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Frequency is a Spectrum from 0-100 that describes how quickly you process, understand and comprehend your experiences. In truth, every life-form in the universe, from galaxies to animals to chemicals has a natural frequency unique to them, which indicates their rate of vibration.

There are those who have a Lower Frequency of 0-35, those who have a Higher Frequency of 65-100, and those who have an Intermediate Frequency of 36-64.

You don't actually need to know your exact number though, it's just a guideline.

Those with Lower Frequency(35-) process all layers of an experience thoroughly, and then put them together for comprehension afterwards.

You gain wisdom through long-arcing experiences- focused on thorough attention and extraction. And this means it may take you a long time working through those layers to finally come to a state of understanding.
There is a tendency here to compartmentalize so that parts/aspects of life can be placed away from whatever you're processing now- thus the work of fully integrating and healing into a state of wholeness tends to only come after you've found a way to work through any priorities and necessities at hand.
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Pros= Experiences may exist for a long time for you, but when they're done, they're done- fully completed, comprehended, integrated, and left behind. This can translate into a stronger sense of confidence and security in your self, body and life.
Cons= Experiences might be carried for so long, they become overwhelming to endure- leading to many blind spots internally and externally, feeling "stuck forever" in one experience as others seem to move on, and even death due to the immense pressure this puts on the body/psyche.

Your body will tend toward specific immunity issues because any unprocessed events "solidify" into/are reflected by: forms of emotional apathy, physical ailments, and illnesses/accidents that are quite specific to the issue at hand- restricting your focus to immediately tend to these.


Those with Mid Frequency(36-64) lean toward whatever direction is more natural for the experience; gaining wisdom from living through interaction and balance.

Those with Higher Frequency(65+) process experiences in repeating layers, scenarios and patterns.

You gain wisdom through fast, broad and brief cycles of distraction with multiple stimuli, taking what you will and moving on- but later returning to an experience that you skimmed over to comprehend more. So you often get "hit" or "run over" by an experience many times before truly understanding it. 

This is because you notice the things that pop out the most first, and keep crossing new paths of experience that catch your eye, collecting many things along the way- but find you must return to the overlooked aspects to get a better picture of the whole pattern & any deeper layers.
Those on the Higher Spectrum tend to fragment themselves the most- so once you understand what you're dealing with, you also need much downtime to retrieve & reintegrate any parts of you that feel scattered/lost.

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Pros= You're more unscathed, unaffected and generally trusting in life, because you learn that to go though an experience over and over means that you can handle most anything thrown at you. This can help in non-attachment and feeling free from the weight of demanding experiences because you can jump around areas of life, take breaks to heal and then return to the challenge when ready.
Cons= Just when you think you're done with an issue, it will suddenly spring up as if it never left. So this can even carry into long periods of great health, but then a plummet into something life-threatening or debilitating.

Your body tends toward non-specific auto-immune dysfunctions because you store unprocessed events or experiences as loose patterns in your cells; and when occasions arise or you get stressed, you might easily recreate past situations by simply pulling in new players and settings.

Are you aligned & comfortable?

Those who Reject their natural rate of processing often quickly develop the cons of their frequency- becoming frazzled, short-circuiting & even developing various illnesses from this psychosomatic stress.

This is because when we try to process and comprehend life at the rate others do, we aren't allowing our own time+space to do, feel, think or know in a way that feels productive, perceptive and insightful for us. And this forces our body to process the stress & highlight this disconnect through physical symptoms.


When you are Aligned with who you are, you process experiences comfortably at a familiar pace, and no amount of pressure, shame, or discouragement from life or others can throw that process off.

Every individual can "Stretch" their Frequency up or down "20 Points", so one with a Frequency of 58 can comfortably drop to 38 or rise to 78 to interact with a range of life experiences & beings within that bandwidth.

But trying to stretch beyond that range to relate with other people of a much higher or lower frequency than you can handle- tends to result in complete discord, confusion, misunderstanding, exhaustion or exasperation.

It often requires a 3rd person with an inter-mediating frequency to bridge the two extremes, or an experience that can serve to sustain common ground and focus, acting as the mediator itself.

We may even turn to the use of drugs to keep up, or slow down to the rate of others- such as using Stimulants to stretch to the higher end of our frequency band, or using Depressants for the opposite effect. 

Ultimately then, we draw towards those who operate on the same wavelength as us.

Collective Frequencies
Collective groups like families, friends, societies and even species will adopt the median or dominant frequency of everyone participating in them as well- using this as a way to comprehend together.
So those groups of a Lower Frequency will tend to specialize and focus entirely on comprehending specific themes, interests, priorities and paths for long periods of time before permanently moving onto other things.

Such as what we see in Oriental Media and Culture.

While those of a Higher Frequency will tend to generalize, create multiple outlets to draw experience from, and stretch out their culture across many things that are swiftly changing and abbreviated but constantly recurring.

Such as what we see in Occidental Media and Culture.
Often this emphasis will move in cycles, so that culture will collectively shift from speeding up with constant distractions, to slowing down with thorough attention, to creating interaction/balance between these.

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