The Goal of SUBMISSION is the challenge of learning where and how your energy/dedication is best directed/given & where and how it’s being received.
It is about putting effort into things that matter, motivate you, make a difference and contribute to a cause- while realizing your sense of replenishment is blocked or created by what you're DOING.
-Subservience occurs when you continue to give & devote your energy in an unquestioned direction that isn't
being well received- exploits your values- and/or leaves you feeling obligated and unfulfilled. So you feel nothing is ever gained from your efforts.
Or it can occur when you manipulate & exploit others actions, dedication and obedience to serve only your own benefit- as you actively impose your values onto them.
This is always prompted by a sense of INVISIBILITY: where your actions and efforts are unconsidered, ignored, or unseen by life/others- or you render others efforts as ineffective and insignificant to your own.
Which then shifts towards an increased sense of OBSESSION because you continue to impose your energy & dedication onto others, and they're only taking it through rote, shame or obligation. Or you never stop to consider whether your actions are actually effective, harmful or fulfilling anything constructive.
This causes you to "burn out" and "short-circuit" because your actions aren't actually being received or given- so there's no return for what you put in & there's no circuitry that replenishes you.
So you cut off all fuel for yourself and give give give to everything and everyone else, or you cut off all fuel for others and give give give to yourself: never sharing energy, always rationing it.
When you fall into -Subservience, you begin to lose your strength and power to -Dictatorship- where you no
longer have any concern for how you're acting nor who/what you're acting on, and you simply take blind actions for the sake of your cause.
To move into +Devotion, you must return +Leadership to your actions- realizing the impact(influence) of your choices and owning those consequences, so you can direct your dedication or contribution toward things and avenues that are more receptive, energizing and reciprocating.
Leadership helps you make your next step/decision with a trust in your responsibility for shaping your life.
You may also choose to liberate yourself from actions+experiences that keep you stuck in a -Stagnating Momentum of subservience, helping you be/do/feel more +Freely to return a devotion that is replenishing.
A shift into +Devotion means you actively contribute to an activity or person that is receiving the benefit of that- while you also feel effective, valued and replenished for your efforts.
So you create a Circuit of Energy between you & your cause, activity or relationship by asking how you can give more fully, changing how you act so you can be received by others in a better manner/light & finding what's missing from your sense of fulfillment that you can now act upon.
ie: You might realize the act of allowing self-care along the way to fulfilling your goal, speaking up/stepping up to return your power to the situation, the importance of communication in your relationship etc.
When you finally Submit to the reality of your Subservience, you suddenly feel an exciting sense of FAITH because all of the obstacles that short-circuited/burnt you out break down or are no longer seen as confinements & surges of energy return for dedicating yourself in new ways, or to new people and causes.
This then shifts towards a sense of total INVESTMENT- where you take the time to build up resources & devote your
actions, efforts and energy in the expectation of greater profit and tangible results from these new opportunities and undertakings.
While these extremes both return a sense of fuel and fulfillment, they don't consider or do the work of adapting to all the fluctuations in energy levels, commitment, focus etc. that are involved in a cause.
So the lesson for those in Submission is to hone how well you Respond to the Spectrum of Life Experiences- knowing how to alter efforts when necessary, considering real limitations in what you have/can do as part of your actions & rebuilding broken circuits with parts of your life that have been subservient.
Submission is not simply about directing your energy toward completing accomplishments/causes.
True acts of Devotion always look at what areas of life can contribute to bring the most return for the least tax and expenditure & help both the giver+receiver feel replenished by their position in and mutual contribution to the exchange without exploiting either side.