JOVIAL Bodies have an expansive, larger-than-life sense of being and bearing.
This is because it is a yang (outward-directed), passive (introspective/being-centered) and positive (responsive) type that is geared towards being a center of expression for groups that can help create spaces for greater, grander exchanges of thought+expression to occur between all parts/people.
It resonates with the Cardinal Expression Axis and thus reflects the Narrator Essence, Idealist Attitude, Power Mode and Goal to Accept through how it looks/behaves/processes in life.
Jovial Appearance is primarily affected by Jupiter- so it is a big, large, wide and cellularly-vast/packed body that is most directly shaped by/seen for the VOLUME of matter it is storing, carrying and processing.
Like your native planet then, this body is massive- tending toward greater water retention, water conductivity, space and weight that can help you carry and store a wide range of stories, anecdotes, wisdom, ideas, thoughts, memories, feelings etc.
Overall, a pure Jovial would tend to have a thick, solid physique with multi-colored undertones to the skin (orange, tan, cream, rose etc.)- mirthful, relaxed and expressive eyes & abundant, fine brown hair.
When unhealthy, Jupiter is -Overwhelming and oppresses the space other bodies share with you, rather than shares, amplifies and extends it.
The contracted/refined overwhelming body is BULKY. Thus the frame, tissues and features of certain parts/areas in your body become too dense, heavy and disproportionate/inordinate- growing so immense they crush, swallow or overpower the form & function of other parts/areas with their girth.
An extreme example of this might be seen in musclebound bodybuilders.
By contrast, the expansive/freed overwhelming body is SWOLLEN. Thus the whole body profusely stretches and balloons to gross, strained extremes through accumulating absurd amounts of fat, gas and water, engulfing everything smaller in its path/presence.
When healthy however, Jupiter possesses a sense of +Grandeur that shares your space and attracts other bodies around in awe of your magnificent and larger-than-life form, presence and gravity.
The contracted/refined grandiose body looks POWERFUL- as you bolster your weight, dense tissues and big, wide, thick-set features with high esteem. You then exude a vigorous whole-body confidence and well-developed sense of authority that can resist & hold every part in its shape/position even in the pull of gravity, because all parts of your body are honored in equal measure and mutually support one another.
While the expanded/freed grandiose body looks BOUNTIFUL. Thus the shape, tissues, features and even voice become looser, fatter and rounder to all invite & exude a larger-than-life sense of voluminous pleasure and abundance that can seem rather cuddly, approachable and lovable.
Jovial Nature feels struggle and strength over the inherent human desire for CONSUMPTION, particularly in how carefully & appropriately you honor/harness/manage the quality and quantity of physical, emotional, mental and spiritual resources/reserves of fuel within and around you.
As such, this is a nature that is highly GRAVITATIONAL in effect- always attracting various things and people into your gravity much as Jupiter's Moons reliably revolve around it- so that you can use them as a resource for your own growth, and so that they can relate to you as a resource, to find & own their own place/voice that gives them form, presence and gravity as well.
Jove then bestows a strong sense of confidence and self-permission that can easily draw you toward positions of leadership & ruler-ship so that you can stand as a center of confident expression for groups.
When this need to consume is imbalanced, Jupiter becomes excessively -Indulgent in order to find and consume sources of stimulation (ie. self-gratification, luxury, quick-fixes, distractions, addictions) that feel good even if they are not actually healthy or responsible.
Contracted/focused indulgence becomes OSTENTATIOUS. This happens when the psyche becomes a greedy center of attention that must be heard and fed- because you presume that what you have to say to/at others is of prime value and importance to all, even if you don't have proper permission from or consideration for them.
While indulgence that is expanded/freed becomes PRODIGAL.
This happens when the psyche lacks restraint in seeking sources of stimulation & then ravenously uses up/burns out those resources when found just to (hopefully) survive, get by, fuel up enough to get to the next moment- creating much waste and even reckless danger in the process because you don't honor your or other's limits.
When healthy however, Jove is +Joyful in its consumption- because it honors the state of the resources within and around it, elegantly budgets and banks, makes the most of what it has & often then has enough resources to share with others that they can use & carry forward as well.
A contracted/refined joyful body is CAPTIVATING. Thus the psyche attracts recognition from others for your valuable, unique and spectacular qualities and expression- helping you confidently display your voice, beliefs, stories and behaviors to bring great entertainment or speak up for the truth that’s vital to you/others.
While an expanded/freed joyful body is PERMISSIVE. As such, the psyche generously allows everyone to widely and liberally express themselves- providing them access to your/their resources & contagiously inspiring them to own the right to their authentic voice, presence and desires with high self-esteem and self-responsibility.
All in all, Jovial Types are highly attentive to social behaviors and social memory- capable of reducing everyone’s stresses and anxieties to attract greater trust, charisma, risk-taking and in-group bonding.
All while simultaneously warding off out-groups from your in-groups- or creating reconciliations and networks with those out-groups that mutually agree to share resources appropriately.
Jovial Health is most immediately affected by the HOMEOSTASIS of your physical, emotional, intellectual or spiritual life/world- which means any imbalances in those where one part of life is more important/valued than others & thus seeks to be balanced back to equilibrium.
This then engages the POSTERIOR PITUITARY GLAND to reflect this by affecting your actual physical body's equilibrium of form and function through fluxes in weight, water pressure, gas, temperature etc.
The Posterior Pituitary Gland releases:
Oxytocin- Stimulates uterine contractions and lactation in pregnancy for women, and sperm+testosterone production in men. Also stimulates empathy, maternal behavior, generosity, arousal and orgasm, positive social interaction, pair bonding, and in-group favoritism.
Antidiuretic Hormone(ADH, aka: Vasopressin)- Regulates blood pressure, blood fluid and mineral content by affecting water retention in the kidneys. Also stimulates aggression, pain relief, pleasure seeking, risk taking, social memory and pair bonding.
When unhealthy, Jupiter experiences a vast breakdown in communication between the parts and functions of your body, psyche and life in ways that imbalance & -Asphyxiate the whole system. As such, certain parts aren't willing to/capable of contributing to one another then, causing issues of dictatorship & dissent to ensue as they topple, overshadow, exclude and weight out each other.
Contracted/focused asphyxiation feels COMPRESSED- as the psyche over-emphasizes certain areas of the life at the expense of others, feeding them so much they become heavy, bulky and burdening.
The Posterior Pituitary then reflects this by growing parts of the body to the point of suffocating, crushing and depressing other parts under their mass- which often results in physical symptoms of thirst, hunger, disconnected life force, depression, despair and anguish that weight down on your joy.
Such eventually leads to Posterior Hypopituitarism.
While expanded/freed asphyxiation feels INFLATING- as the psyche indiscriminately stretches & blows up issues affecting and pervading your whole life, beyond all rationale.
Which the Posterior Pituitary then reflects by cancerously swelling up all parts of the body through symptoms of distension, bloating, swelling, water retention etc.- to the point that new/outlying cells cannot receive enough vital nutrients/nurturing/space to survive, feed and grow: leading to collapse.
Such eventually leads to Posterior Hyperpituitarism.
When healthy however, Jupiter experiences great surges of +Vitality, as you're able to maintain a dynamic Equilibrium inside+outside yourself- like a vast city of parts and functions in your body/life that work together to balance any imbalances so that the whole may benefit from any changes.
If this vitality is contracted/focused it brings CENTRALIZATION- as the psyche prioritizes areas of the life needing the most attention, and communicates how other areas can center/revolve around that core focus. This leads the Posterior Pituitary to prioritize vital parts & functions of the body in the same way.
While if this vitality is expanded/freed it simply brings EXPANSION- as the psyche propagates great amounts of energy, joy and vigor across & throughout all parts of the life and body, which encourages splendid waves of growth, pleasure and wholeness to abound from within and around you.
Because of this need to achieve homeostasis, you must learn to take Ownership for and nurture/tend to all of the parts of your psyche/body/life to return a sense of vitality.
Each aspect/area must have its valuable voice and presence, or else there can come to be severe imbalances, blood pressure issues & in extreme cases even tumors, for the Jovial Body to process.
Jupiter holds a Primary Shame of INDULGENCES; of giving in to the pleasures of your life or body.
Jovial Bodies know and trust pleasure- and recognize it not as a luxury, but as a necessity; from the more blissful and complex of sexual pleasures & intimacy, to the simpler pleasures of a good nap or good meal.
This body knows that Pleasure is a Right and is quickly+easily receptive to it, but because of the shame around taking pleasure when you "should" be productive instead, this can lead you to reject it all together in favor of self-control, or indulge in it as an escape or a deep, dark and hidden secret.
This only feeds you with guilt and stress because of the responsibility you have now that weighs down on you for taking or not taking that pleasure.
To heal this shame then, you must recognize the validity and necessity of pleasure as a personal right, and then own it- embracing and sharing its benefits and your happy, loving presence freely.
If the pleasure is not harming you or another, then it is not up for discussion/debate and yours to own, and if that's criticized or shamed- you can recognize the sheer absurdity in that and let that be the problem.
When you recognize your pleasures as valid and necessary, you start to feel a sense of growing delight in what you're great at doing or being. This is the primary joy of the Jovial: SPECIALIZATION.
Jupiter loves to have something you excel at and take pleasure in- something special you can flaunt & share with the world that draws others around. You may not be the greatest at one thing, but in *this* one you go above and beyond, an excelling expert in the field or study.
It is only when you turn to indulge in what you specialize in, that your shame arises.
So you may oppress or push others away from you when you seem to harmfully and mindlessly indulge in things- or can feel repulsed or wrongful yourself over taking these pleasures: shutting down or hiding your self-indulgent enjoyment completely.
This does nothing to help you, and only makes you feel like a messed-up person, not a grand star.
Below are some famous personalities, and the body types I've studied+observe them to have.
I encourage you to look into their stories to determine whether you agree with my theories & what kind of influences you see them having as well.
Arnold Schwarzenegger (Actor+Politician) has a strong Jovial Appearance with
Saturnian Nature & Martial Health.
Terry Crews (Actor+Artist & Former Football Player) has a
Jovial Appearance- Martial Nature with Saturnian Health.
John Goodman (Actor) has a strong
Jovial Appearance+Nature with Martial Health.
Cass Elliot (Singer+Actress) had a
Venusian Appearance- Jovial Nature with
Lunar Health.
Santa Claus is typically depicted as a strong Jovial Appearance+Nature with
Lunar Health.
Chris Pratt (Actor) has a
Martial Appearance- Jovial Nature with Mercurial Health.