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What is a Support Circle?
A SUPPORT CIRCLE is life's way of organizing people and experiences into a system of support for YOU.

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There are
12 Different Positions in a Support Circle (Love, Knowledge, Compassion, Mentor, Beauty, Child, Humor, Discipline, Anchor, Healer, Enlightenment and Muse)- with each playing a specific role in your life. So you're the central, 13th Position of Power- powered by each source of support and able to use them as you wish. 


These positions are further organized into 4 Groups of 3 whom specialize in a facet/context of your life (Intimate, Inspirational, Classmate and Spiritual)- with you as the 4th Position of Power in each of those Groups too.
Essentially then, these are Quadrants and you are what makes them work.


When you consciously recognize anyone who is fulfilling these for you, you can begin to feel empowered- and when you see how/when you fulfill these for others, you can begin to feel empowered in helping them.
Anyone can play these roles, from the closest of family+friends, to the most distant of strangers- and sometimes even certain events, circumstances or experiences in life. 


When a Position seems to be Missing.
If you find any position "missing", it is often an indication that you're either unaware of a source, or you're imposing that position on a person in your life- that they don't naturally play for you (or aren't willing to play).
Being able to identify what someone naturally plays for you, frees your relationship from unnecessary expectations and disappointments for what they aren't giving. Which allows room for you to see+gain benefit from the gifts they CAN offer in their position- or that have been there all along.
This can also be applied to when you see yourself playing too many roles for another. As it's easy to recognize when you're playing a role you're good at vs. one that you're forcing/being forced into.
Each person naturally fulfills only 
1 or 2 Positions in any relationship- as this allows everyone to streamline their support, without an overwhelming amount of responsibility.

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