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Energy Ratio describes whether you are more or less Focused/Structured/Masculine vs Creative/Fluid/Feminine- regardless of cultural norms or physiological sex. You could be 30% Focused and 70% Creative for instance, or 53% Focused and 47% Creative- but you don't need to know the specifics.

In truth, all life-forms in the universe have a unique energy ratio, from stars to flowers to atoms- so it's important to remember that every being has access to both male and female energies within and around.
If Frequency is how you PROCESS life, then Energy Ratio is how you CREATE the life to be processed- whether that be in structured or fluid ways.

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Those with Higher Focused Energy are naturally more linear, planning, strategic and forceful, being direct and action-oriented with momentum.

You tend to be more solid, sedentary and steady in behavior and this helps exclude anything distracting so that experiences can be navigated with structured, linear intent and laser-like focus.
Focused Energy relates to
Yang, The External, Responsiveness and Hardness in Nature.

The Male Body, Masculine Gender & Animus are represented here, embodying the forceful, direct and focused 

penetration of chaos to systematically build & organize a PLAN/PROJECT.

Those with a more Balanced Energy Ratio lean toward creating whatever dynamic is more suitable for the moment. This is represented physically and psychologically as Androgynous.
Those with
Higher Creative Energy are naturally more non-linear, spontaneous, explosive and spiraling, being indirect and inspiration-oriented.

You tend to be more flighty, scattered, fluid and chaotic in behavior and this helps emphasize intuitive navigation, problem-solving and a trust in chaos- as you organically allow for messy challenges to be a part of life.
Creative Energy relates to
Yin, The Internal, Receptiveness and Softness in Nature.

The Female Body, Feminine Gender & Anima are represented here, embodying the fluid, creative and chaotic NURTURING of UNFORMED POTENTIAL.



In the first 7 Years of life, the Male Body defaults to being strongly focused, direct, assertive and demanding, and the Female Body defaults to being strongly creative, spontaneous, quiet and explosive. This leads to the development of Gender Roles and stereotypes such as male-aggressiveness and female-passiveness early on. 

But as you gain consciousness in life you do start to take on an Energy Ratio more natural and comfortable for you on a deeper essence/soul level.


Balance of Energy

Over the course of a lifetime, those who lean to either energy extreme will require more balance and help from the other end of the ratio. While those with a balance often seek extremes to bring comprehension to the spectrum of experience they're balancing. This helps promote wholeness and becomes a resource for self and others.

For instance, Higher Focused can seek relationships+experiences that are more chaotic, creative, unstructured and require surrender; while Higher Creative can seek relationships+experiences that are more intentional, focused, structured and require planning.
Even Communities and Nations work with Energy Ratios quite intimately, with more-developed and stable groups/communities tending towards a 50/50 Balanced Ratio, and less-developed, struggling and challenged groups/communities tending towards the extremes.

In general,
Higher Creative Energy (and Female Genders) can get messy, play with dirt or clay, make plans, think in terms of future outcomes, move more intentionally, flirt and engage in sexual gratification to bring out and accept their more focused or "masculine" side.

When they forget the necessity for masculinity/focus, or they do not have access to sources of that- they can tend to draw it out by being Destructive, and must then learn how to be Constructive.
Higher Focused Energy (and Male Genders) can trust in the moment, clean, wildly free creative/sexual impulses, be emotionally vulnerable, communicate, nurture and allow room for all possibilities to bring out and accept their more creative or "feminine" side.
When they forget the necessity for femininity/fluidity, or they do not have access to sources of that- they can tend to draw it out by being Chaotic, and must then learn how to be Creative.

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