What is a Mode?
Your Mode is your natural medium for relating to anything & anyone.
It is HOW you relate. How you form intimacy and resonance with other beings, things, time periods and locations- as well as your body, soul, beliefs/fears, and behaviors, interests, careers etc.
The Mode describes where you might feel most attracted, wounded and how you can heal by creating common ground. By extension, your sense of inspiration+love (or lack thereof) is felt by your Mode.
While your Attitude describes how you interact with everyone on a faceless everyday basis, your Mode is that part of you that you open up and reveal when another gets closer. In other words, it takes time & space for your Mode to blossom, as would happen with relationships.
The Mode is that layer, level or facet underneath that unfolds when you form a connection.
Because your relationship to experience is still a relationship, the Mode also describes how you go about reaching your Goal in Personality and goals in general. Indicating what you feel you must do, be or have- to have achieved your goal or made progress within it.
You can bring Awareness to your Mode by asking: "What does this reflect about me?", "How do I feel about that reflection?" and "Where is/How can I build- my common ground with this?".
There are 7 Modes, and each individual has one:
RESERVE- Relates through Refining Emotion- ranges from -Inhibition to +Restraint- attracted to a common ground in History/Centering: heals wounds by Dealing with the Past.
PASSION- Relates through Inspired Immersion- ranges from -Identification to +Self-Realization- attracted to a common ground in Imagination/Awareness: heals wounds by Freeing Restrictions/Impositions.
CAUTION- Relates through Refining Thought+Expression- ranges from -Phobia to +Deliberation- attracted to a common ground in Motivations/Goals: heals wounds by Returning to Safety.
POWER- Relates through Owning Thought+Expression- ranges from -Oppression to +Authority- attracted to a common ground in Confidence/Attitudes: heals wounds through Honesty.
PERSEVERANCE- Relates through Never Giving Up- ranges from -Unchanging to +Persistence- attracted to a common ground in Physicality/Body Types: heals wounds by Taking Action.
ORCHESTRATION- Relates through Conducting Action- ranges from -Belligerence to +Dynamism- attracted to a common ground in The Entire Life/Essence: heals wounds by Recovering Integrity.
OBSERVATION- Relates through Truly Seeing- ranges from -Surveillance to +Clarity- attracted to a common ground in Perspective/Modes: heals wounds by Feeling Understood.
The -Pole describes how you feel when Wounded/Seeking Connection; while the +Pole describes how you feel when Resonant/Intimate.
To move from - to +, each Mode uses its Reserve/Passion, Caution/Power or Perseverance/Orchestration partner trait- or uses Observation for a dose of neutrality and assimilation.
This is called "sliding".
Observation, being neutral, can slide to any of these 6 Modes to move from - to +.