Right Now, realizing you have a Choice in this moment & the next, and Asking for Help when struggling so you know you're not living in a vacuum will always help too.