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For individuals+civilizations in the Relationship Awareness, a realization comes that there is more to living than collecting, achieving, having and retaining physical, tangible things/experiences. So now sentience turns inward to look at all those intangible things that do last the test of time.
What becomes important is the aim to 
build states/circles of love, compassion and empathy for all- with profound concern for everyone’s well-being.

The extremes here are of Love and Fear, as this perspective says: "There is you and me, and I know and understand how you feel."  

This is the first time you begin to understand and account for the CONSEQUENCES of your choices- inherently question and break down everything dichotomous (black and white)- and ask the hard questions like “Who am I?” and "What does all this mean?"

In a way, life is navigated through Sight- as you find & recover parts of yourself in others through empathy, self-reflection and recognition. In fact, life tends to rely more on philosophies and technologies that encourage seeing one another & the world much more clearly+visibly now.
In this same vein, the Relationship Awareness sees diet as a means of nurturing & encouraging Empathy through recognition, keen consideration and self-reflection as well.



Anything of "Spirit" also becomes a relationship & source of intimate support for you now: but it no longer gives you solid answers- prompting you to look within & tap into your innate wisdom+resources.

So you now question the validity and accuracy of any spirit you communicate with, and discern whether it's all made up: forced to ask yourself what you think/feel you should do & act from your own stance of maturity/responsibility, rather than depend upon any external or supernatural forces for answers.
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This Awareness tends to be built around+shaped by
your Body Type(Behaviors/Health), through how you treat/are treated by life- which is then supported or challenged by your Mode(Relationships), played out through your Goal (Ambitions/Pursuits), and processed or corrected by changes in your Attitude(Perspectives/Philosophies).


In -Projection, you become constantly distracted with notions of fairness, righteousness and conditions for loving- so
others simply become props and players for your own dramas & feelings of indignation.

This then carries into strong needs to live+eat as a way to Display Superior Group Alliances that embody the values you align with- all while you divide yourself from others that don't agree with your sensitivities.

Your internal questioning of where you fit in on all levels of your life/world- and keen awareness of, or even painful preoccupation with what personal, emotional boundaries you now recognize everyone has can be quite dramatic, messy and too much to reconcile.

So this can lead you to take many "mental-breaks" & retreats from all forms of negativity, tragedy, turmoil and emotional devastation- because suddenly, every action you inflict on others, is something you now know reflects & affects who you are inside too.

And there's no way to escape yourself when others around reflect back to you, everything about you.

On a collective level, this shows in stressful -Compromises for the sake only of avoiding harm to others, that are clouded with fear, guilt, frustration, defensiveness etc.

Something important always seems to be lost in an effort to benefit the larger group- and any commonality or consensus always seems to be forced or false, as it excludes some part of the whole.



A shift into +Perception means you can now see beyond the superficial and logical aspects of your self, relationships and world that often keep people/parts divided from one another- so that you can find/create a sense of common ground for all those aspects to love, connect and understand.
This means you start living+eating in ways that simply seek to
Increase your Sensitivity & Awareness for the greater impact and consequences your choices have on your body and others.

So you do the work of empathizing, and recognize the experiences of others as meaningful to+needed for them, even as your own experiences may have been very different+needed for you. In doing so, you embrace differences, diversity and others rights alongside your own.

And you form a grand tapestry of lasting bonds and genuine personal relationships over life that nurture your and everyone else's sense of wholeness and evolution.
On a collective level, this shows in
+Cooperative, creative and philanthropic choices & negotiations that aim to benefit any that could benefit from those- and the creation of true equality for everyone through equity.

Any losses are instead seen as small prices to pay for something that can tremendously help far more- and any direction taken is seen to bring some form of welfare to the people.

By this point, all paradigms based in Consumerism, Competition and Collecting start to fade out/break down.

So any social structures that create/need conditions of oppression, inequality, exploitation, over-consumption, conformity, apathy and inconsideration to work are thoroughly transformed.
This means everything from community, entertainment and politics, to spirituality and marketing start to consider
the Rights, Wants, Needs and Well-Being of all people more thoughtfully, and no one is willing to be pushed into roles/systems that don't serve them anymore.

What matters now is the aim to contribute in ways that are valuable & meaningful- such as through philanthropy, charity, mutual benefit, sharing, activism, homogenization, global government and "one world".

Each and every individual listens to the wants, needs & boundaries of each and every group and person to come to collective decisions on how to move forward without causing harm.
Diversity becomes the norm- 
multicultural groups learn how to reconcile their differences to live within the same world- and all aim to Actively Contribute to & Consciously Participate in Benefiting the greater community or relationship they're a part of through CITIZENRY.

This Paradigm tends to lean toward creating a Resource-Based Economy- where all goods and resources come to be available without debt, capital, poverty, servitude etc. 
Product and Distribution become far more local+accessible then, and materials are only manufactured as needed- both with the resources available, and with great sensitivity to the environment around.




This resource-based & relationship-based transition usually begins with pressure to conform because the aim is to benefit everyone- which isn't always easy with everyone having differences about what's best. But this gradually shifts towards fully discussing changes with, setting clear parameters over, and offering opportunities for any living from other awareness's- so that all may feel included.

  • Those in Survival are not interfered with for having pitiful lives that must constantly suffer- but are provided environments of freedom and nature to thrive in.

  • Those in Order are not exploited- but are regularly engaged with for their valid perspectives on matters of law, structure, civility and common courtesy: while naturally finding their place for best contributing to and structuring society.

  • Those thriving on Individuality are not shunned/repressed- but are given avenues of healthy competition, privacy and self-expression that help redirect any reckless choices into more beneficial ones. 
    So they create corporations that serve popular/necessary goods+services by competing for patrons that wish to support their quality of life products & actions.

  • And those who see the Holistic Context are not distanced- but are recognized for the wisdom and insights they bring to encourage spiritual transformation & collective evolution.


Life tends to be run Democratically now, with more accessible, interactive and ever-evolving governments that are less concerned with a "majority rules" mentality, and more so with the needs of various groups within groups. Monarchies aimed to support the well-being of the people can arise as well.

Each person contributes according to their strengths & draws upon them as needed, but learn from one another via empathy and self-awareness to develop in other areas of life. So each part is seen as a vital part of the whole movement/industry, rather than subject to notions of hierarchy or standardization.

In the shift to Contextual Awareness, a form of True Anarchy arises, as all people cooperate & relate to one another as universal equals without deference to a higher power.

In an Economy based on Citizenry & Reconciling Relationships, all resources tend to be looked at in terms of how they can include, be shared and help others- and all people tend to be identified as multi-faceted, three-dimensional beings living just-as-valid lives as you do.

This awareness builds empathy through regularly imagining and perceiving themselves in other's shoes.

And love is anything you genuinely appreciate in/from you, others or events; with an allowance for others to have their own definitions of what is+isn't love, for all experiences to become adventures in self-understanding and self-love, and all people to be truly forgiven as people.


The 7 Levels of the Relationship Awareness help describe how you grow your Capacity for LOVING.

This effort to love includes the need to reconcile your external value with your internal value.
So this is very much a perception focused on how you can/must RECONCILE HAVING recognition, what you want, ambition, experience, fun, vision and/or authority- 
with BEING helpful, who you need, safe, intimate, honest, aware and/or whole.

Level 1- Awakening Sensitivity

This is the first time you glimpse that your relationships aren't just external things that are separate from you, which you can simply act upon, or use as resources/status symbols to gauge your success- but are people & beings that reflect deeper aspects about you, your range of compassion and your empathy.
As you contemplate and explore this, you try to
-Simplify this existential struggle by retaining comfort with seeking success, striving for external achievements & sustaining your individuality at all costs- often in order to resist the realization that merely having longer satisfies you.
But eventually, you see the
+Purpose of these INNER PERCEPTIONS and dramatically awaken to the need for more equality, intimacy, unity and love.

On Collective levels, the concept of rights and their exploitation- and the DISSOLVING of BOUNDARIES to reach out to minorities & create a smaller, more intimate multicultural world begins.
Tangible solutions 
to global issues are also put into motion to permanently end any harmful & intentionally violent behaviors (ie. war, oppression, slavery, murder/slaughter, inequality)- as the addiction to any form of weaponry as a viable option to solve differences finally breaks down.


The Species is no longer able or willing to sustain separate lives within isolated worlds, as everyone becomes consciously aware of a broad commonality that includes/unifies all in destructive or constructive ways: such as a COMMON THREAT, CHALLENGE, CRISIS, GROUND, DIRECTION or ENLIGHTENMENT.

Before now, any commonality would fade once the symbol of that commonality disappeared- but now people pay more attention to their commonality without any obvious symbols that represent it.

Overall, this tends to be a rather volatile, confusing and discomforting time in collective evolution- as everything that seemed so dichotomous/divided to us is swept away, and we all now see we share the same life.
In recorded history, humanity entered this paradigm shift during the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 AD- and officially began manifesting it following the Winter Solstice of 2012 AD.

Notable events that signify this shift are the Digital Revolution, 9/11 Attack, rise in Economic Globalization, Social Media, Flexitarianism, Feminism and Climate Change Prevention Acts.

We are currently here in our evolution.

Some movements & trends budding now that may flourish in the near-future would include: Low Impact lifestyles, Minimalism, Veganism, Augmented & Virtual Reality, Virtual Identity, 3D Printing, Automation of the Job Market, the foundation of the Venus Project and the end of Capitalism, Racism, Fundamentalism & Consumerism.


Level 2- Comparing Sensitivity

As your understanding of the feelings & emotional world all others have grows, you begin to see that harmony in relationships cannot & can no longer just be based on one-sided social norms and standards of acceptability, but must nurture greater well-being for all involved through MUTUALITY.

This then brings up a ton of MESSY EMPATHY as you struggle in RECONCILING your aim to have, take and secure your identity in the outer world- with your more fragile & sensitive mind/heart that now understands the consequences to those choices.
So it always seems that these two extremes conflict with one another- leaving you torn between what's more important to you & having to sacrifice one or the other to compromise.

As such, you keenly learn how to -Balance your drive to have, compete & achieve with your desire to better share, love & perceive to come to a place of +Stability in who/how you choose to love. 
On Collective levels, all notions of hierarchy/dichotomy in government, relationships and workforce that are rooted in competition, defense, privilege and privacy- are uprooted & replaced with a CIRCULAR DYNAMIC designed for all individuals, networks, responsibilities and rights to be on equal ground. 

As such, there tends to be an explosion of new lifestyles, relationship styles & technologies given a chance to exist now- because they're treated as equally viable ways of living, learning and relating.


Every part of the whole is known & encouraged to contribute to a greater sense of well-being for all- but no one/thing is emphasized over another- so the Relationship Awareness works to balance any misunderstandings & conflicts that arise between everyone for the sake of equality.

This provides a world where Chaos/Creativity is allowed (and those in the Survival/Individualist Awareness that fuel it), all while Order/Structure is nurtured (and those in the Order Awareness that build it).

So both are ACCOMMODATED & EMBRACED for their legitimate perspectives, experiences and contribution to society, but not pushed to extremes or limitations.


If Humanity continues evolving at the rate it is, we will likely reach this Level by the End of the 21st Century.

Some likely trends & movements that may occur in this period would include:

The real-time mapping of Human Population/Activity and our every Resource & their global availability+quality, Prosumerism, Breakthroughs in Relativity, Instant Teleportation, Artificial Intelligence, Virtual Intelligence, Nanotechnology, Moon & Mars Colonization Projects, ET Contact and the end of Marriage Rituals & Nuclear Families (replaced with fluid relationship styles & community raising).


Level 3- Sensitive Introspection
At this stage, you now shed away your reliance on competitive hierarchy & dichotomous standards to work on fully embracing your EMOTIONAL SENSITIVITY (about life's intensity, tragedy, drama and issues of fairness/equality) 

as a valid way of loving, creating and living in the world.
 But you're challenged by actually feeling effective & inclusive in how you understand and/or implement the

-Versatile range of values and practices you & others believe to be loving ways of living.

Because you see so many confusing variables of what it means to love & not love, you can easily start falling into bouts of angst, drama and inner turmoil over the setbacks+fears that come up as you try to empathize with parts of your self, body, life, world and others.

So this growing sensitivity impels you to refine the path you take through your relationships- as you realize any mistakes/failures are merely lessons that can help you create a solid foundation to strengthen your capacity to love and empathize more. This ownership of your work to uphold your aim toward love is +Enterprise.
On Collective levels, the species/community immerses into their range of aspirations to search for & struggle towards what kind of
 shared world and relationship they wish to effectively build.

All come to be on board on some level with the necessary changes & inner work that must be done to secure a more humanitarian reality- but the challenges, timing and resource management become ever more clear.

A DEEPENING STRENGTH is found in all institutions and enterprises built upon love & empathy- and the task of weaving together every difference between everyone into cohesion is taken on.

Due to this search for a better world, and the call to unification, the Species/Community tends to create a "One World" government by now that works out the pros and cons of HOMOGENIZATION vs DIVERSIFICATION.


If Humanity continues evolving at the rate it is, we will likely reach this Level in the 23rd Century.

Some likely trends & movements that may occur in this period would include: Off-planet Colonization, Breakthroughs in Quantum Entanglement as an Energy Resource for Space/Time Travel, Establishing a Galactic Federation, Holographic Reality Technology and Shifts to a Universal Human Language.


Level 4- Absolute Expression of Sensitivity

At this point, you stop not actively owning your part in the process of uniting humanity- feeling able to express sensitive love+compassion without resistance. So you identify yourself readily in others as a way to learn how you can love more of them & yourself, and freely empathize with all without apology/shame.

In doing so, you -Achieve greater interpersonal and intrapersonal growth then, as you fully immerse in & eventually work through your projections, compromises and feelings of indignation to bring greater clarity to each relationship you're a part of.

Over time, the parts & pieces in you that have grown to love more +Consolidate, as you draw from your life's lessons & values to respond to any plights within/around with full-blown empathy, compassion and sensitivity toward rights, relief and healing.

On Collective levels, all individuals involved are fully identified with the lifestyle, habits, lessons and challenges of the RELATIONSHIP ECONOMY. People collectively work together as citizens of humanity to achieve and consolidate a sense of lasting harmony, community and stability.

By now then, a RESOURCE-BASED ECONOMY will tend to be implemented, due to the Species/Community fully

and clearly understanding their relationship to, responsibility for & impact on the ecosystem, environment and all of its resources and lifeforms.


Level 5- Stretching Sensitivity

As you grow your love for everything, you begin to stretch the limits of your empathy and push yourself beyond your boundaries and comfort zones- into many -Adventurous, frustrating, disruptive and chaotic ups+downs in your relationship to all parts of your self/body/life/world.
It's not enough just to identify as a loving person- you now want to work on reaching out to, caring for & loving everything you face in life: even if it feels obnoxious, scary and ridiculous to do so.
With so many feelings being brought up+out to process then, informing you of how you relate fearfully or lovingly, 

this causes a lot of friction to result. So it can feel exciting/provocative to completely +Expand your horizons of acceptability, seeing just how much you can work to love & perceive.

Ultimately, the main urge of L5 is to break the boundaries of normal relationships and push yourself and others to love more than you/they feel is possible.
On Collective levels, the species/community overturns all that's become stagnant in their lifestyle aimed to achieve

 and consolidate a sense of harmony, community and stability.

So they break free from any rigid status quo that's no longer working/desired & open up to indulging in all the crazy/eccentric concepts & relationships that they've overlooked or deemed too chaotic, discordant and incorrect to empathize and work with.

This creates a collective urge to jump into all sorts of unfamiliar lifestyles, philosophies, technologies, relationships 

and parts of self to share a RIGHT-RELATIONSHIP with all that's been left out & discover a diversity of new beliefs, perspectives and paths that can provide a wealth of new data/meaning.

All social structures & norms suddenly "loosen up" to become quite fluid then, and the arts and philosophy become mediums for soul-searching and self-examination.

Any Community at L5 tends to feel they must rise up to the turbulent process & challenge of loving and maturing their relationship to all parts of their fellow People and Planet.

So when a whole Species reaches here, they tend to assume an intensely frustrating but incredibly exciting Role of Caretaking another Sentient Species that's much Younger in Awareness.


Level 6- Sensitive Resolution of Karma

As this explosion of relating through exponential fear or love is fulfilled to the brim, your focus now must contract to unpack that wealth of experience & see more clearly how you & others feel about the various -Connections you've made across life and in other lives.

So anything you've left festering in your heart about how you've been treated or treated others across time suddenly glares back at you & needs a cathartic release.

Your sensitivity to life intensifies as you process any devastating relationships where emotional boundaries were crossed by you and/or others in ways that caused undue harm, chaos or grief.

The issues explored and processed here relate most to any form of EMOTIONAL DEATH/SUFFERING.
Which would include resolving any emotional overwhelm, extreme self-loathing and issues of emotional abandonment or abuse. And this would especially play out through feelings of extreme depression, apathy and paralysis over being trapped, alone and isolated even when with others.

 So you come to terms with your resulting IDENTITY and range of SELF-LOVE from these experiences, and choose how you wish to move forward in compassionate +Harmony with your relationships- to transform fear into forgiveness & promote greater healing and well-being for all involved.

On Collective levels, the species/community directly accesses and processes all events that have karmically imbalanced, intensified and interfered with their capacity throughout history to love, understand & empathize with one another's emotional realities.

The heart of the species reaches a breaking or turning point now that must collapse, upgrade & clear itself of all the defensive projection, convoluted drama, emotional pain, torment and indignation that has been carried over from the past. As such, this is a time in which the greatest fears and gifts of the species/community must be exposed and entirely EMBRACED, HEALED and TRANSFORMED

So a sense of responsibility is assumed for resolving- rather than hiding, enduring, reasoning, denying, repressing etc.- all boundaries that ever divided people with great empathy.


Any Community at L6 tends to do the work of loving and recovering the best gifts shared by and worst violations caused by their People and Planet.

So when a whole Species reaches here, they tend to heal ancient wounds preventing or complicating their responsibility for loving & raising a Younger Sentience, as they reflect our own beginnings, struggles and story of maturity in ways that are deeply distressing and enlightening.


Level 7- Exemplifying Sensitivity
As this awareness culminates, you begin to assess any ways in which your love has been -Eclectic; where you've used your indignation & capacity to love to differentiate yourself from others- or any times you've exchanged and

adapted your values to the point you lost sight of what love was.
Working through all that is false love means you begin to
+Inculcate all the wisdom you've learned, inspiring a sense of INTERCONNECTION, GUIDANCE and EVOLUTION by exemplifying to yourself+others through your lifestyle- what active and evolving love, empathy and compassion are.
On collective levels, the previous healing creates a collective awareness of how love & humanitarianism have shaped & can shape the world in profoundly amazing ways- so people begin to discover untapped spiritual & psychic gifts from within, that they now can realize to better the lives of all.
The fear of species extinction lessens by now, and reproduction is no longer seen as a priority.

Here is where the species/community learns how to truly master and understand all aspects involved in their growth through relationships. Particularly the RESPONSIBILITY involved in LOVING.


Any Community at L7 tends to teach and exemplify the highest paths & most inclusive perspectives/teachings of love to their fellow People and Planet.

So when a whole Species reaches here, they tend to do the work of teaching a Blooming Sentience all that they've learnt through their collective evolution- and providing them their needed resources either by raising them intimately, or cultivating a new space for them to live and grow autonomously.

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