One in Passion relates through MERGING with your relationship, experience or goal fully and letting it become a part of your identity- a part of who you are. It is about realizing & creating the meaning and potential you feel/see in or between yourself, others and the world.
You grow intimacy through moving away from expecting others to represent+behave like you, into learning about one another through each other. And as you already feel you're inside the whole picture, it’s important for you to feel you’re creating meaning, history or “the point” along the way to pursuing something.
-Identification means you let your relationships, experiences, obligations, behaviors, beliefs, careers etc. define your identity; LOSING YOURSELF in these events, things or aspects that matter to you & that represent things/aspects about you, your past/future & your life that you crave, idealize, fear, avoid, reject etc.
You set High Standards and Conditions of behavior and potential that you feel must be met for experiences, things and relationships to be meaningful; and if you or others don't fulfill, corroborate or comply to these, then you take it personally as if a blow to your identity- and shock, implosion or explosion can result.
So if say, you cooked up a dinner for your loved one and they did or did not like your dinner, then you assume they must love or hate YOU as well. You've lost yourself and your boundaries in the dinner, hooked into monitoring other's every acceptance+rejection of it as a way to validate your specialness and value/meaning.
Ironically, when you can't create meaning & inspiration in your relationship or pursuit, your experience can begin to feel overwhelming, empty and numbing- and you can feel as if you have no/have lost your Passion.
When in actuality, you've only become identified with your fears, projections and defenses instead of your love, reflections and creativity- feeding those as though they define you.
When you fall into -Identification, you begin to -Inhibit your emotions and inspirations, closing down your input in relationships out of overwhelm & more or less detaching/receding from everything.
To move into +Self-Realization, you must use some +Restraint to step back, and look at the whole picture, rather than just the moment that isn't complying to your standards of behavior.
This can help you to realize that no one can define or take away from you or your potential unless you DEEM them to, and that you can CHOOSE how to better manage your emotions & relationships.
You can also bring +Clarity to your self-actualization by choosing to see the whole of your relationship/experience, and involve all their parts into your aim to create a meaningful path through life- rather than feel defined by being a disconnected and meaningless -Surveyor of everything.
A shift into +Self-Realization means you feel inspired to push forward and learn from your experiences.
In doing so, you FIND YOURSELF & discover more about who you+others are through all your relationships, pursuits and exchanges- growing into new identities along the way, but never leaving out old versions of you.
You Self-Actualize then, bringing more of your authenticity and unrealized potential into the world- by assessing how or whether you're representing your being/passion accurately in life. So you ask questions like: “What does this say/mean about me?” “How does this represent or reflect me?” “Where am I in this?”
Self-Realization sees others from a higher perception- a bigger picture/standpoint that transcends the difficulties that time, space and logic can bring, so you can perceive the essence+evolution of any relationship.
So you recognize the inherent lessons & love learnt in knowing, relating or exchanging with others, and allow room for the fluctuations, depth and intimacy living with them brings.
Now if you cook a dinner for a loved one, whether or not they like it doesn't mean love is lost or found between you. It only means they did or didn't like it, and your intention, love and passion behind cooking it is not gone- as the dinner reflects you but it doesn't define you.
Passion is most attractive to others for how much you absorb into anything, or absorb anything into you- so you can be sought because you inspire others to be present in creating their life, or fulfill their longings to be consumed by something greater to the point they disappear in some way.
As Passion attracts to the no-holds barred boundlessness of shared ideals & standards in a relationship, finding
Common Ground through Imagination, it could be said you bond/bind to the soul of another.
You highly resonate with the evolving Awareness that people have grown through and all of the challenges, dynamics and lessons learnt in each perception.
This means you can feel most wounded when there are sudden demands or expectations of behavior you or another impose upon one another for your relationship to be meaningful- limiting your boundless soul connection.
To heal, it helps to address the past- and to free others from any Conditions you may have placed on them.
When you remember what's gone into the relationship, you begin to see if its past is truly unhealthy or if unnecessary and unhelpful restrictions are simply being imposed on a healthy one.
So you open up to creating a more inspiring future- by returning others as being reflections of you and your life that can teach you, rather than constrictions/definitions that lock you.